Tampereen Urheilusukeltajat and Uimaseura Kangasalan Kuohu will organize with the permission
from the Finnish Divers´ Federation and the Finnish Swimming Association
Open International FINNISH OPEN -competition in
TAMPERE on the 11th and 12th of February, 2017
Venue: Tampereen Uintikeskus, Kaleva, Joukahaisenkatu 7, 33540 Tampere
Competition pool 50 m, eight lanes, depth 1,2 - 4,2 m, water 27 degrees,Omega Timing.
Competition categories
A – men and women born in 1999 and earlier
B – boys and girls born in 2000-2001
C – boys and girls born in 2002 – 2003
D – boys and girls born in 2004 and after
Competition schedule
Saturday the 11th of February
15.30 Sports Information Desk will open
15.45 Technical meeting / Team Leader Meeting
16.00 – 16.50Warm-up in the competition pool
16:00 – 16:50Inspection of fins and snorkels
1. 100 SFmen/boys - 17 -15 -13A,B,C,D
2. 100 SFwomen/girls -17 -15 -13A,B,C,D
3 50 BFmen/boys -17 -15 -13A,B,C,D
4. 50 BFwomen/girls -17 -15 -13A,B,C,D
5.100 m butterfly men/boys -13A and D (MQT 01:45.00)
6.100 m butterly women/girls -13A and D (MQT 01:39.00
7.800 SF men/women/boys/girls -17A and B
Victory ceremony events 1 to 7
8.200 SFmen/boys -17 -15A,B,C
9.200 SF women/girls -17 -15A,B,C
10.100 m backstroke men/boys -13A and D (MQT 01:37.00)
11.100 m backstroke women/girls -13A and D (MQT 01:41.00)
Victory ceremony events 8 - 11
12.4x50 SF women/menA-mixed (min. 2 women/girls)
Victory ceremony event 12
Sunday the 12th of February 2017
klo8.00-8.50 warm-up in the competition pool
13. 100 BF men/ boys -17 -15 -13A,B,C,D14. 100 BF women/girls -17 -15 -13 A,B,C,D
15.1500 SF men/women/boys/girls -17A and B
16. 50 AP men/boys -17 -15A,B,C
17. 50 AP women/girls -17 -15A,B,C
18100 m breaststroke men/boys -13A and D (MQT 01:46.00)
19.100 n breaststroke women/girls -13A and D (MQT 01:50.00)
Victory ceremony events 13-19
20. 400 SF men/boys -17 -15A,B,C
21. 400 SF women/girls -17 -15A,B,C
22. 50 SF men/boys -17 -15 -13A,B,C,D
23. 50 SF women/girls -17 -15 -13A,B,C,D
24. 100 m freestyle men/boys -13A and D (MQT 1:3700)
25.100 m freestyle women/girls -13A and D (MQT 1:42:00)
Victory ceremony events 20 - 25
26.4 x 100 SF menA
27. 4 x 100 SF women A
Victory ceremony events 26-27 and best performances
Only club teams are eligible to participate in Finnish Open competition. Every club team should enter not more than four (4) competitors for each individual event and not more than one (1) team in each relay event.
Each club team should comply with the rules of the safety conditions set by the Organizer and the CMAS Rules and Regulations.
Finswimming: CMAS international 2015-01
Swimming : FINA rules.
The organizers reserve the right to limit the number of heats in swimming events due to duration of the competition. The teams will be informed of the possible limitation after closing of the registration.
Registration with attached form at latest on the 29 th of January, 2017to
Kalevi Turkkapuh.+385 400 959 002
Nirvanpellonka.2 Ae-mail:
33820 Tamperee-mail:
Swimming in Octo at latest 29.1.17
In finswimming categories A,B and C is 11,00 €/start, and in category D it is 8,00 €/start and in relay events 22 €/ team.
In swimming categories A,B,C and D the fee is 8,00 €/start.
Fees shall be paid at latest the 29 th of January, 2017 to Finnish Divers´ Federation. Bank: Danske Bank, account number IBAN: FI83 8000 1300 5415 14 and BIC code:DABAFIHH.
Late entry:
Late entry is possible only if the are available lanes in the heats. Late entry fee will be three times the normal entry fee.
Every competitor must have the licence required in the competitive sport.
Every team shall reserve and pay for their accommodation.
The following accommodation is recommended:
Hotel Kauppi, Pho. +358 32 535 353, fax +358 32 534 611
The organizer has reserved 30 twin rooms for participants. The booking is valid untill 11th
of January with code "Tinnish open".
On Saturday before the competition and on Sunday after the competition there will be a lunch for all participating teams at a cost of 9,50 euros per person. Reservations must be made at latest 1th of February Feberuary via e-mail : myynti@ or by phone +358 50305 3000.
If you have any questions, please contact Kalevi Turkka: email:
Kalevi Turkka, puh. 03-265 2160, 0400-959 002, e-mail:
Tampereen Urheilusukeltajat ryUimaseura Kangasalan Kuohu ry