Rob Barnes (RB)
Anna Hammond (AH)
Steve Pointon (SP)
Jon Topham (JT)
Katy Warren (KT)
Charlotte Green (CG)
1. Apologies:Tim Leese (TL), Karen Adderley (KA), Niki Burns (NB) / Action
2. Notes of the last meeting
Notes of last meeting reviewed– housing presentation arranged for SHWBB now being done by Staffordshire County Council.
3. TSP update
AH and JT gave updates from their meeting last week.
Health and Wellbeing Board will take ownership task and finish groups- discussed within agenda.
4. Review of statement of Purpose and Work- plan
RB noted that the Tamworth Health and Wellbeing Board had developed considerably since the original meeting and development of early scoping document.
Agreed that this board should be the driver and principal owner for Healthy Tamworth.
Adoption of “Healthy” or “Healthier” Tamworth to be agreed at 25th October Health and Wellbeing event.
Healthy Tamworth- Action plan to be developed (linked to Healthy Tamworth)- key tasks to be scoped to drive action plan. However the action plan will provide an overview and delivery of key projects- no attempt to be made to capture or control everything.
Key actions to be identified which benefit Tamworth from partnership working before Christmas.
eJSNA- original target of Dec 2013 to produce an asset based and more generic output which includes physical activity in Tamworth. CG to lead on our eJSNA.Suggested that although initial work can commence the timescales will need to be reviewed following the 25th October and clarity of any timescales form Staffordshire Public Health.
JT/ CG to identify planned release date of eJSNA profiling data from County.
EJSNA document to be updated once data received.
Falls prevention update from AH- now an imbedded and closed projectwith positive results.
SP would like to have some positive/ good practice falls prevention case studies to link in with the Housing and Health Link worker. Success stories could be also be built into Healthy Tamworth communications.
AH will be taking falls prevention to the next TSP as one of seven success stories.
Falls prevention not a priority task and finish but a desired outcome (unless the figures were to decline).
RB to circulate e-mail update from Lee Birch (Supported Housing Manager) ref successes at Tamworth Borough Council Sheltered Housing Schemes (access to GP care, fallsprevention etc..)
Lee Birch and colleagues of AH to be invited to a future Tamworth Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.
Housing and Health link worker- AH advised that both Good Hope and Sir Robert Peel hospitals would the best point of reference for the hospital discharge project rather than Burton hospital as they receive 80% of Tamworth’s emergency admissions.
JT to speak to Lucy Heath about a literature search on reasons for admissions/ delayed discharge.
SP to do a bullet point briefing/ case studies to identify if there is a good case to put forward for resources for the pilot scheme.
LWT- RB noted that this had been a successful project locally with on- going training.
JT to bring a LWT update to the next meeting (which elements are to be centralised etc..)
RB to bring LWT steering group together again before Christmas if possible.
Healthier Housing Strategy- SP noted that the strategy needs monitoring/ refreshing.
RB/ SP to identify areas of work where value could be added through ownership via the THWBB.
Vulnerable Clients- mental health services- the exchange of information between teams such as Mental Health needs to be improved- should we factor in to action plan?.
JT and AH to look at how we integrate a wider duty of care into contracts.
JT to circulate document on growing older population and how we think about sheltered accommodation.
Reduce alcohol misuse…..it was agreed that there was nothing specific to action/ no specific projects at present. To be kept as an area of attention in the Healthy Tamworth plan.
Reduce tobacco use- JT recommended we assess what public health is going to do first and re-visit at next meeting.
Under 18 conceptions- TL to update as a response for Healthy Tamworth. / RB/ JT
5. Healthier Tamworth update
Discussed Health and Wellbeing event planned for the 25th Oct for organisational leaders.
Agreed that an away half day should be arranged after the Health and Wellbeing event to discuss language around commissioning/ strategic intentions. / RB
6. Key tasks and work- streams
As already discussed.
7. Conversation Staffordshire update
KT advised that the “Conversation Staffordshire” survey data was being analysed and a full report would be released at the 10th Oct Staffordshire Health and Wellbeing Board meeting.
KT to speak to insight team to ask what data can be broken for us locally. KT to also check on the amount of surveys received.
JT to include KT in the big conversation planning. / KT
8. Round table update- no further updates.
9. AOB- none
Next meeting scheduled for Mon 21st October at 2pm (now cancelled)