Naming Ionic Compounds Worksheet

Name the following ionic compounds:

1)NH4Cl ______

2)Fe(NO3)3 ______

3)TiBr3 ______

4)Cu3P ______

5)SnSe2 ______

6)GaAs ______

7)Pb(SO4)2 ______

8)Be(HCO3)2 ______

9)Mn2(SO3)3 ______

10)Al(CN)3 ______

Write the formulas for the following compounds:

11)chromium (VI) phosphate ______

12)vanadium (IV) carbonate ______

13)tin (II) nitrite ______

14)cobalt (III) oxide ______

15)titanium (II) acetate ______

16)vanadium (V) sulfide ______

17)chromium (III) hydroxide ______

18)lithium iodide______

19)lead (II) nitride ______

20silver bromide ______

Lots of Ionic Naming Practice Problems

Name the following ionic compounds:

1)NaBr ______

2)Sc(OH)3 ______

3)V2(SO4)3 ______

4)NH4F ______

5)CaCO3 ______

6)NiPO4 ______

7)Li2SO3 ______

8)Zn3P2 ______

9)Sr(C2H3O2)2 ______

10)Cu2O ______

11)Ag3PO4 ______

12)YClO3 ______

13)SnS2 ______

14)Ti(CN)4 ______

15)KMnO4 ______

16)Pb3N2 ______

17)CoCO3 ______

18)CdSO3 ______

19)Cu(NO2)2 ______

20)Fe(HCO3)2 ______

Write the formulas for the following ionic compounds:

21) lithium acetate ______

22)iron (II) phosphate ______

23)titanium (II) selenide ______

24)calcium bromide ______

25)gallium chloride ______

26)sodium hydride ______

27)beryllium hydroxide ______

28)zinc carbonate ______

29)manganese (VII) arsenide ______

30)copper (II) chlorate ______

31)cobalt (III) chromate ______

32)ammonium oxide ______

33)potassium hydroxide ______

34)lead (IV) sulfate ______

35)silver cyanide ______

36)vanadium (V) nitride ______

37)strontium acetate ______

38)molybdenum sulfate ______

39)platinum (II) sulfide ______

40)ammonium sulfate ______

Mixed Ionic/Covalent Compound Naming

For each of the following questions, determine whether the compound is ionic or covalent and name it appropriately.

1)Na2CO3 ______

2)P2O5 ______

3)NH3 ______

4)FeSO4 ______

5)SiO2 ______

6)GaCl3 ______

7)CoBr2 ______

8)B2H4 ______

9)CO ______

10)P4 ______

For each of the following questions, determine whether the compound is ionic or covalent and write the appropriate formula for it.

11)dinitrogen trioxide ______

12)nitrogen ______

13)methane ______

14)lithium acetate ______

15)phosphorus trifluoride ______

16)vanadium (V) oxide ______

17)aluminum hydroxide ______

18)zinc sulfide ______

19)silicon tetrafluoride ______

20)silver phosphate ______

(Still) More Naming Practice

Write the names of the following chemical compounds:

1)BBr3 ______

2)CaSO4 ______

3)C2Br6 ______

4)Cr(CO3)3 ______

5)Ag3P ______

6)IO2 ______

7)VO2 ______

8)PbS ______

9)CH4 ______

10)N2O3 ______

Write the formulas of the following chemical compounds:

11)tetraphosphorus triselenide ______

12)potassium acetate ______

13)iron (II) phosphide ______

14)disilicon hexabromide ______

15)titanium (IV) nitrate ______

16)diselenium diiodide ______

17)copper (I) phosphate ______

18)gallium oxide ______

19)tetrasulfur dinitride ______

20)phosphorus ______

Review– Naming Chemical Compounds

The following are a good mix of naming and formula writing problems to help you get some practice.

Name the following chemical compounds:

1)NaBr ______

2)Ca(C2H3O2)2 ______

3)P2O5 ______

4)Ti(SO4)2 ______

5)FePO4 ______

6)K3N ______

7)SO2 ______

8)CuOH ______

9)Zn(NO2)2 ______

10)V2S3 ______

Write the formulas for the following chemical compounds:

11)silicon dioxide ______

12)nickel (III) sulfide ______

13)manganese (II) phosphate ______

14)silver acetate ______

15)diboron tetrabromide ______

16)magnesium sulfate heptahydrate ______

17)potassium carbonate ______

18)ammonium oxide ______

19)tin (IV) selenide ______

20)carbon tetrachloride ______

Summer Review Sheet #3

Naming compounds and molar masses

Name each of the following chemical compounds and list their molar masses to the nearest g/mol:




4)CoCl2.4 H2O





Write the formulas of each of the following chemical compounds and list their molar masses to the nearest g/mol:

9)lithium acetate

10)copper (I) oxide

11)ammonium phosphate

12)vanadium (V) cyanide

13)nitrogen tribromide

14)iron (II) fluoride tetrahydrate

15)sulfur hexachloride

16)platinum (IV) hydroxide

Naming Acids and Bases

Name the following acids and bases:

1)NaOH ______

2)H2SO3 ______

3)H2S ______

4)H3PO4 ______

5)NH3 ______

6)HCN ______

7)Ca(OH)2 ______

8)Fe(OH)3 ______


Write the formulas of the following acids and bases:

10)hydrofluoric acid ______

11)hydroselenic acid ______

12)carbonic acid ______

13)lithium hydroxide ______

14)nitrous acid ______

15)cobalt (II) hydroxide ______

16)sulfuric acid ______

17)beryllium hydroxide ______

18)hydrobromic acid ______

Solutions for the Naming Ionic Compounds Practice Worksheet

