Curriculum Vitae

Name:Prof.Dr.Eng. Samy Amin Amer

Date of Birth:28/1/1950

Date of Graduate:1974, Faculty of Eng. A-Azhar University, Planning Department.

Existing Position:Professor – City and Regional Planning – Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, Cairo University.


  1. B.S.C. in City Planning, Faculty of Eng. Al-Azhar University, 1974.
  1. Diploma Courses in City Planning, Faculty of Eng. Cairo University, 1981.
  1. Diploma Courses in City Planning, Planning Institute Milano university, 1981.
  1. M.Sc. in City Planning , Faculty of Eng. Cairo University, 1989.
  1. Ph.D. in City Planning, Faculty of Eng. Cairo University, 1989.


A: Projects:

  1. Master Plan for Heliopolis extention, 1978, Masr El-Gedida Housing of Development Company.
  1. ‘El-Fayoum City, Development Project’ 1979, Development Research and Technological Planning Center, Cairo University.
  1. ‘Conceptual Plan the Area between El-Max and K. 34 West of Alexandria’, 1981, Ministry of Construction, Pacer Consultant.
  1. ‘Regional Plan for Sinai’, 1982, Development Research Technological Planning Center, Cairo University.
  1. ‘Sohag anf Ekhmim City Region Development Plan’, 1983 – 1985 , Egy.Team-GOPP.
  1. ‘Employment and Infrastructure Planning for Secondary Urban Settlements’, 1984 – 1985, Cairo University, Rutgers University in U.S.A.
  1. ‘Regional Plan for the north western coast from K.100 to 268’, 1986, Ministry of Construction, Pacer Consultant.
  1. ‘Planning and Developing Kafr El-Dowar City’, (1985 – 1988), Urban Planning Organization, Egyteem.
  1. ‘Damanhour City Region Development Plan’, 1986, G.O.P.P., Egyptian teem for Development & Construction, El-Arabi Consultant.
  1. ‘Master Plan for the 6th Settlement’, 1989, Ministry of Construction, Moharam-Bakoum, Consultant.
  1. ‘Master Plan for the Seventh Settlement’, 1989, Ministry of Construction, M.I.T. Cairo University.
  1. ‘Regional Plan for Minofia Governorate’ 1990, Minofia Governorate, Sabour Consultant.
  1. ‘Planning & Developing Gizan Region’, Saudi Arabia, 1991, Memar Consultant.
  1. Development Strategy for Delta Region G.O.P.P., 1992.
  1. ‘Regional Planning for Gharbia Governorate’, 1993 – G.O.P.P.
  1. ‘Regional Planning for Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate’, 1994 – G.O.P.P.
  1. ‘Structure Plan for Ehsai Governorate’, Saudi Arabia, Soluman El-Ghragi Consultant, 1994.
  1. ‘Regional Planning for Dakahlia & Dimiat Governorate’,1996, G.O.P.P.
  1. ‘Regional Planning for El-Minofia Governorate’, 1997, G.O.P.P.
  1. ‘Regional Structure Plan for the North Western Coast’, 1997, G.O.P.P.
  1. Urban Spatial Boundries for the next cities: Metobas – Sidi Salim – Killin – Baltim – Fouah – El-Riyad – El-Hamoul – Bia;a – Dessouk - El-Kantra, 1993, Utilities Consult.
  1. Urban Spatial Boundary for the next cities: Zanklon – Mashtol – El-Souk – Diarb Nigm – Kafr Sakr – Anshas – San El-Hager, 1993 – 1995, The Arab Contractors (Osman Ahmed Osman Company).
  1. Master Plan for the next Cities: El-Hifouf – El-Mobarraz – El-Eion – El-Omran – El-Gafr, (1995 – 1996), El-Shsai Governorate, Saudi Arabia, Solyman El Ghragi Consult.
  1. Master Plan for the Next Cities: Wadi El-Dawaser – El-Slayel – Layla, (1994 – 1996), Meemar Consult, Saudi Arabia.
  1. Urban Spatial Boundary for the next Rural Settlements: Shenrak – El-Korishia – Meet Yazid, (1994 – 1995) D.Shmeh Abdel-Gawwad Consultant.
  1. Master Plan for Abu Swair City, El-Ismailia Governorate, (1992 – 1994), D.Galal Momen Consultant.


  1. The Conceptual Plan for Egypt Urban Structure, 2000, 1985, Academy of Scientific Research and Technology Institute of Regional & Urban Planning, Cairo University.
  1. ‘New Towns, Existing State of Planning’, 1986, Ministry of Development.
  1. ‘Evaluating the new cities & settlements’, (1986 – 1990) Academy of Scientific Research & Technology, Faculty of Regional & Urban Planning, Cairo University.
  1. Egyptian Cities with Mutual Givization, Rashid City, 1991, Faculty of Regional & Urban Planning, O.R.S.T.O.M.
  1. ‘Classifying Low income housing according to their patterns & upgrading priorities in respect to the Master Plan of the existing Cities’:Edited Research, 1991. Low income Housing conference, General Organization for Housing Research, Construction & Urban Planning.
  1. ‘Evaluation of Touristic Projects in North Western Coast & how it achieves Regional Development Goal’, 1991, Second Scientific Conference, Faculty of Eng. Al-Azhar University.
  1. ‘Evaluation of the Concepts of Projects and Development in the Country Side Local Units’. Second Scientific conference, Faculty of Eng. Al-Azhar University.
  1. ‘Global Evaluation of the Recommendation Adopted in Previous Conferences & Seminars, for low-income people’, Edited Research, 1991 low income, Housing Conference, General Organization for Housing Research, Construction & Urban Planning.
  1. The optimum land use pattern as an approach to road safety and minimize traffic accidents 5th workshop. Islamic cities and Capital Organization, Ankara 1996.
  1. The meaning urban environmental protection in Egypt 3rd international conference, the high institute of general health Alex. 1997.
  1. Egyptian Village and it’s growth at the future. 10th general conference for Arabic cities organization, Dobay 1999.
  1. Regionalism as an absent-present factor in the development of new settlements in Egypt. The future of new settlements in Egypt Conference 1995.
  1. Urban capacity for existing settlements as a guide for preparing the piorty of development. The future of new settlement in Egypt Conference.
  1. Evaluation of Atmida Village development (Dakahlia Governorate), Basises – targets – advantage and disadvantage. The Arbian workshop about the influence of the nongovern organization on sustainable development for poor society 1995.
  1. Adaptability as one of the characteristics of planning process and it’s role in developing a strategy for development. 2nd conference faculty of Engeneering, Assiut University 1995.
  1. Rural Housing Existing situation and his future, Scientific Research and Technology Academy 1998.
  1. Planning studies as a main approach for protection of the historical cities . 6th workshop – Islamic Cities and capitals Organization, Tahran 1997.
  1. Planning stratege for the development of Egyptian disserts. 3rd conference Faculty of Engineering Assiut University 1997.
  1. The National reports prepared for United Nation Settlements, G.O.P.P. 1996.
  1. Balance as a messing factor in regional planning scientific magazine for urban research., Faculty of Regional and Urban Planning, Cairo University.
  1. New policies and situation as a main factor in the new strategy for Grater Cairo Region. 3rd Conference for for Faculty of Engineering, Suse University 1990.
  1. Theoretical model for new agriculture society. 2nd Conference for Faculty of Engineering. Monufia University 1999.