Task 1B, 1C, 1D Peer Review and Critique #1
(All content areas except Special Education)
Writer: ______Content: ______Reviewer: ______
Section or Commentary Q / What to Look For: / Quality Feedback: Ex. N/A, Found, Limited, Need More Information, Clearly ArticulatedTask 1B
Lesson Plans / Grade/Class/Duration Noted with
No Names on each daily plan
Lesson title reflects a component of the central focus on each daily plan
Central Focus stated w/ brief information about student misconceptions or partial understanding
State standard number & exact writing from content is provided each day
One or more objectives are provided per lesson day- check level of language function
Identify how each daily activating strategy relates to either prior learning and/or students’ assets
Identify & name at least one or more teacher instructional strategy/lesson day
Identify & name at least one or more student engagement activity aligned to the objective per lesson day
For at least one instructional activity, identify & name the language function, vocabulary, syntax and discourse
A student support visual aid/strategy is listed for each: lang function, vocab, syntax, discourse
Identify a correlating learning theory/research and concept for instructional plan
Modifications and/or grouping identified on each daily plan
Complete list of materials, resources and technology provided on each daily plan
Both formal and informal progress monitoring assessments are identified on each daily plan
Assessment adaptations for challenge or support of weakness is provided in this plan
Evaluation criteria is provided on the assessment or in the plan (quantitative w/pts or score range -qualitative w/ expected performance features)
Closure activity or assessment identified on each daily plan
Task 1C Instructional Materials
Instructional Materials are available for viewing for each daily plan
Materials are organized by lesson day
Sources are cited when not this teacher’s original creation
All written materials are clearly visible
Materials listed in plans are available for viewing in this document
Task 1D Assessments
All written assessments (formal & informal) have blank copies in this document
All oral or performance assessments are identified in this document along with clear written directions
All assessments are identified or listed in in daily lesson plans by day
Choose one written assessments and identify a level of alignment with that day’s standard and objectives 1-low and 5-high
The chosen assessment includes clearly recognizable features or components for qualitative analysis and the possibility for a score or pts and quantitative analysis.
Write the first name of the focus students you have chosen for Task 3.One focus student must come from this section of the CFL. / ECE (2)
Others (3)