Welcome students and staff.

Today is Tuesday, September 25, 2012.

Please stand for the pledge to the flag. I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America. And to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Please remain standing for a moment of silence. Thank you, please be seated.

Report card grades for E-classes must be submitted in eSembler today no later than 4:00 p.m.

Homecoming t shirts will be on sale in both lunches in the cafeteria and before and after school in Mr Glass' room starting Wednesday and will be sold through Friday. The shirts will in your class color and will be perfect for color war day. In homebase tomorrow you will be able to see pictures of the shirt. The price will be $10.





NOV. 7TH AT 6:30 P.M





All grade level parents

are welcome to attend.

·  Deadline for the Merit Based Scholarship Applications at FSU is November 16th, 2012

·  Deadline for need-based scholarships is March 1st, 2013.

·  For more information, see Mrs. Morgan is Guidance or go to www.unf.edu/admissions/scholarships/Freshman Scholarship.Home.aspx

·  Also, the open house for Orlando Area is at the Hyatt Place, Lake Mary Fl. Check the school website for more information.

·  Florida Hospital University in Orlando is having an open house for Nursing and Nurse Anesthesia on October 2nd at 6 p.m. Register at: adu.edu/open-house.

·  Ringling College of Art and Design…..October 13th, 8:30 am-12:30 p.m. for more info go to www.ringling.edu/admissionsevents.

·  University of Florida’s Rinker School of Building Construction is having an open house for High School Students on Saturday October 13th from 11 am-12:30 p.m.. To register, please go to the UF website or see Mrs. Croker for more information.

·  The Coca-Cola Scholarship is now available for seniors in the guidance office. Deadline is October 31, 2012.

·  College Night Is October 8th 6-8 p.m. at LSCC

·  College Visitations here at THS in the Cafeteria

Jacksonville University , October 8th, both lunches

·  University of North Florida is having an Open House on Saturday. For more information on campus tours and admission information please go to

Priority Admission Deadline for 2013 Freshmen is November 16th.


·  Next senior float meeting – Wednesday – after school in Mrs. Glass’s room. Remember, you need to attend at least two meetings to be eligible to work on the float. Final float meeting will be Monday, October 1st. On the first of October, paperwork will be available for float and powder puff.

·  Attention: Seniors: There is no required jersey purchase in order to play Powder Puff. Paperwork for Powder Puff and Float building will be available beginning Oct. 1 from Mrs. Glass and Ms. Drees.

·  Attention Seniors, This Wednesday during homebase we will be taking our 2013 picture on the football field. Please go to homebase on Wednesday for attendance and then go directly to the field. Please wear red, white or black.


·  The Junior Class will meet in the auditorium during HomeBase Wednesday after attendance is taken.

·  There will be a meeting for any junior that has signed up to work on the float on Tuesday October 2nd after school in Mr Glass' room 6-212.


·  Class of 2015 float meeting this Wednesday – after school in Mrs. Elwart’s room.


·  Congratulations to the following elected officers of the Art/Photography Club for 2012-2013:

Treasurer: Grace Alarcon

Secretary: Nipa Shil

Vice- president: Coral Hocking

President: Priya Shil

The next club meeting will be held on Monday, October 1.

·  The HOSA Car Wash will be from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday. Pre-sale tickets are $3. See a HOSA officer for details.

·  Be prepared to turn our entire stadium to the color red. We are having a RED–OUT varsity game on October 5th against Lake Nona. THS will be supporting the American Heart Association – by having everyone wear a Rock the Beat Red T-Shirt. Please buy yours today from any Key Club member and show how THS has the biggest Heart!

·  HOSA will have a meeting on today after school in Mrs. Abeele's room. It will be less than one hour, so come when you can and stay as long as you can.

·  “Attention All “Help Our Planet Earth” or HOPE Club members and future members: There will be a HOPE Club meeting at 2:30 on Thursday in Mrs. Farner’s room. There will be a HOPE Club officers meeting Wednesday at 1:30, also in Mrs. Farner’s room.


·  Both the girls' and boys' bowling teams won their match against Lake Minneola yesterday. The girls won 3-0 and the boys won 3-1.


·  Volunteers needed at Leesburg center for the ARTS – the Lowes Hero’s Program. Painting….this Wednesday. If you are interested see Mrs. Elwart for details.

Word of the Day


Man's Man Word of the Day:

Today's noun presents a good case for doffing your etymologist's hat because it doesn't mean what its apparent roots might lead you to believe. A philanderer is a man who has casual relations with one or more women. It appears to come from roots that mean one who loves men. In fact it's probably from a Greek given name, Philander.

On This Day in History

1492 - The crew of the Pinta, one of Christopher Columbus' ships, mistakenly thought that they had spotted land.

1493 - Christopher Columbus left Spain with 17 ships on his second voyage to the Western Hemisphere.

1513 - The Pacific Ocean was discovered by Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa when he crossed the Isthmus of Panama. He named the body of water the South Sea. He was truly just the first European to see the Pacific Ocean.

1690 - One of America's earliest newspapers published its first and last edition. The "Publik Occurences Both Foreign and Domestik" was published at the London Coffee House in Boston, MA, by Benjamin Harris.

1775 - Ethan Allen was captured by the British during the American Revolutionary War. He was leading the attack on Montreal.

1789 - The first U.S. Congress adopted 12 amendments to the Constitution. Ten of the amendments became the Bill of Rights.

1847 - During the Mexican-American War, U.S. forces led by General Zachary Taylor captured Monterrey Mexico.

1882 - The first major league double header was played. It was between the Worcester and Providence teams.

1890 - The Sequoia National Park was established as a U.S. National Park in Central California.

1890 - Mormon President Wilford Woodruff issued a Manifesto in which the practice of polygamy was renounced.

1919 - U.S. President Woodrow Wilson collapsed after a speech in Pueblo, CO. The speaking tour was in support of the Treaty of Versailles.

1933 - Tom Mix was heard on NBC Radio for the first time. His show ran until June of 1950.

1956 - A transatlantic telephone-cable system began operation between Newfoundland and Scotland.

1957 - 300 U.S. Army troops stood guard as nine black students were escorted to class at Central High School in Little Rock, AR. The children had been forced to withdraw 2 days earlier because of unruly white mobs.

1965 - Willie Mays, at the age of 34, became the oldest man to hit 50 home runs in a single season. He had also set the record for the youngest to hit 50 ten years earlier.

1973 - The three crewmen of Skylab II landed in the Pacific Ocean after being on the U.S. space laboratory for 59 days.

1978 - Melissa Ludtke, a writer for "Sports Illustrated", filed a suit in U.S. District Court. The result was that Major League Baseball could not bar female writers from the locker room after the game.

1981 - Sandra Day O'Connor became the first female justice of the U.S. Supreme Court when she was sworn in as the 102nd justice. She had been nominated the previous July by U.S. President Ronald Reagan.

1983 - A Soviet military officer, Stanislav Petrov, averted a potential worldwide nuclear war. He declared a false alarm after a U.S. attack was detected by a Soviet early warning system. It was later discovered the alarms had been set off when the satellite warning system mistakenly interpreted sunlight reflections off clouds as the presence of enemy missiles.

1986 - An 1894-S Barber Head dime was bought for $83,000 at a coin auction in California. It is one of a dozen that exist.

1987 - The booty collected from the Wydah, which sunk off Cape Cod in 1717, was auctioned off. The worth was around $400 million.

1990 - The U.N. Security Council voted to impose an air embargo against Iraq. Cuba was the only dissenting vote.

1991 - The U.N. Security Council unanimously ordered a worldwide arms embargo against Yugoslavia and all of its warring factions.

1992 - In Orlando, FL, a judge ruled in favor of 12-year-old Gregory Kingsley. He had sought a divorce from his biological parents.

1992 - The Mars Observer blasted off on a mission that cost $980 million. The probe has not been heard from since it reached Mars in August of 1993.

1995 - Ross Perot announced that he would form the Independence Party.

1997 - NBC sportscaster Marv Albert pled guilty to assault and battery of a lover. He was fired from NBC within hours.

1997 - Mark & Brian received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

2001 - Michael Jordan announced that he would return to the NBA as a player for the Washington Wizards. Jordan became the president of basketball operations for the team on January 19, 2000.

2002 - U.S. forces landed in Ivory Coast to aid in the rescue foreigners trapped in a school by fighting between government troops and rebel troops. Rebels had attempted to take over the government on September 19.