Grading Rubric – Spanish 3 Art Project
Trabajo escrito(written assignment)
*Content / L Assignment incomplete / did not turn in written portion or turned in late
0 / Necesitas mejorar – missing many details about artist and his work
5 / Bien – may not meet length requirement, sentences may be a little short, not as much variety in vocabulary, missing a few required elements in description, may not be typed
10 / ¡Excelente! – well written, uses a variety of vocabulary, meets requirements for length and includes all required information about the artist and his work, typed and double-spaced
Trabajo escrito
(written assignment)
*Grammar / Incomprehensible
/ Many mistakes / some parts are difficult to understand
/ Some minor mistakes/grammar does not interfere with meaning in most cases
/ No/few grammar mistakes!
Bibliography / Does not cite any sources
0 / 1 source
5 / 2 sources and/or only lists sources on PPT or written report
7 / Includes bibliography of at least 3 sources in written report AND PPT
PPT/oral presentation / Does not present/turn in
0 / Very brief description, does not include all information, lacking many details about artist and work
15 / Good – Could have added more detail/may be missing some required elements
20 / Excellent detail –Includes all requirements
Presentation outline
*due to my dropbox by end of 2nd lab day! / Poor
Presentation notes/questions are not turned in
0 / Fair
List of presentation notes/questions not complete and/or major errors or did not address important points in presentation
5 / Good –
Prepares 8 presentation notes to fill in, but questions/information may not be complete or may have errors
10 / Excellent – prepares 8 questions to answer/ fill in/questions are relevant and meaningful
Replica of artwork
& Description / Poor – Did not produce a replica or very messy / difficult to tell the resemblance between yours and the original. Is this the same piece of art?
0 5 / Fair – Could have put in more effort/time. Artwork somewhat resembles original/description may not be complete
10 / Good – Good job with artwork! Could have spent a little more time on details.
Description may not be complete.
/ Excellent - Great effort and creativity in producing a replica of the artwork! You may be the next Picasso!!
Detailed description