TC 8.6 Draft Minutes for Summer Meeting 2016

Reply To:

Stephen G. Kline, P.E.

North American Sales Manager - HVAC

Baltimore Aircoil Company

7600 Dorsey Run Road

Jessup, MD 20794

ph. 410.799-6459 fax

ASHRAE Chair TC 8.6

Approved TC 8.6 Standards Committee Meeting Minutes

Date/Time: ASHRAE TC 8.6 Meeting, Monday, June 27th 2016, 2:15-4:15 PM

Subcommittee(s) Monday, June 27th, 2016, 9:00-10:00AM

Room: TC 8.6, Marriott Grand, Parkview (M)

(Room assignments are subject to change. Please confirm the location in the final On-Site program.)

Scope: TC 8.6 is concerned with cooling towers, evaporative liquid coolers and condensers, spray ponds, and other types of contact type liquid to air exchangers and applications to complete refrigeration systems, including water treatment.
  1. Call to Order 2:17 pm by chair Stephen Kline.
  1. Roll call and introductions indicated 8 of 10 voting members present, attaining a quorum.
  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (Winter Meeting Orlando, FL 2016)

3.1. Motion to approve by Paul Lindahl, second by Dan Weimar

3.1.1. Approved 7-0-0 CNV


4.1. Roster has been updated for next year 2016-2017. There will be 10 voting numbers for next year.

4.2. New MTGs formed since Orlando meeting, none relevant to TC 8.6.

4.3. TC website management has been made easier.

4.4. Local chapter slide presentations have been updated.

4.5. Basecamp file sharing application is available for sharing information.

4.6. Remote meeting participation is possible if requested in advance.

4.7. Hightower Award nominations are due.

  1. ASHRAE Liaison Reports [Kline]
  2. Section head Dustin Meredith stopped by. There were no updates from Dustin.
  1. Membership [Kline]:

6.1. Joe Vadder is being replaced by Jamie Facius as a voting member. Dan Weimar is being replaced by John Aykroyd as a voting member. Several corresponding members were added since the last meeting. We have several non-attending members on our roster. Steve will contact these members to determine if they still desire to be members.

7. Handbook [Kline]

7.1. Handbook chairperson Dave White will no longer be the handbook chair. Steve Kline attended the Handbook Training yesterday. New handbook cycle to start this summer. The last major changes will made in 2012. We are searching for a new chairperson to lead the effort to improve the handbook chapter. Nick Hesser volunteered to chair the committee.

8. Standards [Vadder]

8.1. Joe Vadder reported on the status of SPC 64. A work plan has been submitted to complete the standard by January 2018. The next meeting will be at 1pm on January 30th in Las Vegas.

  1. Research [Vadder]

9.1. Joe Vadder attended the research breakfast this morning.

9.2. TC 8.6 has no active research projects.

9.3. Potential cosponsor project with TC 3.6 about biofilm (which is an RTAR). Joe Vadder will talk to Todd Cornwell about cooperation with 3.6.

9.4. We will have a remote subcommittee meeting for research and programs before the winter meeting. Steve Kline will schedule the meeting.

10. Programs [Cohen]

10.1. Co-sponsored a standard 188 seminar yesterday that was very informative pushing LB back toward potable water away from towers.

10.2. Water Energy Nexus Track 3 in Las Vegas 2017 abstracts for conference papers due by August 8. Tim Anderson wants to do something around a case study for TC 6.2 (district energy) applying RO system feedwater to a district cooling tower. Searching for one more topics for a seminar track. “Alternate Methods for Water Conservation for District Energy Systems”. Paired with a paper from 3.6.

10.3. Leon has a seminar candidate from David Sherk about water cooled versus air cooled chiller plants. We might do a debate format about air cooled versus water cooled. The title is to be determined.

10.4. John Cohen motion, Allyn Troisi seconded the motion 7-0-0 CNV to hold both 10.2 and 10.3.

10.5. We have an invitation for voluteers to review water energy nexus papers. Frank Morrison, Paul Lindahl, Steve Kline, Allyn Troisi, and Dan Weimar volunteered.

10.6. TC 3.6 will have a mock litigation about water management plans in Las Vegas.

11. TC 3.6 Water Treatment [Cohen]
11.1 TC 3.6 is working on 3 research projects.
12. TC 2.8 Building Environmental Impacts and Sustainability [Cohen]
12.1. There was nothing to report. Steve Kline will attend the next meeting.
  1. STD 189.1 [Morrison]

13.1. Frank Morrison reported that high cycles of concentration that have become mandatory as codes pick up 189.1. These high cycles can be detrimental to the cooling tower. A comment to this standard has been proposed that defers water treatment to a water treatment professional. Motion to support the comment and provide technical support to 189.1 from TC 8.6 by Jon Cohen, second by Dan Weimar 8-0-0 CNV. Motion to appoint Daryn Cline (in absentia) was made by Leon Shapiro, second by Ron Wood 8-0-0 CNV. Steve Kline will write the appointment letter if Daryn accepts his appointment.

14. STD 90.1 [Lindahl]

14.1. Steve Taylor has proposed that when a system uses a water side economizer, the efficiency of the cooling tower should be double. Frank Morrision and Paul Lindahl are working to make this more reasonable

14.2. Steve Taylor has also proposed a model for optimal cooling tower approach versus degree cooling days.

14.3. The water cooled versus air cooled chiller plant economic study (90.1 MSC Chiller Plant Working Group) requested by PNNL is continuing to be studied using Dick Lord’s model. Another volunteer may create the model instead of Lord. Joe Vadder, Paul Lindahl, and Frank Morrison are on the working group from TC 8.6. We may want to do a research project.

15. Title 24 [Morrison]
15.1. The Title 24 stakeholder meeting starts soon for 2019 standard.
16. WEB-Site [Kline]

16.1. Steve reported the website is up to date.

17. Old Business:


18. New Business:


1. Adjourn

1.1. Meeting adjourned at 4:54 pm.

1.2. Next meeting: January 30th, 2017 in Las Vegas, NV. USA.

TC 8.6 Draft Minutes for Summer Meeting 2016