May 24, 2012

A regular meeting of the Louisiana POST Council was held Thursday, May 24, 2012, at the Lod Cook Alumni Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Sheriff Jeff Wiley, Chairman, called the meeting to order.


The following members were present (or represented): Constable Reginald R. Brown, Sr., Mike Thompson (proxy for Attorney General James Caldwell), Major Mark Mahoney (proxy for Sheriff Larry Deen), Lt. Kelly Feet (proxy for Col. Mike Edmonson), Chief Hunter Grimes, Chief Chad Leger, Sheriff Steve Prator (Vice-Chairman), Mr. Joey Watson, and Sheriff Jeff Wiley (Chairman).

Staff members present: Robert Wertz, Rebekah Taylor, and Tyler Downing.

Guests present: Scooter Rushing (Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office), Capt. Bruce Teutsch (Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office), Major Mark Mahoney (Bossier Parish Sheriff’s Office), Capt. Wendell Raborn (Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office), Patsy Netherland (Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office), Sgt. Gerald Butler (Rapides Parish Sheriff’s Office), Sgt. Jason DiMarco (Gretna Police Dept.), Sgt. Eddie Lamulle (Slidell Police Dept.), Sam Moody (St. John Parish Sheriff’s Office), Roddy Landry (St. Charles Parish Sheriff’s Office), Lt. Terrell Robinson (Orleans Parish Sheriff’s Office), Lt. Richard Carroll (Shreveport Police Dept.), Capt. Curtis Soileau (Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office), Capt. Randy Mata (Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office), Sgt. Melanie Montroll (New Orleans Harbor Police Dept.), Capt. Paul Venable (East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office), Sgt. J.D. Leach (Baton Rouge Police Dept.), and Sybil Richard (Red River Delta District).


Sheriff Prator made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. After some discussion, Chief Grimes seconded the motion and the motion passed.


Ms. Taylor presented all the items on the Consent Agenda to the Council members. The Certification Extension Requests for Officer Mitch Davis (Winnsboro Police Dept.) and Toby J. Aguillard (Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office) were recommended for approval. After some discussion, Sheriff Prator made a motion to approve all items. Chief Leger seconded the motion and the motion passed.


May 24, 2012

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In-Service Training Program Update

Mr. Wertz presented an update of the In-Service Online Training Modules that were completed or in development. Mr. Wertz informed the Council members that DeRidder Police Dept. and Scott Police Dept. are being utilized as “test sites” for the online content and Learning Management System. Mr. Wertz requested the Council require each agency to appoint a “Training Coordinator”. After some discussion, Chief Leger made a motion to approve the request. Chief Grimes seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Sheriff Wiley asked the POST Staff to send out the In-Service Training Program Surveys again and implement a deadline of September 1, 2012. Sheriff Wiley also requested the surveys be available for presentation at the upcoming Louisiana Sheriff’s Association Conference and Louisiana Chiefs of Police Association Conference.


POST Corrections Curriculum Updates

Ms. Taylor presented the updated lesson plans for the POST Corrections Curriculum and recommended they be approved. After some discussion, Sheriff Prator made a motion to approve the updates. Mr. Brown seconded the motion and the motion passed.


Ms. Taylor informed the Council the Louisiana Academy Directors Association are currently updating the “Legal Aspects” block of the POST Basic Curriculum and will be presenting those updates for approval at the September Council meeting.

Sheriff Wiley made a call for any other business, and none was heard.

Mr. Brown made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Sheriff Prator seconded the motion and the motion passed.