Tapasi Ghosh– Biographical Sketch

Professional Preparation

University of Calcutta, India / Physics / M.Sc. / 1982
Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India / Physics (Radio Astronomy) / Ph.D. / 1990

Academic & Professional Appointment

Senior Research Associate (HT) NAIC/Arecibo Observatory 2007– present

Senior Research Associate (FT) NAIC/Arecibo Observatory 2005 – 2007

Research Associate (FT) NAIC/Arecibo Observatory 1992 – 2005

Post Doctoral Fellow NFRA/WSRT, NL 1990 – 1992

Related Publications – journal publications are available on-line via the ADS (adswww.harvard.edu)

1.  Kanekar, N., Ghosh, T., Chengalur, J.N., ``Detection of a multi-phase ISM at z= 0.2212'', 2001, A&A, 373, 394.

2.  Ghosh, T., Davis, M. M., Salter, C.J., and Aller, M.C.,``An HI Search for the Host Galaxies of 27 Radio-Loud AGNs at z ~2.3’’ 2001, I.A.U. Symp. No. 199, 127

3.  Kanekar, Nissim, Chengalur, Jayaram N., Ghosh Tapasi, `` Conjugate 18-cm OH satellite Lines at a Cosmological Distance'', 2004, PhRvL, 93, 1302

4.  Gupta, N., Salter, C.J., Saikia, D.J., Ghosh, T., Jeyakumar, S., ``Probing Radio Source Environments via HI and OH Absorption", 2006, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc., 373, 972

5.  Salter, C.J., Ghosh, T., Catinella, B., Lebron, M., lerner, M.S., Minchin, R., Momjian, E.,

``The Arecibo ARP 220 Spectral Census. I. Discovery of the Pre-Biotic Molecule

Methanimine and New Cm-Wavelength Transitions of Other Molecules'' , 2008, AJ, 136

Other Significant Publications

1.  Ghosh, T. and Rao, A. P., ``The Galactic latitude dependence of Low Frequency Variability of extragalactic radio sources'', 1992, A&A 264, 203.

2.  Kukula, M., Ghosh, T., Pedlar, A., Schilizzi, R.T. ``Parsec-Scale Structures in the Nuclei of Four Seyfert Galaxies'' 1999, ApJ, 518, 117

3.  Salgado, J.F., Ghosh, T., Altschuler, D.R., Dennison, B.K., Mitchell, K.J., Payne, H.E.,

``14-year Program Monitoring the Flux Densities of 33 radio sources at low frequencies''. 1999, ApJ Suppl. 120, 77

4.  Taylor, G.B., Momjian, E., Pihlstroem, Y., Ghosh, T., Salter, C.J., ``Late Time Observations of the Afterglow and Environment of GRB 030329'', 2005, ApJ, 662, 986

5.  Momjian, E., Salter, C.J., Ghosh, T., Chengalur, J., Kanekar, N., Keeney, B.A., Stocke, J.T. ``Arecibo HI Observations of the Sub-DLA at z=0.0063 towards PG1216+069'', 2006, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts, 208, #15.03

Synergistic Activities

1.  Graduate Students: I have been a co-supervisor of a Ph.D. Students, Jose' Francisco Salgado of the University of Michigan who made a study of "The Distribution of Interstellar Electron Density Fluctuations", receiving his degree in 2000.

2.  I have supervised over 10 NSF REU students during recent years. I have also organized "hands on" summer observing projects for the Arecibo REU students.

3.  Other Education Activities: I helped organize, lectured to, and ran "hands on" experiments for the 2001, 2003 and 2005 and 2007 NAIC/NRAO summer schools on "Single Dish Radio Astronomy".

4.  I help installing and maintaining all VLBI related equipment at the observatory, and provide user support for observations and data reduction in the areas of VLBI and Single Dish spectral-line observations.

5.  Computer Program Development: I have developed many data reduction routines in FORTRAN and within the IDL environment.

Collaborators (within past 48 months)

Jayaram Chengalur NCRA, Pune, India

Avinash Deshpande RRI, Bangalore, India

Neeraj Gupta NCRA, Pune, India

S. Jeyakumar Instituto de Geofisica, UNAM

Nissim Kanekar NRAO

Smita Mathur Ohio State University

Emmanuel Momjian NRAO

Richard Porcas MPIfR, Bonn, Germany

D.J. Saikia NCRA, Pune, India

Chris Salter NAIC/Arecibo Observatory

Greg Taylor University of New Mexico

Russ Taylor University of Calgary

Graduate Advisors

Ph.D. Dr. A. Pramesh Rao National Center For Radio Astrophysics, India