ENG 121 Unit 2 Written Assignment 1

ENG 121 Unit 2 Written Assignment

Tiffany Feenstra

SJVC/Online School


What Decade would you like to live in? This is a question that took very little thought for me as I am very happy right where I am at. This decade has so many benefits and wonderful things to offer. Now ask yourself the same question as well as why? I am going to explore just a few reasons why I love this decade so much.

What Decade do you want to live in?

I prefer our current decade that we are living in. Women have so many more freedoms and equality than ever before. The technology that we have at our disposal is monumental. As the human race we have made leaps and bounds in the fields of vehicles, medical care, communication, Science, and even our homes. The privileges that that we have been afforded in this current decade, is not something I would be willing to sacrifice.

Driving is a privilege that each state has the power to give and take away. We are lucky people in that we can drive in cars and that we have roads to drive on. 24 decades ago when the first car was built it only went 2.5 MPH and was powered by steam. Since then as the 243 years have passed we have evolved the way we make vehicles now they are gasoline powered and can go and average of 75 MPH on the Highway. What a privilege it is, we can travel distances that people could only image about. We have the ability to go long distances in a short amount of time. This privilege has also changed the way our culture and economy is run. Culturally expensive cars have become a symbol of our social and economic standing. There is a huge supply and demand of gas and oil that keeps our economy rising and falling. Our decade of people have become so accustom to traveling and driving to a desired destination that, there will always be a need for supply and demand of oil and gas.

This decade that we live in has technology that supersedes any of the past years; for example, technology is in every part of our lives. It is in our cars, televisions, smart cars, smart phones, computers in every house and hospital. Technology is in every part of our lives every day we see it and use it. I would never want to have it any other way. One of the best parts, of the advancements in technology that we have in this decade is in our hospitals. We are able to save more lives and keep people living longer heather lives as well as when premature babies are bone we now have the technology to help them through the hardest of times. Another wonderful technological advancement that we have in this decade is the internet. The internet has changed the way we live our lives from day today. One of the benefits to having internet is being able to go to school online. I am able to make school fit into my life, where with traditional schooling I struggled to keep the class schedule. Furthermore, GPS in our vehicles had made using a traditional map almost completely unnecessary. Our culture has shifted in the way we learn things and the way we find information no longer is it necessary to go to a library and look through an endless array of booksavailable, now all we have to do is type in a few key words into a search engine and it will find you a plethora of information to choose from. All of these conveniences that technology gives me are not something I would ever want to give up.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution is all about freedom and our right to have it. As an American citizen and a woman I am able to enjoy many freedoms in this decade that were not available to women in the past decades. According to independent.org the Declaration of independence and its principles of individual right and responsibility allows individuals and women the liberty to boldly explore a wide range of issues that conform to the modern women, including self-defense, economic well-being and employment, sex, and abortion, the family, technology and much more. Feminism is the right for women to be treated the same as a man, and has the right to do and think for her-self. There are still many people that think that this is not right, but I am so thankful for the women that fought for these rights. As a woman in this decade I am able to enjoy all of the wonderful freedoms that are given to me and I take full advantage of them.

In the next decade I am sure our privileges, technology, and freedoms will grow even more than they are now. I am looking forward to the new advancements in technology and the growth we will experience as a nation. Let’s be grateful to all the men and women that have made all of this possible.


Troyka, L. Q., & Hesse, D. (2010, January 10). Quick Access Reference for Writers Sixth Edition. In L. Q. Troyka, & D. Hesse, Quick Access Reference for Writers Sixth Edition (p. 535). Upper Side River: Pearson Education inc. . Retrieved March 11, 2013, from World Health Organization Web Site: