Answers to questions raised by candidates to the tender OSHA/CPU/2009/T2

Welcome to the answers to questions related to the Open Call for tender OSHA/CPU/2009/T2 Provision of Pan-European event, media and promotion services

We invite you to consult it regularly.

  1. Question:

Regarding the contract notice “Provision of pan-European events, media and promotion services” we request the following information:

Place of performance



Tender specifications and any additional information are available at

As indicated in the contract notice (point II.1.2), main place of performance is “various”, as services may be rendered in any of the 27 Member States of the UE (lot 1) or in other European countries out of the UE (lot 2).

  1. Question:

Regarding the contract notice “Provision of pan-European events, media and promotion services” we request the following information:

Lot 2: Conferences, workshops and events organisation/ Case study No. 1: Organising a conference in a non - EU country

1.)Is the tenderer responsible for preparing the list of participants to be invitedor will this list be provided by the EU-OSHA's Turkish focal point?

2.)For preparing an equal base for calculations for all tenderers, would you please provide us a fixed number of speakers that will be attending this conference?

3.)Is the tenderer responsible for the booking and the payment of the hotel for the speakers or only the booking arrangements?


1.)The Turkish Focal Point is responsible for providing the list of participants. The tenderer is invited to make proposals for additional participants, if appropriate.

2.)You can use for all events the number of five speakers as the basis of your calculations.

3.)The tenderer is responsible for the hotel booking and reimbursement of related expenses (the speakers have to advance first the expenses).

  1. Question:

Regarding the contract notice “Provision of pan-European events, media and promotion services” we request the following information:

1.)Lot 1 – Case Study 1: You request a “supporting media plan”. Do you expect a media plan (e.g. paid advertising) or do you refer to a media relations plan (e.g. press and media work)?

2.)Case Studies: You request mock-ups from the tenderer. Do expect to get mock-ups of the visuals or do you expect to get produced mock-ups e.g. produced poster giving an idea how the real poster would look like?


1.)As regards case study 1 we do not expect a media plan, including paid advertising, but general press and media work to give publicity to the event.

2.)Mock-ups: Simple colour copies of the visuals are sufficient. We do not expect final products.

  1. Question:

Regarding the contract notice “Provision of pan-European events, media and promotion services” we request the following information:

1.)Is there an advantage in participating to both Lot 1 and Lot2 in the Selection and Award criteria or not? It seems normal that the approach for the two Lots must be similar and consequently a single operator for both lots could be in a better situation…… or not?

2.)Why in point 1.5. is indicated that the framework contract will be concluded for an initial period of one year and may be renewed to a maximum of three years? In this way the framework and the estimated cost is binding only for one year and not for four years as is indicated in the “contract Notice” point 2.1.4)

3.)It’s unclear to me the meaning of the phrase in point 1.5 of the “Specifications”: “The framework contract imposes no obligation on EU-OSHA to call on the services of the contractor. Only implementation of the framework through specific contracts is binding on EU-OSHA”. May you clarify what is the reason of this specification that appears to me not consistent with the tender’s objective?

4.)Another similar doubt regards point 3.7.3). Why EU-OSHA hasn’t an obligation to award the contract? What are the possible situations in which that clause could be applied and, in that case, what are the consequences in term of exploitation of the requested services?In particular could EU-OSHA ask for other suppliers or it’s necessary to organize another “call for tender”?


1.)There is neither an advantage nor disadvantage in making offers for LOT 1 and/or LOT 2.

2.)In line with the EU financial regulations it is EU-OSHA standard procedure to conclude framework contracts for one year, which may be renewed to a maximum of three years.

The tenderer has to provide fixed prices in his/her offer. According to the draft framework contract these prices are fixed in the first year. From the beginning of the second year these prices can be revised under the conditions established in Article I.3 of the draft framework contract.

3.)Framework contracts only establish the ground rules of collaboration between the Agency and its contractors as requested by EU financial regulations. Concrete services will only be provided on the basis of a specific contract closed between the future contractor and the Agency.

4.)If the Agency does not receive any suitable offer, it will not award the contract. In this case it might enter into a negotiated procedure or launch a new call for tender

  1. Question:

As regards, the specifications, page 19: Technical and professional capacity:

In the section concerning the evidence documents to be submitted by the economic operators as proof of their technical and professional capacity, 2 similar requirements are requested:

-“A description of the technical equipment and systems to be employed by the firm for performing the services”;

-“A description of the technical equipment and the measures employed to ensure the quality of supplies and services”.

Please could you clarify what distinction is to be made between the 'description of the technical equipment' in each request?


As regards this question, a single description of the technical equipment and systems used to perform the services is required.

The second bullet point you mention refers to description of any quality control system/method put in place to ensure the successful and high quality performance of the services you provide. You do not need to repeat the description provided under the first bullet point.

  1. Question:

We have a further question concerning the above mentioned procurement procedure which we kindly ask you to clarify:

Can you please clarification what is meant with the term below (tender specifications, p.7):

“Where events are organised by third parties: coordination of logistical, technical and accounting issues with the organisers prior to, during and following the event.”


As regards your question, this refers to the cases in which the organiser of the event is not EU-OSHA itself, but any other organisation/company to which EU-OSH wants to offer via the contractor the necessary support for the event.

In these cases, although the specific contract will be still signed by the contractor and EU-OSHA, the contractor will have to liaise directly with the organiser for all related matters, of course keeping EU-OSHA informed on all developments.

  1. Question:

We would be happy if you could clarify the below question:

Our understanding of the Terms of Reference is that the financial score of the tenderers will be calculated on the basis of price lists in Annex 5 (for Lot 1) and Annex 7 (for Lot 2). Is it correct that we do not have to provide a detailed price offer for the different case studies (Annex 4) and that these case studies will be evaluated only from a technical/qualitative point of view? Can we assume that the estimated budget mentioned for each case study is given only as an indication of the maximum amount that would be available for these projects?


As regards your question, we can confirm you that, as you mention, the case studies will be only assessed from a technical/content point of view - following the criteria given for each of them.

The estimated budget given for each case study is an indication for the applicants when proposing the type and the quality of the services they estimate they can offer for such amount of money.

These estimations are based on market prices.

However, when solving the case studies, applicants should have in mind the prices they include in their financial proposal in order to be consistent.

  1. Question:

1)Regarding the media monitoring service, the prize will change depending on the number of users as we need to acquire the copyrights for different users. So, may we know if EU-OSHA is interested in entering to the platform?

2)Can you please indicate whether OSHA wishes a pdf format for the online articles? Could we propose to use text format and the link to the websites? Or do you need us to create a pdf for each publication?


As regards your questions, I can provide you with the following information:

1)If you can offer access to a platform, you could calculate around 4 users.

2)Online clippings, as well as the written ones, should be incorporated (in one way or another) to the quarterly clipping reports. As mentioned in the Annexes 5 and 7 (financial proposals), pdf format is not compulsory. It is mentioned “pdf or similar”. Proposal to access a platform via a link could be also feasible.

  1. Question:

We would be happy if you could clarify the below questions

1)Case Study 1 of Lot 2 concerns the organisation of an event for 250 participants. A budget (20.000 EUR) is mentioned. Is this budget a maximum ceiling that cannot be exceeded by the tenderer or is it an indication to the tenderer about the level of price that is expected by OSHA ? What do we have to do if we consider that the estimation is too low to allow for the delivery of the requested services at the required quality level?

2)During the completion of the organisation of events, members from the contractor’s team may need to participate in preparatory visits and/or meetings with EU-OSHA or on site as well as shall be present during the event. Will the contractor be able to charge travel and subsistence expenses separately and be reimbursed at cost price according to the rules of the EU or should we consider that these expenses will be billed at a fixed rate included in the budget line ”overall management” of the price schedule?

3)In the price list for Lot 1, under Implementation of a Competition Scheme, you mention the elaboration and the production of 150.000 leaflets and 9.000 posters. No mention is made of the distribution of these leaflets and posters, which is obviously necessary in order to run the Competition Scheme. How do we have to interpret this :

(1)distribution costs are not to be included ?

(2) distribution costs are to be included in the production costs ?

(3) distribution costs are to be included in the overall management costs ?

If 2 or 3 is the correct interpretation, should we calculate the costs for distributing the leaflets and posters (a) to the target audiences ? or (b) to the OSHA focal points (who would in turn distribute them to the target audiences) ?


1)If you consider that the estimated budget offered as an indication is insufficient for the requirements established in the description of the case, please provide with another estimated amount (which should be consistent with the prices that you should have provided in the annex 7 – financial proposal).

2)The contractor would be reimbursed travel and subsistence expenses at cost price separately according to the rules of the EU for the meetings/visits between the contractor and EU-OSHA (either in Bilbao or in any other place) at EU-OSHA request. Travel and subsistence expenses related to preparatory meetings or any other meetings necessary for the adequate performance of the tasks (for example, the ones between the contractor’s national partner and the corresponding EU-OSHA focal point or between the contractor and its national partners) should be considered and billed at a fixed rate and included in the budget line “overall management” in the financial proposal.

3)Distribution costs must not be included in the price list, but only production costs.