1. Student Access: evidence: who: have:

a. teachers collaborate to plan instructional units, assessments.. / *Planning day agenda showing time to plan
*PLC meeting notes showing collab of teachers
*district grade level meetings with Judy / Robin
Robin-email from Judy??
b. students have access to a variety of equipment and materials that are relevant to support their needs; instruction is revised and students are given feedback / * how to show access to materials??
(websites to do research? Books…)
*when are ipads used? Give some examples
*how is the open lab time used? / Teachers

2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum:

a. curriculum aligned to standards; includes pacing guides / *pacing guides
*I can statement (have these) / Becky
b. adequate instructional time is provided for teachers to plan and fully enact the curriculum / *daily schedule for one primary and one intermediate teacher / One intermed
teacher / already have Melanie’s

3. Instructional Strategies:

a. student-centered/evidence-based instructional strategies that include class discussions, questioning, critical thinking skills; students work in flexible, collaborative groups based on st needs / *evid of class discussion that shows through learning tasks or questioning we promoted critical thinking
*Amy’s N.Am unit with collab research groups
*Daily schedule showing small group time or a list of students in the groups / Teachers
b. clear learning targets / * posted targets/I can statements / teachers / X have
c. cross-curricular instruction; hands-on, authentic and applied learning experiences
(distinguished is “st are consistently engaged in a variety of cross-curricular instr activities that are deliberate, culturally responsive, and include hands-on, authentic learning experiences) / *Lesson or unit plan—description
*project based learning (inquiry based)
***more space on back / Teachers / Already have:
Amy’s N.Am; 4th bottle biog; 2nd gr units; kinder montly math hmwk

4. RTIevidence:who:have:

a. RTI decision making protocol established and used to make decisions based on st needs / PLC notes from a PLC meeting showing discussion of st needs / Becky
b. universal screening to determine students for intervention and data used to determine interv services / *SNAP, MAP, DIBELS examples
*Brigance example / Becky
c. tiered services/interventions; research based; accessible to all students / Ex of a TAT intervention log ???
What else? / Becky
d. RTI team meets to discuss and address student needs / *PLC notes showing discussion of student needs (same as “a” above)
*data day (something to show evidence
*TAT meeting example / Robin
e. progress monitoring data is used to make decisions about instruction and indiv student learning; instruction adjusted based upon data / *RIT groups (list of students in each group)
* / Becky
teachers / X have Melanie’s list of st in groups
f. school communicates services and progress with families of students identified for intervention / *Parent conference notes (one ex)
*report card example
* / Teachers


1. Assessments:

a. teachers collaborate to consistently embed day-to-day/week-to-week informal assessments to monitor progress and guide instruction Distinguished / *a copy of an exit slip or an informal assessment or learning check / teachers / May have an exit slip?? check
b. teachers use devel appropriate assessment methods to gather data about student learning and make adjustments to instruction / *examples of types of assessments used (have unit assessments and Rdg. Mastery)
*SNAP, MAP, DIBELS, Lexia –same as K-3 curriculum 4b
In rationale put that this data is analyzed/used in PLCs to make adjustments to instruction (weekly PLC mtgs) / teachers / *Have rdg/math written assess
* have Kinder Rdg Mastery fluency and word list assess

2. Expectations for Learning:evidence:who: have:

a. students and families are provided with clear models and descriptions of learning targets / *photo of learning targets
*newsletter home showing the learning for the week / teachers / May have these ?
b. teachers provide timely, learning target-focused feedback to st and provide guidance on how to apply feedback to enhance st work / teachers


1. Opportunities:evidence:who:have?

a. PGP supports appropriate instruction and links to the CSIP / A copy of a PGP? / Robin
b. job embedded K-3 focused professional learning opportunities are available to teachers / Any trainings/info in staff meetings?
What else? / Robin

2. Participation:

a. teachers and administrators actively participate as members of PLCs that focus on highly effective K-3 practices, planning of instruction, analysis of assessment data/student work and performance to impact K-3 program and indiv student needs / PLC agenda or notes from Becky(same as 4a RTI) / Becky or
b. K-3 teachers and administrators regularly collaborate with community, local business partners, and early learning communities and secondary partners (advisory councils, work exchange programs, commun groups / *Professor Popcorn evidence (handout, written in your plan book….)
*garden and recycling project (photo or paperwork?)
* / 3rd gr


1. Policies and Monitoring:evidence:who: have:

a. SBDM monitors availability of resources to allocate sufficient blocks of instructional time and developmentally appropriate resources needed to support an effective K-3 program / Robin
b. SBDM establishes and enacts a process to annually analyze data related to implementation and impact of policies and practices specifically for K-3 program / Robin
c. SBDM communicates with parents and community frequently about K-3 program (proficient)
SBDM uses a variety of sources (tech and media resources) to communicate info about the K-3 program with parents and community / Sarah
d. SBDM establishes and maintains policies that promote best practice in K-3 program (authentic assessment, positive parent involvement, continuous progress, develop approp educ practices…) **read the distinguished / Robin

2. Principal Leadership

a. principal works collaboratively with teachers to define, support, and continuously improve the K-3 program; principal regularly facilitates K-3 team meetings to monitor and support program efforts / *PLC meeting notes (same as above)
What else? / Robin
b. principal participates fully in and facilitates research-based professional learning in relation to the K-3 program / Robin
c. principal makes decisions related to staff assignment based on student needs determined by student trend data / *hiring assistants for interventions
* / Robin


1. Student Access: Evidence whohave:

a. intentionally scheduled time during school day for a balanced program of creating, performing, and responding to arts in each of the 4 disciplines / *master schedule for specials
b. arts curriculum provides discipline-based instruction and protected time in each arts discipline containing its own body of knowledge, skills, and ways of thinking
*elementary: all students have regularly scheduled discipline-based arts instruction in all 4 arts / * master schedule for specials (same as 1a)
*class agendas showing regular discipline-based drama instruction
*Act-up Lesson plans for drama with dates of implementation and curriculum map pacing guides or other instructional materials with dates

2. Aligned and Rigorous Curriculum:

a. arts curriculum encompasses creating, performing, and responding and is aligned to Ky standards / *refer to examp from reg ed teachers in PR tub
*have Brent’s pacing guide
*need evidence from John, Elaine, Maria (curriculum??)
* Act-up lessons plans for drama or other teacher developed or other drama curriculum / John, Elaine, Maria / Have Brent’s pacing guide; need Elaine and John’s
b. arts curriculum provides for the development of arts literacy in all 4 arts disciplines and utilizes the ELA standards / * refer to examp from reg ed teachers in PR tub
*Reader’s Theater; drama lessons (have)
* need evidence from John, Elaine, Maria, Brent (dance)
* use of Senora Tortuga Study Guides
* use of UK Opera Outreach Study Guides for “Alice in Wonderland” 2 - 5
*email from Becky about integrating Rdg Wonders units and related arts curriculum / John, Elaine, Maria, Brent and reg ed teachers
Karen / Have evid in PR tub; Read theater, drama lessons
c. school curriculum provides opportunities for integration as natural cross-curricular connections are made between the arts and other content area / *have evidence in PR tub from reg ed
*need evidence from arts teachers
*oral and written critiquing in visual arts
*cultural connections in music
*Caribbean Arts and Cultural Day
*Picasso lesson in Spanish / Arts and reg ed teachers / Have evid in PR tub from reg ed
d. arts curriculum includes the study of representative and exemplary works of dance, music, theatre, and visual arts from a variety of artists, cultural traditions, historical periods / *oral and written critiquing in visual arts
*cultural connections in music
*Caribbean Arts and Cultural Day
*Picasso lesson in Spanish / Arts teachers
and reg ed
e. school arts curriculum is revised using multiple indicators such as formative and summative assessments, arts organization performance assessments from sanctioned events, or other student needs / *District Arts Faculty meetings – have taken an inventory of current curriculum and revisions in Dance (using SPARK curriculum). Visual Arts and Music have revised curriculum throughout based on student progress and additional resources (grant funding for percussion instruments). Through Professional Development sessions and Arts Faculty meetings visual art and music faculty have begun analyzing the new National Core Arts Standards including Model Cornerstone Assessments and will be revising curriculum based adoption of those standards. Music revises curriculum in anticipation of the annual Winter Program Event and Visual Art does the curriculum revision to meet student needs in authentic assessment for visual art contests and the Youth Art Fair. / Arts teachers

3. Instructional Strategies:

a. teachers systematically incorporate all 3 components of arts study: creating, performing, and responding to the arts / *same as 2a ??
*include dates / Arts and reg ed
b. teachers provide models of exemplary artistic performances and products to enhance students’ understanding of an arts discipline and to develop their performance/production skills / *some of this is same as 2d
*need examples:
*Senora Tortuga
*UK Opera Outreach “Alice in Wonderland”
*Picasso lesson during Spanish
*All the specific artists during the Caribbean Arts and Cultural Day shared their artwork: Yolantha Pace, Poppa Stanley, Thomas Freese, not remembering the dance teacher, but will look it up
*other examples used to develop those skills
***more space on next pg / Arts teachers
c. arts teachers provide for the development or artistic theory, skills, techniques through the development of student performances or products that are relevant and devel approp for students / *In class performances especially for drama and dance
*Details from Winter Program
*Readers Theatre by Mrs. Stamps reading groups
*Youth Art Fair (in May)
*Visual arts contests
*Hallway exhibits (including Mrs. Green’s class native American arts and culture) / Arts teachers and Brent (dance)
Classroom teachers for drama
d. the arts curriculum is enhanced and strengthened through collaboration with guest artists, complementing discipline based arts instruction during the regular school day / *Arts Day (Karen)
*Jane in Tina Green’s classes
*also regular visitor in visual art and music in 1st semester / Karen
Arts teachers

4. Student Performance

a. students are actively engaged in creating, performing, and responding to the arts / Same as 2a? / Arts teachers and reg ed / ck evid in PR tub
b. students identify a purpose and generate original and varied art works or performances that are highly expressive with teacher guidance / More space on next pg / Arts teachers
c. students, with teacher guidance, routinely use creative, evaluative, analytical, and problem solving skills in developing and/or reflecting in their artistic performances and products / Arts teachers
d. students use written and verbal communication to objectively reflect on exemplary exhibits and live or technologically provided performances as classroom assignments / Arts teachers
e. students demonstrate the ability to become self-sufficient in creating performances and/or products after teacher guidance / Arts teachers


1. Assessment

Evidence: who: have:

a. formative and summative arts assessments for individual students and performing groups are aligned with standards and authentically measure a specific concept, understanding, and /or skill and lead to student growth / Arts teachers
b. teachers guide students to use developmentally or grade level appropriate peer review and critique to evaluate each other’s work / Arts teachers

2. Expectations for Student Learning

a. exemplar/models are used to encourage students to demonstrate characteristics of rigorous work in the appropriate art form in most instructional lessons/units / *same as 2a? / Arts and reg ed
b. teachers share clearly defined rubrics or scoring guides with students before creating performing, or responding assignments or assessments and students have the opportunity to provide input into the scoring guide / Arts and reg ed
c. teachers develop rigorous student learning and academic growth through objectives and SMART goals that are rigorous, attainable, and reflect acceptable growth during the year / Arts teachers

3. Assessment for Teaching evidence: who: have:

a. teachers regularly provide students with authentic, meaningful, documented feedback from a variety of sources (staff members, peers, art adjudicators…) so students may strengthen their future performance/products / Arts and reg ed
b. students regularly reflect on, critique, and evaluate the artistic products and performances of themselves and others / Arts


1. Opportunity:

Evidence: who: have:

a. PGP supports appropriate instruction for arts and links to the CSIP / *copy of an arts teacher’s PGP / Robin or arts teacher
b. A/H professional learning opportunities incorporate the Standards for Professional Learning, focus on research/evidence based practices and are planned based on student data and teacher PGPs
c. job embedded arts and humanities focused professional learning opportunities are available to teachers and they are encouraged to engage / *guest artists for “Arts Day”
*any others? / Karen / X
d. school allocates time for A/H teachers to collaborate and exchange ideas with academic core teachers / *staff meetings??? / Arts and reg ed

2. Participation

a. A/H teachers participate in arts content-specific professional learning opportunities to address school needs (based on data); there is some evidence of implementation of the professional learning / *evidence of PD trainings attended / arts
b. A/H teachers actively participate in PLCs to address issues related to instructional practices, data analysis, and improving student achievement. / *A/H PLC meeting agenda / Karen / X
c. A/H teachers are leaders in professional organizations and the school (“members in professional organ.” Is NI) / *proof of membership in a prof. organization
*a list of the organizations / arts
d. A/H teachers regularly collaborate with community, business, and postsecondary partners through advisory committees, work exchange programs, and/or community groups with a focus on the arts. / *Arts Day
* / Karen
Arts teachers / X
e. most teachers in the school receive and implement professional learning to enhance the integration of the arts and humanities content in school curricula (“some teachers” is “needs improvement”) / *Karen’s share time for drama in staff meeting (agenda, handouts..)
*others? / Karen
Robin/ teachers


1. Policies and Monitoring:evidence: who: have:

a. school council/leadership implement policies to ensure that disciplined based arts instruction is part of the school curriculum and the arts concepts are taught throughout the school and across the curriculum / *a note about which SBDM policy addresses this and where it can be found
*staff meeting agenda where Karen and/or Jane discussed arts instruction in the classroom (forms given to teachers) / Robin
b. protected time is allocated in the schedule so that all students can receive instruction in the A/H disciplines / *specials schedule (same as curr/instr 1a) / Sarah
c. arts teachers are invited to participate in planning the school budget / *SBDM meetings are open to anyone; how to show this? / Robin?
d. arts teachers are assigned mangeable class loads / *evidence??
e. Arts teachers receive planning and travel time that is equitable with other content areas / *A/H teachers’ schedule showing Tolliver and JRE and open blocks for planning time (NOT a JRE specials schedule since we need to show their time at Tolliver) / Any arts teacher
f. the principal and A/H teacher leaders collaborate to allocate equitable time, appropriate facilities, and resources to implement the arts programs. / Robin
g. decisions related to arts program staffing are based upon student need / Robin

2. Principal Leadership

a. principal enlists A/H teacher leaders to collaborate, evaluate, and reflect on the impact of instructional practices on overall student achievement / Robin
b. principal initiates and participates in professional learning regarding school’s arts program / Robin
c. principal frequently provides communication with parents/community about arts/hum program / *email home that includes Arts Day, field trips related to arts/hum, winter concert / Robin


1. Health Education: evidence: who: have:

a. a comprehensive health ed curriculum is sequentially planned and aligns with Ky standards for PL / Brent’s pacing guide (Karen has)
Brent: anything else? (health curriculum) / Brent
b. health curr regularly provides opportunities for all students to become health literate by practicing the skills embedded in national health standards / *Guidance lesson plans (safety, hygiene, nutrition…)
*Professor Popcorn (third)
* / Karen
3rd gr
c. health curr provides learning strategies/activities that ensure students receive instruction in all health content areas (ex. family life, alcohol/drugs, nutrition, mental/emotional health, injury…) / *KAREN: lesson plans and handouts from guidance (Karen –same as 1b); personal touch lesson for 2nd gr; KY. safe schools, bullying lessons, Red Ribbon (Anna)
*Brent: Jump Rope for Heart; Safe Side Safety videos; others: / Karen
Brent / *have kinder dental health visitor
*personal touch lesson
d. a coordinated school health committee is used as a support and resource for collab and integration of health ed instruction throughout school environment / *something showing collab between Anna/Karen
*Anna: pedometers (letter home)
Anna: dental van
Quality Care screenings (Karen copy one)
*create a “committee” / Karen
Brent, Karen, Anna, Cherryl
e. school ensures the health ed curr is integrated and includes frequent opportunities for cross-disciplinary connections to meet health and safety of all students / Karen: lesson plans
Brent: / Brent

2. Physical Education: