2014-2015 Calendar Proof

Forest Engineering

FE1611Engineered Systems in Natural Resources3 ch (2C 2L)

This course introduces students to the design process when designing structures and developing production processes associated with natural resources and the environment. Structures examined may include forest roads, small water management structures such as culverts and earthen dams, retaining walls, and landfills. Production processes may include forest harvesting, mineral extraction, and factory activities such as wood processing and seedling production. Impacts of engineered structures and production on the natural environment and ways to mitigate these effects are essential elements of these design processes.

FE2113Introduction to Forest Wildlife Ecology3 ch (3C)

Introduces an ecological approach to considering impacts of engineering structures on forest ecosystems and the major groups of wildlife inhabiting forests. Emphasizes interdependence of forest organisms and the terrestrial and aquatic components of their environment, especially in the context of industrial forestry.

FE2703Forest Operations Concepts3 ch (2C 3L)

An introduction to the major tree harvesting concepts relating to wood procurement in eastern Canada. Emphasizes the felling, off-road transfer and processing functions which are carried out prior to delivery of wood in various forms to the forest products industry. Representative machines are discussed as to their application within the concepts being considered. Normally taken by students in their second year.

FE2803Wood Technology3 ch (2C 3L)

Molecular, cell wall and anatomical structure of wood.Relative density, dimensional changes and moisture effects. Measuring industrial wood products (for example pulpwood, sawlogs, chips, pulp and lumber). Wood biodeterioration.

FE3033Analysis of Structures3 ch (2C 2T)

The fundamentals of structural engineering are addressed. Activities build intuitive understanding of relationships between geometric form and how internal forces created by external loads flow through components and systems, and how systems can deform and fail. Exercises are structured to promote learning of structural analysis without dependence on commercial tools.

Prerequisite: CE 2023 .

FE3143Natural Resources Geotechnique I4 ch (3C 3L)

The fundamentals of low volume resource road layout and design are covered: evaluation of existing road networks, layout of new networks including detailed road alignment, testing and interpretation of construction related soil properties, design of subbase, base, and side slopes, development of road maintenance strategies, impact assessment of resource roads

Prerequisites: GEOL 1001 , 1026 , CE 2023 and either CE 2703 or CHE 2703 .

FE3233Introduction to Operations Research3 ch(2C 3L)

This course introduces engineering students to operational research methods for solving constrained planning problems. Topics include linear programming, integer programming, mixed-integer programming, network models, and goal programming. Students learn to create and solve mathematical programming models of production problems, with emphasis on supply chain management problems in natural resource industries. They learn to critically analyze assumptions that are inherent in modeling technology or in formulation, and to accurately describe and interpret the essential elements of models.

Prerequisites: CS 1003 or equivalent, and at least 60 ch of program credit hours completed.

FE3303Thermal Engineering4 ch (3C 3*L)

Laws of thermodynamics, basic measurements. Heat transfer with applications to building and pipe insulation and heat exchanger design. Fuels and their combustion.Internal combustion engines. Laboratory work complements the foregoing and requires preparation of comprehensive written reports.

Prerequisites: MATH 1013 and either CE 2703 or CHE 2703 .

FE3363Machine Design I3 ch (2C 3*L)

Use of electric resistance strain gauges to determine working stresses. Safety, stress concentration and surface design factors. Static and dynamic working stresses. Fatigue design. Application of the foregoing to the design of various components. Design of shafts including critical speed considerations. Design of belt and roller chain power transmission systems. Introduction to design of fluid power transmission systems.

Prerequisites: CE 2023 and CHE 2501 .

FE3433Operations Research for Production Planning3 ch (2C, 3L)

Stochastic simulation, inventory control, optimization and heuristics for production planning and management. Topics include discrete event simulation using spreadsheets and commercial software, optimization and heuristics applied to resource planning and production planning, assembly line balancing, and production system assessment.

Prerequisites: STAT 2593 .

Corequisites: FE 3233 or ME 3352 or equivalent.

FE3603Economic Decision-Making for Engineers3 ch (3C)

Economic and financial decision tools and methods for engineers as managers. Major topics include: time value of money calculations and applications; cost behaviours and relationships; business structures, goals and financing; financial management and its relationship to operations management; financial analysis for planning and control; concepts of accounting; income tax impacts on decisions; equipment costing and replacement analyses; capital budgeting and capital investment analysis.

FE3773Forest Operations Planning Project I4 ch (2C 3L)

Principles of analysis and planning of industrial forest operations, focusing on harvesting, wood transport and road construction. Students apply the knowledge and techniques from previous forestry and engineering courses to the problems of planning and managing forest operations. A case study approach is used.

Prerequisites: FE 3233 , FE 2703 ,FOR 3005 , FE 3603 or equivalent.

FE3853Processing of Wood Products3 ch (2C 3L)

Wood as an industrial material. Processing of wood to make traditional primary products such as lumber and pulp; secondary products such as laminated products, construction panels; modern structural composites. Emphasis is on manufacturing process,quality control and applications of these products.

Prerequisite: FE 2803 , or permission of instructor.

FE4043Structural Analysis and Design II3 ch (2C 2T)

Design of structures used in natural environments and in support of natural resource industries. Relationships between structural form, material choices and performance of structural systems are studied. Awareness of how to interpret and apply structural design codes is built. Attention is given to the importance of three-dimensional behavior of structural systems. Exercises apply what is learned in practical ways

Prerequisite: FE 3033 .

FE4893Systems Design Project4 ch (3C 2L)

Students will work in teams to design a forest harvesting or wood production system under specified constraints, including raw material availability, end products, environmental regulations and economics. In the development of a design solution, students will integrate elements of human factors engineering, machine component design and selection, wood products, operation research and economics.

Prerequisites: FE 2703 , FE 3233 , FE 3363 , FE 3433 , FE 3603 , FE 3853 .

FE4995Structural Design of Forest Engineering Systems6 ch (2C 2T)

Students will define, design, and defend the logic of structures used in forest and other natural environments. Students will integrate elements of structural design with environmental and economic risk assessment. Emphasis will be given to the use of project layout tools (design of plans and profiles). Students will work in teams, develop a solution strategy, and present a comprehensive solution orally and in writing.

Prerequisites: Only for students in the last two terms of the BScFE program.

FE2001Critical Analysis of Great Books for Natural Resources Professionals I 1 ch (1C)

First in a series of 3 courses. Critical reading ability through level 2 is learned and demonstrated through examination of ‘great’ contemporary books. These books increase global awareness and provide various perspectives and insight into issues affecting society and natural resources.

FE3001Critical Analysis of Great Books for Natural Resources Professionals II 1 ch (1C)

Second in a series of 3 courses. Critical reading ability at level 3 is learned and demonstrated through examination of ‘great’ contemporary books. These books increase global awareness and provide various perspectives and insight into issues affecting society and natural resources.

FE3306Photo-Interpretation for Engineers3 ch (3L)

Landform recognition using aerial photographs for building roads, identifying drinkable water sources, searching for waste storage areas and conducting forest operations. Choice of web-based or lab-based instruction. Le coursestaussidisponible en français.

FE3313Introduction to Thermal Engineering **3 ch (3C)

Topics covered include: laws of thermodynamics; measurement of temperature and pressure using various methods; heat transfer by conduction, convection and radiation with applications to buildings, piping storage tanks, heat exchangers and other industrial equipment; characterization and combustion fuels; internal combustion engines; air compressors.

Prerequisites: MATH 1013 and either CE 2703 or CHE 2703 .** service course.

FE3873Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood (A)3 ch (2C 3L)

Strength properties, thermal properties, electrical conductivity, the movement of moisture in wood, effects of strength-reducing defects, stress grading, and processing parameters on properties.

Prerequisite: FE 3803 , or permission of instructor.

FE4001Critical Analysis of Great Books Natural Resource Professionals III 1 ch (1C)

Third in a series of 3 courses. Critical reading ability at level 4 is learned and demonstrated through examination of ‘great’ contemporary books. These books increase global awareness and provide various perspectives and insight into issues affecting society and natural resources.

FE4622Human Factors Engineering (Cross-Listed: ME 4622)3 ch (2C 3L)

An interdisciplinary study of the interaction of humans and their workspace.Physiological principles of work and energy. Anthropometry. Biomechanics. The ergonomics of workspace and job design. Fatigue. Work/rest schedules and nutrition.The physiological and psychological effects on humans of noise, vibration, lighting, vision, and the workspace environment. Lab periods include seminars and practical design exercises applying human factors and ergonomic theory to workspace problems.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students with at least 120 credit hours.

FE4623Forest Operations Financial Management (O)3 ch (2C 2L)

A course designed to familiarize students with the fundamentals of financial management in industrial settings. Deals with the concepts and principles of accounting, the use of accounting information, financial analysis, the management of assets, capital budgeting and the design of financial information systems. Case studies are used to illustrate concepts and techniques and their relevance to engineers and foresters.

FE4783Forest Operations Planning Project II4 ch (2C 3L)

Advanced analysis and integrated long, medium and short-term planning of all major elements of contemporary industrial forest operations: harvesting, wood transport, road construction and maintenance, stand establishment and other support functions. Students must demonstrate the ability to integrate and apply forestry, engineering and forest engineering knowledge and techniques from previous courses to the problems of planning and managing operations constrained by the requirement for sustainable, multi-objective natural resource management. A team-taught, case study approach is used.

Prerequisites: FOR 3005 , FOR 3006 , FE 3773 .

FE5143Natural Resources Geotechnique II (A)4 ch (3C 3L)

Extension of work in FE 3143 to more complex problems, including: consideration of retaining structures, slope stability, deep foundations, geosynthetics, aggregate test methods and specifications, and structural design of access roads.

Prerequisite: FE 3143 , or permission of the instructor. (Technical elective offered alternate years, usually alternating with FE 5761 . Packages selected geotechnical topics of relevance to construction of resource access roads.)

FE5252Forest Operations Research II3 ch (2C 3L)

During the two-hour lecture period, attention is focused on problem formulation and the application of operations research techniques to Forest Engineering problems. The two-hour tutorial period is devoted to wood inventory problems, selecting and scheduling tree harvesting machines by linear programming, production studies by multiple regression and monogram techniques and some applications in dynamic programming.

Prerequisite: FE 3233

FE5373Machine Design II (O)4 ch (3C 3*L)

Design and application of open and closed loop fluid power systems, bearings, clutches, brakes, threaded fasteners and other machine elements. Laboratory exercises deal with design and operation of fluid power circuits.

Prerequisite: FE 3363

FE5612Industrial Engineering3 ch (2C 3L)

Economic geography. Plant location analysis.Plant layout and facilities planning.Machine management and maintenance engineering. Work measurement: work standards, time study, work sampling, predetermined time/motion systems. Methods engineering. Lab periods include seminar, industrial visits and practical exercises applying IE theory to engineering problems.

Prerequisite: Restricted to students with at least 120 credit hours.

FE5761Transportation of Forest Products3 ch (2C 2L)

Transportation of forest products from roadside to mill, including, (i) government regulations, (ii) roadway characteristics: route location, forest road classification, and geometric design, and (iii) vehicle characteristics: gradability, power requirements, and scheduling. Emphasizes trucking, but includes a discussion of the rail and water modes of raw forest product transportation.

Prerequisites: APSC 1023 . Restricted to students with at least 100 credit hours.

FE5863Wood Structures (A)3 ch (2C 2T)

Design, construction and maintenance of bridges and low- and medium-rise buildings that employ wood as a primary stuctural material. Emphasis on meeting performance objectives related to strength, serviceability and durability.

Prerequisite: FE 3033 or CE 3033 .

FE5873Performance of Structural Wood Systems (A)3 ch (2C 3L)

Creep, connections, wood-framed construction, light frame trusses, fire performance, built-up components, preserved wood foundation, glulam structures, maintenance and inspection techniques.

Prerequisite: FE 3873 , or permission of instructor.

FE5910Directed Studies in Forest Engineering3-6 ch

In special cases, and with the approval of the Faculty a student may carry on directed studies of specific problems in Forest Engineering.

FE5911Directed Studies in Forest Engineering3-6 ch

In special cases, and with the approval of the Faculty a student may carry on directed studies of specific problems in Forest Engineering.

FE5912Directed Studies in Forest Engineering3-6 ch

In special cases, and with the approval of the Faculty a student may carry on directed studies of specific problems in Forest Engineering.

FE5990Project Report6 ch [W]

In this course, a student identifies a forest engineering subject of interest and submits a project proposal to the Instructor. Once the proposal is approved, the student must research the subject, submit an extensive formal written technical report and make an oral presentation on the project. Prerequisite: Only for senior students in the last two terms of the BScFE program.