Ireland Wood and Horsforth Medical Practice Patient Participation and Reference Group

Minutes of Meeting on 7th December 2015
Ireland Wood Surgery

In Attendance:Apologies:

Dr Kirsty ManockIWSJames SpearingIWS
Dr Sarah HutchinsonNCSAlbert WatkinsIWS
Emma SeymourIWS/NCSBarbara ConleyNCS
Gill RobinsonNCSDamian McHughNCS
Janet McCannIWSMollie AllisonIWS
Freya Greening-JacksonIWS/NCS
Maggie PeatHDFT
Nick DeagleIWS
Trevor ThewlisIWS
Malcom RuttIWS
Bryan OrangeNCS
Beryl StokerIWS
Connie CluderayIWS
Pat MosleyIWS
Jennifer PollardNCS
Esther C JohnstonNCS

1. Welcome and Introductions
Dr Manock chaired the meeting and welcomed all attendees.
In attendance were nine members from the PPG, two partners and staff from the Ireland Wood and New Croft Surgeries. Maggie Peat was also in attendance from theHarrogate & District Foundation Trust Brief introductions were given by each attendee.

2. Minutes of Meeting of 7th September 2015
The minutes having been emailed and posted to all registered members of the PPG were approved. There were no amendments to the previous minutes and the minutes were accepted as a true account of the meeting. It was noted that appendices were not included when the previous meeting minutes were distributed.

Action Point
Distribute appendices of previous minutes via post and email to all PPG members.

Matters Arising

3. Research Practice – Maggie Peat
Maggie Peat, lead research nurse fromHarrogate and District Foundation Trust Research Teamjoined the December PPG meeting to discuss the recruitment of Patient Research Ambassadors to provide different insights into research projects and delivery. Maggie discussed the importance of a patient perspective in relation to research and handed out information to PPG members should they decide they are interested in the role of Patient Research Ambassador. Maggie emphasised the need for Patient Research Ambassadors to communicate across CCGs and share information and learning within Yorkshire and the Humber.
As a research active surgery, Ireland Wood and Horsforth Medical Practice are involved in current studies and have regular meetings with our Research Support Officer, Medina Inamdar, who works alongside Maggie to promote and deliver medical research.
Several of the PPG members in attendance had themselves been involved in research projects and discussed the details of such projects. Dr Brown and Dr Caine (Partners at Ireland Wood and New Croft Surgery respectively) are the practice leads for research and are involved in studies at present along with Practice Manager, Emma Seymour. Currently there is no patient involvement in research (other than those asked to take part in individual studies) and the practice is keen for involvement from the patient population.
Patients interested in becoming a Research Ambassador are asked to register their interest online at:

Q. What is the time commitment for a PPG member interested in becoming a Patient Research Ambassador?
The time commitment is varied depending on the availability of Patient Research Ambassadors (PRA). PRAs would ideally work locally and closely with their own practice but it would be hugely beneficial if PRAs would communicate and liaise with each other across practices and CCGs with the view of shared experience and learning.
Action Points
Practice to advertise itself as a ‘Research Active Practice’ and provide information online about what this involves. Also to advertise on the Jayex screen.

4. CQC Update
Dr Manock explained to the group that the surgery is expecting a CQC visit sometime in the New Year, possibly in January but with the potential that it may not be until June 2016. Within our CCG Yeadon Tarn have been inspected, and Burley Park are to be inspected this week (10th December).
Dr Manock requested that members of the PPG be in attendance on the day of the inspection, mentioning however that the practice will only receive two weeks’ notice of the inspection date and as such this is all the prior warning the PPG can be provided with. The members of the PPG responded positively to this request and several members volunteered to be in attendance on the day of the inspection.
Dr Manock described the format of the inspection in general terms: The CQC with gather information on the practice before the day of the inspection, they will focus on patient feedback from questionnaires such as the Friends and Family test (gathered in-house at the two surgery sites and also from the homepage of the two websites) and feedback/reviews on the individual surgeries NHS Choices Pages. They will also deliver a locked feedback box to the surgery before the date of the inspection so that they can gather further feedback first hand in anticipation of the day itself.
There will be at least three inspectors, and there may be up to five in total, who will spend a full day over both sites. The inspectors will speak to all members of staff and will also spend some time speaking to patients. Once they have conducted the inspection (based on the ‘Key Lines of Enquiry’ – explained in the attached appendices A)a report will be written and given to the practice to read (and dispute if deemed necessary).
The practice will then be awarded a rating based on the outcome of the inspection and accompanying report, the ratings are as follows:
Requires Improvement
Should members of the PPG be interested in reading completed CQC reports of other practices, all complete reports are published online and can be accessed via the CQC website:

Q. Will the CQC look at the waiting rooms with regards to tidiness etc.?
Yes and our recent reshuffle of the boards and posters downstairs has been done to anticipate this and create a better flow throughout the waiting room. The Practice staff involved considered the groupings of the information boards and the way the information is presented from a patient perspective.
MR described his feeling that the walls and boards behind the reception desk itself would look better if they were reorganised and the idea of creating an index for reception staff was discussed so that the need for so many posters/notices would be eradicated.
5. Patient Survey – Practice
Dr Manock explained that the Practice is interested in conducting another patient survey as discussed in the last PPG meeting in September. As the Friends and Family test asks only one question with little detail required a slightly more in depth questionnaire would provide more valuable data. Emma Seymour explained that retaining the format of the previous patient survey would allow for comparison of results which is advantageous for gauging patient responses to the changing service provided by the practice as a whole.

6. PPG Patient Survey – The Next Steps
Trevor Thewlis explained that during the previous PPG meeting in September 2015 there was a large amount of interest from members in conducting the survey, but that after the meeting it proved difficult to settle on a date that volunteers could commit to.
Trevor suggested that the last week in January (week beginning the 25th) for the survey and members were in agreement.
Trevor described the aims and outcomes of the last patient survey and described that the opportunity to speak to patients allows for promotion of new service or services that have been available for some time but are not well known. The following topics were suggested for promotion during the patient survey in January:

Online services

Use of check in screens to reduce waiting time at reception desk

Pharmacy first and alternative treatment paths

Healthy Lifestyle campaign and available help for stopping smoking, losing weight, becoming active etc.

Social Media accounts and website information

Ideas email address – patients can send their ideas for website content etc.

Availability of double appointments where required

Hub – weekend and bank holiday access

Language line for foreign language speakers

Q. What level of commitment/time is required to complete the survey?
Trevor Thewlis confirmed that in the past a minimum of two people at a time to run the survey was required, working for a couple of hours at a time. It was decided that PPG members would not start on the mornings of the survey until around 8.30am as before this time there are few patients around and those who are in the surgery are generally on their way to work and may not have time to be held up. Ideally the survey will run over a full week at both sites.
Action Point
Trevor Thewlis to put together an email requesting volunteers which will be sent round via email and post to PPG members to register their interest and confirm availability for the last week in January.

7. Patient Assurance Group

Feedback from PAG Representatives

Malcom Rutt informed the PPG meeting that the last two PAG meetings were cancelled and as such there was no information to report. Malcom stated that the next meeting of the PAG is scheduled on the 9th of December so he should have an update to feed back to the PPG at the next meeting in March of 2016.
Malcom did mention the need for more individuals to become involved with the PAG and becoming patient leaders.
8. Agenda Setting
Topics for the Agenda of the next meeting of the PPG, to be held on Monday the 7th March 2016 are as follows:

Research information and update on studies currently undertaken by the Practice

Social Media and Website overview and demonstration

Feedback by the PPG on the patient survey in January 2016

Action Points
Please send any further suggestions for the March 2016 agenda to the practice by either mail or email.

9. Any Other Business
Hub impact on A&E Admissions
Currently the Practice has no recent data regarding the success of the hub in lowering the number of admissions to A&E in the area. However, at a recent meeting Emma Seymour was provided with a ‘Practice Dashboard’ from the CCG, a please see appendix B for a copy.
Hub Funding
Dr Manock confirmed that funding for the Hub has been secured until June 2016 with the potential of the Hub service ending after this date. As the Hub is a pilot scheme there is no guarantee of it continuing past June of next year, however there is a view within the Practice that although the weekend and bank holiday service may cease, it is likely that the 7am – 7pm opening hours Monday to Friday will remain. None of this is guaranteed however.
Q. Could the PPG promote the Hub during the Patient Survey

A. Yes, however it is important to stress that it is a pilot scheme and may not be permanent.

As there was no further business the meeting was closed.

Date of next PPG meeting: Monday 7th March, 6.30pm to be held at The New Croft Surgery

A. Copy of infographic explaining the ‘Key Lines of Enquiry’ and ‘Patient Population Groups’ used as a focus by the CQC during inspections of General Practice
B. Copy of ‘Practice Dashboard’ supplied by Leeds West CCG
For more information on the CQC and their inspections, the following websites are helpful:


  • CCC – Clinical Care Coordinator
  • CCG- Clinical Commissioning Group
  • CQC- Care Quality Commission
  • CSU- Clinical Support Unit
  • FFT – Friends and Family Test
  • HSCIC- Health and Social Care Information Centre
  • LMC- Local Medical Committee
  • NAPP- National Association for Patient Participation
  • NHS- National Health Service
  • PAG- Patient Assurance Group
  • PEP- Patient Empowerment Project
  • PGP- Productive General Practice
  • PPG- Patient Participation Group
  • PRA – Patient Research Ambassador