Curriculum Vitae
Name:Prof.Dr.Eng. Samy Amin Amer
Date of Birth:28/1/1950
Date of Graduate:1974, Faculty of Eng. A-Azhar University, Planning Department.
Existing Position:Professor – City and Regional Planning – Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, Cairo University.
- B.S.C. in City Planning, Faculty of Eng. Al-Azhar University, 1974.
- Diploma Courses in City Planning, Faculty of Eng. Cairo University, 1981.
- Diploma Courses in City Planning, Planning Institute Milano university, 1981.
- M.Sc. in City Planning , Faculty of Eng. Cairo University, 1989.
- Ph.D. in City Planning, Faculty of Eng. Cairo University, 1989.
A: Projects:
- Master Plan for Heliopolis extention, 1978, Masr El-Gedida Housing of Development Company.
- ‘El-Fayoum City, Development Project’ 1979, Development Research and Technological Planning Center, Cairo University.
- ‘Conceptual Plan the Area between El-Max and K. 34 West of Alexandria’, 1981, Ministry of Construction, Pacer Consultant.
- ‘Regional Plan for Sinai’, 1982, Development Research Technological Planning Center, Cairo University.
- ‘Sohag anf Ekhmim City Region Development Plan’, 1983 – 1985 , Egy.Team-GOPP.
- ‘Employment and Infrastructure Planning for Secondary Urban Settlements’, 1984 – 1985, Cairo University, Rutgers University in U.S.A.
- ‘Regional Plan for the north western coast from K.100 to 268’, 1986, Ministry of Construction, Pacer Consultant.
- ‘Planning and Developing Kafr El-Dowar City’, (1985 – 1988), Urban Planning Organization, Egyteem.
- ‘Damanhour City Region Development Plan’, 1986, G.O.P.P., Egyptian teem for Development & Construction, El-Arabi Consultant.
- ‘Master Plan for the 6th Settlement’, 1989, Ministry of Construction, Moharam-Bakoum, Consultant.
- ‘Master Plan for the Seventh Settlement’, 1989, Ministry of Construction, M.I.T. Cairo University.
- ‘Regional Plan for Minofia Governorate’ 1990, Minofia Governorate, Sabour Consultant.
- ‘Planning & Developing Gizan Region’, Saudi Arabia, 1991, Memar Consultant.
- Development Strategy for Delta Region G.O.P.P., 1992.
- ‘Regional Planning for Gharbia Governorate’, 1993 – G.O.P.P.
- ‘Regional Planning for Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate’, 1994 – G.O.P.P.
- ‘Structure Plan for Ehsai Governorate’, Saudi Arabia, Soluman El-Ghragi Consultant, 1994.
- ‘Regional Planning for Dakahlia & Dimiat Governorate’,1996, G.O.P.P.
- ‘Regional Planning for El-Minofia Governorate’, 1997, G.O.P.P.
- ‘Regional Structure Plan for the North Western Coast’, 1997, G.O.P.P.
- Urban Spatial Boundries for the next cities: Metobas – Sidi Salim – Killin – Baltim – Fouah – El-Riyad – El-Hamoul – Bia;a – Dessouk - El-Kantra, 1993, Utilities Consult.
- Urban Spatial Boundary for the next cities: Zanklon – Mashtol – El-Souk – Diarb Nigm – Kafr Sakr – Anshas – San El-Hager, 1993 – 1995, The Arab Contractors (Osman Ahmed Osman Company).
- Master Plan for the next Cities: El-Hifouf – El-Mobarraz – El-Eion – El-Omran – El-Gafr, (1995 – 1996), El-Shsai Governorate, Saudi Arabia, Solyman El Ghragi Consult.
- Master Plan for the Next Cities: Wadi El-Dawaser – El-Slayel – Layla, (1994 – 1996), Meemar Consult, Saudi Arabia.
- Urban Spatial Boundary for the next Rural Settlements: Shenrak – El-Korishia – Meet Yazid, (1994 – 1995) D.Shmeh Abdel-Gawwad Consultant.
- Master Plan for Abu Swair City, El-Ismailia Governorate, (1992 – 1994), D.Galal Momen Consultant.
- The Conceptual Plan for Egypt Urban Structure, 2000, 1985, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Institute of Regional & Urban Planning, Cairo University.
- ‘New Towns, Existing State of Planning’, 1986, Ministry of Development.
- ‘Evaluating the new cities & settlements’, (1986 – 1990) Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Faculty of Regional & Urban Planning, Cairo University.
- Egyptian Cities with Mutual Givization, Rashid City, 1991, Faculty of Regional & Urban Planning, O.R.S.T.O.M.
- ‘Classifying Low income housing according to their patterns & upgrading priorities in respect to the Master Plan of the existing Cities’:Edited Research, 1991. Low income Housing conference, General Organization for Housing Research, Construction & Urban Planning.
- ‘Evaluation of Touristic Projects in North Western Coast & how it achieves Regional Development Goal’, 1991, Second Scientific Conference, Faculty of Eng. Al-Azhar University.
- ‘Evaluation of the Concepts of Projects and Development in the Country Side Local Units’. Second Scientific conference, Faculty of Eng. Al-Azhar University.
- ‘Global Evaluation of the Recommendation Adopted in Previous Conferences & Seminars, for low-income people’, Edited Research, 1991 low income, Housing Conference, General Organization for Housing Research, Construction & Urban Planning.
- The optimum land use pattern as an approach to road safety and minimize traffic accidents 5th workshop. Islamic cities and Capital Organization, Ankara 1996.
- The meaning urban environmental protection in Egypt 3rd international conference, the high institute of general health Alex. 1997.
- Egyptian Village and it’s growth at the future. 10th general conference for Arabic cities organization, Dobay 1999.
- Regionalism as an absent-present factor in the development of new settlements in Egypt. The future of new settlements in Egypt Conference 1995.
- Urban capacity for existing settlements as a guide for preparing the piorty of development. The future of new settlement in Egypt Conference.
- Evaluation of Atmida Village development (Dakahlia Governorate), Basises – targets – advantage and disadvantage. The Arbian workshop about the influence of the nongovern organization on sustainable development for poor society 1995.
- Adaptability as one of the characteristics of planning process and it’s role in developing a strategy for development. 2nd conference faculty of Engeneering, Assiut University 1995.
- Rural Housing Existing situation and his future, Scientific Research and Technology Academy 1998.
- Planning studies as a main approach for protection of the historical cities . 6th workshop – Islamic Cities and capitals Organization, Tahran 1997.
- Planning stratege for the development of Egyptian disserts. 3rd conference Faculty of Engineering Assiut University 1997.
- The National reports prepared for United Nation Settlements, G.O.P.P. 1996.
- Balance as a messing factor in regional planning scientific magazine for urban research., Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, Cairo University.
- New policies and situation as a main factor in the new strategy for Grater Cairo Region. 3rd Conference for for Faculty of Engineering, Suse University 1990.
- Theoretical model for new agriculture society. 2nd Conference for Faculty of Engineering. Monufia University 1999.