„Any man who wishes to be saved must work out his beliefs for himself”
„God hath revealed the way of eternal salvation only to the individual faith of every man” (Milton); „God’s word alone is the rule of faith” (Milton)
JOHN MILTON (1608-1674)
Other major works: sonnets („On His Blindness”: „When I consider how my light is spent”);
„Lycidas”; Comus; „L’Allegro”, „Il penseroso”; Paradise Regained; Samson Agonistes
PARADISE LOST (in 12 books, 1667)
Epic tradition (magnitude, scope)
blank verse
reworking epic tradition and the epic properties (invoking the Holy Ghost)
Christian (rather than national) epic:
„to justify the ways of God to man”;
the causes of the Fall
1. Cosmic/religious causes (context)
Revolt and fall of angels; Pandemonium; plan to seduce and corrupt humans, Satan’s epic journey
Chaos: „The womb of Nature, and perhaps her grave”, „His dark materials”
Sees Adam and Eve „imparadis’d in one another’s arms’ (IV)
God’s counterplan: arrival of Raphael: tells Adam about the cosmic context
2. the psychology of Adam and Eve, their motivations
Marital love
Slideshow of human history
Adam carrying „Paradise within” himself (XII.587)
Paradise Lost as political allegory
three political models:Chaos – Hell – God’s universe
God: „…they themselves decreed
Their own revolt, not I: if I foreknew,
Foreknowledge had no influence on their fault
They trespass, authors to themselves in all,
Both what they judge and what they choose; for so
I formed them free, and free thay must remain
Till they enthrall themselves” (III. 117-124)
Epic properties; mythological allusions: Eve as Diana etc.
Satan: heroic position: „Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”; sublime figure
claims to be „self-begot, self-raised”; „Our puissance is our own” (V. 860-864)
mock-creator, grotesque travesty of creation (Hell is a world of „mis-creation”)
allegorical figures of Sin and Death
„The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven”
„What matter where, if I be still the same”
„Myself am hell” (IV. 75)
Inner psychological world
Adam and Eve are creatures „whom my thoughts pursue / With wonder, and could love” (IV. 363-4)
Romantic view of Milton’s Satan: Prometheus figure, the transgressor, Titanic rebel
Blake: „Milton is a true poet and of the Devil’s party without knowing it”
Illustrators: Blake (two series), Gustave Doré, John Martin