Minutes of the Recreation Youth & Environment (RYE) Committee
28th May 2015
Parish Room, Village Hall @ 7:30pm
R001/15 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Those present: Councillors J Slipper (Chairman), G Constantine and L Day. Also present: M Burroughs (Parish Clerk) and Sally Coren (Tennis Club)
Apologies Youth Worker Dan Fairchild and Mark Ponton (Tennis Club)
R002/15 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests - None
R003/15 Chairman – Cllr. Jane Slipper was confirmed as Chairman of the RYE committee
R004/15 Approval of Minutes 13th November 2014 - the minutes having been circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed
R005/15 Matters arising from the last meeting for information only
Repair is outstanding on the five bar gate at KGV (see R008/15)
R006/15 Sports and Community Groups (Football, Tennis, Cricket, Scouts and Community Youth Work)
Only the Tennis Club was represented at the meeting. Apologies were received from the Community Youth Worker.
Sally Coren represented the Tennis Club:-
Update – Sally spoke on the main initiatives to include a new group for adults ‘Dusty Rackets’ and a new junior coach. There are 109 members. The Clerk offered to put an article in the Parish Newsletter, Sally will send to the Clerk. Sally felt that it was a good idea that groups got together on a quarterly basis. There could be a number of village initiatives that the groups could collectively work on.
Cllr. Slipper agreed to make personal contact with the representatives from the other groups to encourage them to attend the next meeting
One concern that the Tennis Club has is parking at the club when the work starts at Cherry Tree. The Clerk will find out about the prestart planning conditions and Cllr. Day will raise this issue at the Industrial Liaison Group meeting on 1st June 2015.
R005715Youth Provision
Cllrs. Slipper and Constantine will meet with Horsham Matters to discuss the provision of a Community Youth service 2016 and beyond and report back to the Parish Council. Cllr. Slipper will arrange to meet with Liz Burt, Horsham Matters.
The committee feels that the current level of funding by the Parish Council for the provision of a community youth service is adequate and their recommendation to the Parish Council is that it stays the same for the time being. Cllr. Slipper advised that there are 16 members of the Youth Club and that there is a rota for volunteers.
Recommendations to the Parish Council
- the current provision for a community youth service and associated funding by the Parish Council should remain the same;
- options should be looked at to provide a purpose built building/space for young people and the Community Infrastructure Levy spreadsheet should be updated to reflect this.
R008/15 KGV (King George V) and Six Acres Inspections
Inspection Reports – there were no matters to report from the play inspection reports. The Clerk advised that she had received a quote of £180 to repair the five bar gate, together with a chain, padlock and a set of keys the total will be around £210. It was agreed that the Clerk should organise the repair. The annual ROSPA inspection reports are due by the end of July and shall be reviewed at the next meeting.
Other minor matters will be attended to by the Environmental Cleansing Officer.
Quotes and ideas for new equipment at KGV were reviewed. The committee is keen to have a mini-muga, a youth shelter and a couple of new pieces of play equipment (skateboard/rider) in the field.
Recommendation to the Parish Council
- that the budget of £20,000 for KGV is spent together with around £5,000 of S106 money. When approved the Clerk should obtain 3 or 4 quotes (up to £25,000) and designs for review and approval.
R009/15Terms of Reference
These were reviewed and agreed (see Appendix A)
Recommendation to the Parish Council
- that the Terms of Reference (see Appendix A) be approved
R010/15 - Next Meetings
20th August 2015 at 7:30pm
26th November 2015 at 6:30pm
Meeting closed at 9:25pm
Appendix A
Terms of Reference
This sub-committee, comprising of five councillors will meet at least twice a year. Ad-hoc meetings may be arranged at other times to discuss specific projects.
The Recreation Committee has no delegated authority on large items of spend (e.g. new play equipment and youth worker) recommendations will be made to the Parish Council but can authorise general maintenance of open spaces, trees, gates/fences etc within the Clerk’s emergency spending power up to £750.
The efficient and effective management of all open and green space/recreational matters in the Parish including KGV, Cherry Tree and Six Acres
To seek high standards of health and safety, repair, maintenance in connection with Parish Council land and any equipment or buildings on it
To work with the community, sports associations, local authority and contractors in relation open spaces set aside for leisure, recreation and amenity
To approve work up to £750 with regard to open spaces and review quotes >£750 for Recreational facilities making a recommendation to the Parish Council for approval, some contracts are renewed annually without the need for re-negotiation (e.g. play inspections). Others such as grounds maintenance are reviewed every 2-3 years.
To consider and respond to documents relating to the Community Youth Working/open and green space/recreation and the environment (excluding highways) to include lease arrangements
Put forward a budget proposal for related expenditure
To represent the Parish Council at meetings
To monitor the activities and deal with reports from specialists e.g. Trees, Play inspections etc.
Fund raising
The Terms of Reference for this sub-committee will be considered annually.