Agenda Item: 653-157
Title: /

Tank Nameplates

Date: / September, 2003
Contact: / Name Jim Johnston
Company ChevronTexaco
Phone 510 242-1395
Purpose: / Define the requirements for replacing missing nameplates.
Source: / API staff Memo of 10/16/01
Revision: / 2
Impact: / The business impact of this item is neutral.
Rationale: / Establish rules for tanks with missing nameplates and/or certification.
Proposal: / 13.1.1 Reconstructed Tanks Existing paragraph 13.1.1 Existing paragraph 13.1.2
13.1.2 Tanks Without Nameplates
At the owners request a nameplate may be attached to a tank meeting the requirements below. If information required to complete the nameplate as required by the as-built standard is available and traceable to the tank a new nameplate may be attached under the direction of the Authorized Inspector. The new nameplate shall contain all of the information required by the as-built standard and be marked as a Replacement nameplate. If information required to complete the nameplate as required by the as-built standard is not available the suitability for service of the tank shall be evaluated under the rules of API 653 Sections 4 & 5. If the tank is found to be suitable for service, a nameplate may be attached under the direction of the Authorized Inspector. The new nameplate shall contain all of the information required by API 650 with the exception of year completed, manufacturers serial number, fabricated by, and erected by. In addition the nameplate shall be clearly marked as anAPI 653 RecertificationNameplate.
a. If the materials of construction are unknown, the allowable stress value defined in API 653 Table 4-1 shall be used. The material shall be shown as unknown on the Recertification nameplate.
b. When the extent of radiography is unknown, the joint efficiency factor defined in API 653 Table 4-2 shall be used or radiographyperformed as required to establish a higher joint efficiency.
c. For riveted tanks, the joint efficiency defined in API 653 Table 4-3 shall be used. The nameplate shall be made of a corrosion resistant metal embossed, engraved, or stamped with letters and numerals not less than 5/32 inches high. Nameplates shall be attached as specified in API std. 650.
Notes: / Rev 1 Negative Ballots were received from Nelson Acosta, Ronald Bailey, Randy Kissell, John Lieb, and Leith Watkins. The item was revised to address the comments.
Rev 0 Negative ballots were received from Bob Elliot, Ken Erdmann, Domingo de Para, and John Lieb. Comments were received from Larry Foster The item was revised to address their comments.

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