Governor Inslee has provided $360,000 to support the six TAP Implementation Committees to advance their goals and priorities. Each committee may access up to $60,000 of the funds, or may combine resources in a joint application for funds.

This resource is designed to address unmet needs and further leverage the current resources agencies and stakeholders are contributing (i.e., staff and other in-kind support) to the work of these committees. There may be additional needs that cannot be supported by existing resources, but, if funded, would accelerate the committee’s work. Committees will have opportunity to apply to the Workforce Board to access funds after other options have been exhausted. Applicants will demonstrate below how these funds are leveraged alongside other system resources to the fullest extent possible.

Allowable activities may include, but are not limited to: committee professional development, implementation of pilot projects to test identified service delivery models, contract services for technical consultation, and staff support. Funds for this proposal should be the last dollars requested to support the project or activity. The application for funds must describe leveraged resources that contribute to the specified grant-funded project.

Project applications will be accepted until July 1, 2017 in order to make funds available when and where they are most needed. Any un-awarded funds may be made available to existing projects if effective use can be demonstrated.

The TAP Accelerator awards are intended to test specific approaches in implementing the TAP Plan and to share outcomes and strategies with other awardees in a community of learning. In keeping with this principle successful grant applicants are expected to actively participate in learning opportunities to share best practices and assist TAP partners to better understand the principles, practices and performance of their funded initiatives. Funded projects will focus on statewide scalability and impact, and will be associated with one or more of the BASC’s assigned TAP goals.

Below are the BASC’sTAP goals:

A.Implement universal wireless Internet access in high-traffic areas of all comprehensive one-stop (WorkSource) centers in Washington by 2020.
B.Establish the state-level advisory committee on accessibility and barrier solutions and ensure the designation of local advisory committees during the first two years of the plan. By the fourth year of the plan, ensure that the state-level advisory committee has received multiple years of progress reports on barrier removal projects at the local level from each local area.
C.Identify and encourage local pilot programs that use technology as a means of facilitating and improving an integrated service delivery for customers, including programs that are designed to improve access to the system.


  1. Please provide project details (specific project activities along with purpose for funding).
  1. Bottomline Cost of the Project: ______.
  1. How does this proposal accelerate implementation of the TAP Plan?
  1. Attach a budget identifying source and amount of leveraged resources to complete the project when appropriate.
  1. Specify the specific TAP goals, measures or deliverables that will be addressed through funded activities.
  1. Specify how the committee charter is being amended to implement the TAP Accelerator project per the “Charters” section above (you may include the appropriate amended language, attach a revised committee charter to your application, or submit a link to the committee charter as amended).
  1. Demonstrate how this proposal aligns with the priorities of other Implementation Committees (please describe any coordination with other committees when appropriate).
  1. Outline a timeframe for the use of the requested funds and implementation of project.
  1. Who will provide oversight and management of the plan and funds to ensure success?