/ Research on Handloom Weaves in IndiaCOMPANY / Taj Hotels, Resorts and Palaces
INTERN / Name of Intern (as on Passport) & University
CASE STUDY? / Will your project allow for a Case Study module in addition? Yes / No
If yes, articulate the case study as Part II of your project.
Yes - the intern will need to put together a case study outlining the handloom weaves in India along with details of how they are being preserved by Companies/Institutions/NGO’s etc.
SUB GUIDE / Name of Reviewer - Usha Rangarajan & Alok Vijayvergiya
Name of Project Guide – Zoha Karmali
Name of Project Sub-Guide - No sub-guide
Please ensure the Guide and Sub-Guide are CS personnel who have time to spare for the guidance of the Tata Social Intern especially at the Induction, Key Deliverables setting stage, weekly updates/ guidance and the Wrap-up and Intern Appraisal stage.
Contact details that the intern can start interacting with prior to coming to India, to explore the different aspects of the project or the company. [Not for Admin related clarifications which will be dealt with by Group Corporate Communications
Alok Vijayvergiya – / 9773110009
Zoha Karmali – / 9619655668
/ Since 2010, taking a Best Practice from Group HR and some of the successful Tata Social Internships in the past years, we are requesting that a BUDDY be identified for the Intern by the Company. The BUDDY should be a young person who is willing to be friends with the Intern and help him / her find their feet; have time to spare to guide and advise the intern on arrival; help sort out the admin issues that can seem a huge hurdle to young Interns in a new country; advise on sightseeing, in-city travel, cultural norms, company regulations, or just where to find bottled water or SIM cards or internet connectivity; help translate in day to day situations; empathise and be helpful. The Buddy should preferably not be a CS team member.Contact details of Buddy: Will advise closer to date
/ Name of town, State: Based out of Mumbai Corporate Office with extensive travel to project sitesBACKGROUND
/ Background of the ongoing Project that the Tata Social Intern will be participating in (in terms of why it is necessary in the India, district and Company context; what are the other linked projects in that area that the Company is working on (if relevant); history of how long the Company has been working on that type (topic: as in water management) of project; current status of project implementation; next stage of the project that the Intern would need to contribute into; how the Tata Social Internship project fits into the future stage of the project. Attach reading or research material links or files.As part of its CSR endeavor, Taj Hotels, Resorts & Palaces is working towards preserving & reviving traditional dying art & craft forms of India. The two key aspects of the CSR focus area, Preservation of Traditional Arts & Crafts, is:
1) Preserve a dying traditional art & craft form
2) Provide a form of livelihood to artisan/craftsmen & their families
One of the programs under this focus area is the Varanasi Weavers Program. This program aims to preserve the tradition of handloom weaving in Varanasi. Aside from the handloom weaves of Varanasi, India is home to many other traditional handloom weaves.
As part of this project, the intern will be required to research the traditional weaves of India, do a comparative analysis of the ways by which companies & art & cultural government & non-governmental institutes are preserving this traditional art form. The internal will be required to provide recommendations on the handloom weaves that Taj can take up as a project to preserve & conserve.
Responsibilities of the Intern
· In-depth research of traditional weaves of India
· Analysis of the current ways by which traditional weaves are being preserved by organizations (government/non-government/for profit) in India
· Recommend which traditional weaves are to be taken on as a project
· Devise an end to end project plan for the same
KEY DELIVERABLES / Key Deliverables (as you see them at this stage. The detailed Key Deliverables can be fine tuned during the Induction at the location and will be noted into the Tata Social Internship Intern Appraisal Form during the 1st week of induction at the location.)
· Research on traditional weaves of India
· Report of current ways by which traditional weaves are being preserved by governmental & non-governmental organizations in India
· Recommendations on traditional weaves to be taken up as a project
· Project plan on preserving the recommended craft form
OPTIONAL CASE STUDY DETAILS / Video clips or Photographs enabled.
Containing 10 - 15 slides or clips.
5 minutes long.
Facilitated by Prof Jaideep Prabhu, Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise, Judge Business School – University of Cambridge.
This case study might be loaded onto the Tata Social Internship website.
RESEARCH RECOMMENDED / What is the research you would like the Intern to have done prior to coming for the Internship, in terms of international benchmarks, global best practices, etc.? (See Reports submitted by past interns uploaded at http://www.tatasocial-in.com/project-reports
The intern should come prepared having read the following documents:
1) Taj CSR Directors Note in the annual report of last 3 years
2) Taj Sustainability report of last 3 years
3) Articles on Taj’s Varanasi Weavers Program
4) Reports on Preservation of Traditional Art & Craft programs implemented by Companies
5) Report on Preservation/Revival of Traditional Art & Craft programs implemented by non-governmental organizations
6) Traditional Weaves of India – history/background/opportunities/challenges/areas of intervention
The best known ethnic weaves & prints of India - http://www.indiamarks.com/the-best-known-ethnic-weaves-and-prints-of-india/
7 Beautifully Hand-woven Fabrics from Different Parts of India - http://www.weareholidays.com/articles/hand-woven-fabrics-india/
UNESCO Iconic Saree Weaving Clusters of India - http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5890/
Please make best use of this access to some of the best research libraries in the world.