Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT)
RecognitionofPriorlearning is a formalacknowledgment ofskills/knowledge/competenciesalreadyobtained through:
If you apply for Recognition and are successful it can save you time in achieving a qualification as you do not have to repeat learning for skills and knowledge you already have.
All students are entitled to apply for Recognition of previously learnt skills and knowledge. To be awarded RPL you must provide evidence of when and how their competency was acquired.
Steps To ApplyforRPL
Studentswishing toapplyfor RPLshould completethefollowing steps:
1. Studentswill berequiredtocompletean Applicationfor RPLformand attachsupporting documentary evidence. Thisshould besubmitted toACBCtogetherwith therequired fee.
2. Applicationsfor RPLskills recognition willbeprocessed bytheDirectorof Studiespromptlyand applicants will beinformed in writingof theapplication outcomewithin 15working days. WhereRPL hasbeen granted,studentswill beinformedof theamountof reduction intuitionfeesand thecommencement
dateof theirqualification. Theletterwill alsoinformapplicants oftheir abilitytoappeal thedecisionif not satisfied,bywriting totheDirectorof Studieswithin 14days.
3. Appeals totheDirectorofStudiesshall beaccepted in caseswhereRPLskills recognition is
not granted. Appeals mustbemadewith 14daysoftheoriginal decision.
Credit Transfer (CT)
ACBCacknowledgestherequirementasaRegisteredTraining Organisationtorecognisetheawardsissuedby otherRTOs.This islimited tooutcomesthatare drawnfromthenational skillsframeworkbeing unitsof competenceawarded andaccuratelyidentified in statementsof attainmentandqualifications.
What iscredittransfer?
Credittransfer istherecognition oflearning achievedthrough formaleducationand training. Under theRTO Standards 2015,qualificationsand statementsof attainmentissued byanyRTOaretobeaccepted and recognisedbyallother RTOs. Credittransferallowsastudenttobeawarded a unit ofcompetence basedon successful completionof theunitwhich hasbeenpreviouslyawarded.
Procedure of CreditTransfer (CT) Applications
The Directorof Studiesshall managestudentCredit Transfers. Studentswishing toapplyfor CTshould completethefollowing steps:
- Completean Application for CreditTransfer Formwhich will be provided upon requestand lodgetheapplication along with evidencetosupporttheapplication.Qualificationsand StatementsofAttainmentissued byotherRTOsmust be originalsor appropriatelycertified copiesofthe originals.
- The Directorof StudieswillreviewtheCreditTransferapplication formand noteon theformwhetherthe unitsapplied forareapprovedor not.
- Wheretheunitsofcompetencedonotalign with theunits ofcompetencerequested,further information isto besoughtin theformof TrainingPackagemapping guides or purchasing guides.
- Applicantsareadvisedof thedecision in a CreditTransfer Letter within tenworking days. Theletterwill alsoinformapplicantsof their abilitytoappealthedecision if notsatisfied,bywriting totheDirectorof Studies.
- Appeals totheDirectorofStudiesshall beaccepted in caseswheretheapplicantisnotsatisfiedwith the decision. Appealsmustbemadewith14 daysofthe original decision.
6. Thecompletedcredittransferapplication formmustbesigned bythestudentand theACBCDirectorof Studies(or delegate)and retainedon thestudent’sfileatACBC. A copyoftheCreditTransfer Application Formand theLetterareplaced in theindividual student’sfile. A further copyisplaced in theCredit Transfer Folder and storedin StudentAdministration.
Fees for RPL or CT
Under the Smart and Skilled Program your Student Fees will be adjusted if you are granted RPL or Credit Transfer for any units in the Training Program. If you apply for, and are granted, RPL or CT before enrolment this will be inputted to the Fee Calculator and the fee you are charged will be reduced. If RPL or CT is awarded after the start of the Training Program you will receive a refund to any student fees paid. For further details refer to the Smart and Skilled Fee and Refund Information.
Further Information
NSW Department of Communities and Industry’s Candidate Guide to Skills Recognitionis a good source of information regarding Recognition and how it applies to your training and assessment.
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