Faith Beyond Blessed Mission Fund Application

As a Life Group member or The Rooted Experience member, you can bring people together to make an immediate impact on a cause you care about to help strengthen your community and bless those who need the Gospelby livingas a generous body of believers. It's easy to get started.

* Indicates required field

Contact Information

* Name:______

* Email Address: ______

* Phone Number:(_____) ______–______homeworkcell(circle one)

MissionActivity Information

* Gospel Cause:______

* Project Name: ______

* Project Date:___/___/20___

* Is this a new project/effort for your group?___ Yes ___ No

Location: (if known)______

* Description: How will your group’s action invest in missional ministry wherever you live, work, and play to bless those who need the Gospel?








* Funding Requested: $______Funds Your Group is Investing: $______
* Campus your group is associated with:____ Oakville____ Columbia

* Who should the check(s) be made out to:______

* Check(s) needed by what date: ___/___/20___

Review guidelines for use of funds on the back of this application and initial understanding.

* I attest that I am responsible for the funds safekeeping, proper use and care, and I am prohibited from allowing its use by anyone other thanmyself. I am authorized to use thesefunds to purchase and pay for items or services that is directly necessary and essential to the charitable activities I volunteeredto lead. ____ (initials)

* I am willing to share the success of my project back with Faith Lutheran Church within two weeks of the end of ouractivity. ____ (initials)

Note: Once your application is received, you'll get an email within two weeks letting you know if it's approved. If your Gospel cause needs an urgent response, please note that and we will try to expedite a decision.

General Guidelines for Use of Mission Funds

AllowedNot Allowed

•Project supplies.•Direct gifts for recipient or organization.

•Printing or promotion.•Gift cards.

•Snacks for volunteers.•Alcohol.

•Other project expenses. •Personal expenses (e.g. mileage, meals).

•Matching fundraising proceeds.•Costs of fundraising

Application should always have an amount in “group investing” blank on previous page. This amount may include third party funding (e.g. Thrivent Action Team Card, Sponsorship).

Email your completed or scanned form to:

Mail your completed form to:Faith Lutheran Church

c/o Beyond Blessed Mission Fund

6101 Telegraph Road

Saint Louis, MO 63129

Questions: Call Dave Wacker @ 314.375.1108 or email

For office use only:

Date received: ___/___/20___Date approved: ___/___/20___

Approval Initials: ______,______, ______