Task 1 – Paragraph Response to a Chosen Text

Weighting: 5% (out of 10%)

Student Name:

Mark out of 25:

Excellent achievement
5 marks / High achievement
4 marks / Satisfactory achievement
3 marks / Limited achievement
2 marks / Very low achievement
1 mark
Text choice / Effective choice of text where the length and content allowfor an in depth discussion.
(5) / Choice in text is of an appropriate length and allows for relevant discussion.
(4) / Chosen text is valid and of a reasonable length to allow for adequate discussion.
(3) / Chosen text is brief and limited in its capacity to generate relevant discussion.
(2) / Chosen text is brief and ineffective in allowing for relevant discussion.
Structure / Paragraph structure is tight. The topic statement is well articulated. Elaborations and links are clearly and convincingly utilized throughout the response.
(5) / Paragraphs structure is clearly evident. The topic statement effectively leads the paragraph. Elaborations and links have been inserted to advance an argument.
(4) / Paragraph structure is correct though formulaic. The topic statement, elaborations and links have been satisfactorily included.
(3) / Paragraph structure lacks clarity. The topic statement is underdeveloped and there is minimal use of elaborations and links.
(2) / Paragraph lacks structure. The topic statement is confusing or non-existent. The order of elaborations and links may be inconsistent or lacking.
Discussion / Discussion of the text is detailed and insightful. Evidence, examples and quotes have been used effectively.The genre specific vocabulary has been heavily incorporated.
( 5 ) / Discussion of the text is relevant and well substantiated with evidence, examples and quotes. The genre specific vocabulary has been consistently included.
( 4 ) / Discussion of the text includes relevant ideas and the use of some evidence, examples and quotes. The genre specific vocabulary is mostly apparent.
( 3 ) / Limited discussion of the text. The response is generalised with minimal use of evidence, examples and quotes. The required vocabulary is mostly lacking.
( 2 ) / Discussion of the text is underdeveloped andlacks the required vocabulary.
( 1 )
Written Expression / Expression is sophisticated and accurate choices have been made in punctuation and grammar to create a response with cohesion and flow.
( 5 ) / Expression is engaging with effective choices in punctuation and grammar to enhance meaning.
( 4 ) / Expression uses familiar punctuation toconvey meaning inpredictable way. The rules of grammar have been appliedcorrectly for the most part.
( 3 ) / Uses a limited range of punctuation and the grammar is inconsistent.
( 2 ) / Use of punctuation is misplaced or overlooked and the expression is grammatically incorrect.
( 1 )
Drafting and Editing
(hand and typed) / Employs a range of strategies to effectively monitor and edit own work to improve accuracy and meaning.
( 5 ) / Edits and monitors own work for accuracy and to improve clarity.
( 4 ) / Employs simple strategies to monitor and edit own work for accuracy and meaning.
( 3 ) / Identifies and may correct some of the errors made during the drafting and editing process.
( 2 ) / Identifies some errors during the drafting and editing process.
( 1 )