Tameside 4 Good – grants for individuals

For funding upto £500

Tameside 4 Good aims to make it easier for local people to help local good causes through the giving of time and skills, money and resources. It is about everybody helping to make Tameside a great place to live and work. The Fund and its grant scheme is managed and administered by Action Together and an independent grants panel is responsible for making decisions on funding awards.

Who can apply?

The Tameside 4 Good Grants for Individuals scheme is open to people aged between 5- 25 who live in Tameside.

Agencies and practitioners working with you, e.g. your teacher, youth worker, social worker, mentor, your parent or legal guardian can apply on your behalf.

Please note priority will be given to those who have lived in the borough for 3 or more years. Priority will also be given to young people whose families are in receipt of welfare benefits (NB this will be checked by Tameside MBC).

What can you apply for?

You can apply for the costs to fund opportunities that will enable individuals to learn and/or develop new skills or take part in hobbies or interests. Examples of this “opportunity” could be an item of equipment, an activity, a short training course etc. We are particularly interested in helping children and young people realise their potential and developing talent in the Borough by helping young people overcome financial barriers.

In your application you must explain why you need the support from Tameside 4 Good and also describe the impact the opportunity will have on you and what it will help you achieve.


You cannot apply for the following items (please note, this list is not exhaustive):

  • Seed funding for business start ups (funding for this may be available from Tameside Council / Enterprise Centre ‘Dragon’s Den programme)
  • Driving lessons and associated items e.g. insurance and licences
  • Membership fees
  • Childcare costs
  • Course fees for Higher Education and associated general living expenses
  • Living expenses
  • Activities that should be financed by statutory services
  • Remedial intervention, i.e. therapies (speech/language/occupational etc)
  • Retrospective funding (something that has already happened)
  • Standard school/college/sporting group trips
  • Activities with a political or religious focus
  • Residential excursions under normal circumstances will not be considered, however, in cases that are unique to the individual the Trustees will consider how/if they can support the application

How much can I apply for?

Grants for individuals are up to the value of £500. In exceptional circumstances, we may consider requests for a higher amount.

Completing the application form

If you are interested in applying for to the Tameside 4 Good ‘Grants for Individuals’ programme and are eligible to apply, please complete the grant application form. Please include as much relevant information as possible.


Applications must include the names of two individuals (not relatives or friends) who have a professional relationship with you and who are willing to act as referees for your application. One of these people may also be your representative (the person who completes the form on your behalf). However, please remember, the representative cannot be someone who will directly benefit from your grant i.e. the owner of a business where your opportunity will take place.

Referees and representatives should be willing to support your application and help you to make the most of the opportunity that you are seeking funding for. They will also need to sign the application form.

  • Please ensure that ALL boxes on this form are completed.
  • Guidance notes are included with the questions.
  • A number of questions state a specific word count, all words over this number will be deleted before submission to the grants panel.
  • To avoid any delays in processing your application we ask you to include all the additional information that is requested in the checklist at the end of this form. Incomplete applications or those which do not include the correct supporting documentation will not be submitted to the panel.
  • Applications must be received by email. Supporting information can be posted but must be with Action Together by the deadline date. Please contact the development team if this is not possible.
  • The deadline for applications is Friday 3 November 2017, 12 noon. Late submissions will not be accepted.
  • Successful applicants will be informed of the panel’s decision within 6-8 weeks of the deadline date.
  • When your application form is complete, please return to
  • Please put “Tameside 4 Good Individual Application” and your name in the subject field of your email.

If you have any queries about the application form or application process, please contact the development team on:

Telephone: 0161 339 2345 Email:

ACTION TOGETHER CIO Charity Registration Number: 1165512

Tameside 4 Good - Grants for Individuals

Application Form

Section 1: Individual applicant details

1.1 Contact details
Full name of applicant:
Post code:
Contact Telephone / Home:
Email address:
Date of Birth:

Section 2: Opportunity Details

2.1 What is the opportunity that you require funding for?
(Please describe the learning activity or character building experience you are seeking funding for - max 150 words)
2.2 Why do you want to undertake this opportunity
(Describe what attracted to you to this opportunity, why you want to do it, how it will help/benefit you or your situation? – will it help you fulfil an ambition/career goal/qualification?)
2.3 Timescales – when will your opportunity start and finish?
Start: / End:
2.4 Where will your opportunity take place?
(If the opportunity will take place with a group, please say the name of the group and the write the location of the activity).
2.5 Why do you need financial support from Tameside 4 Good?
(Please tell us about any barriers you feel that are stopping your achieving your goal and show your commitment to the opportunity. Please include any financial barriers) (maximum 250 words)
2.6 Is this a new opportunity? / Yes / No
Please explain if you have done the opportunity before and if and if so, why you need a grant to assist you (e.g. how your circumstances have changed)?

Section 3: Project management and budget

3.1 What is the total cost of your opportunity?
3.2 How much are you applying for from the Tameside 4 Good fund?
3.3 How will you use the grant?
Please provide a detailed breakdown of how you will spend the grant
Budget heading
(e.g. Room hire) / Breakdown
(how have you worked out your costings?) / Amount requested
3.4 Please provide details of any additional funding you have secured towards your opportunity and any other support you will receive? (please detail other financial support you receive and other support from family, carers or others towards this opportunity)

Section 4: Benefits of your opportunity/project

4.1 How will you benefit from the Tameside 4 Good grant?
(Please describe how the grant will help your personal and/or professional development)
4.2 Will you gain any certificates, accreditation or qualifications from this opportunity?
(If yes, please explain what they are including the name of the awarding body and qualification)
4.3Please describe any additional benefits to the community from you undertaking this opportunity? (Please let us know if you are involved with any voluntary or charitable activities?)

Section 5: Referees

Please ask two individuals to complete the referees section below. Referees must not be a relative or friend, but someone from a group you attend or from school/college/university or an employer or organisation you volunteer with. They must not directly benefit if your grant application is successful. If they meet this criteria, your representative (the person helping you complete this form if you have one) can also be a Referee.

Name of Referee 1:
Job title and organisation:
Post code
Contact Telephone Number:
E-mail address:
How long have you known the applicant? (Months/years):
Please describe the nature of your relationship with the applicant (use the space below):
Please tell us in your own words why this individual should receive funding for their opportunity?
Please explain how will support the individual with this opportunity?
Please tick this box if you are willing to be involved in any publicity should the application be approved.
Name of Referee 2:
Job title and organisation:
Post code
Contact Telephone Number:
E-mail address:
How long have you known the applicant? (Months/years):
Please describe the nature of your relationship with the applicant (use the space below):
Please tell us in your own words why this individualshould receive funding for their opportunity?
Please explain how will support the individual with this opportunity?
Please tick this box if you are willing to be involved in any publicity should the application be approved

Section 6: Declarations and Signatures


  • I certify that the information contained in this application is correct. I understand that if in any way the information is not correct the application may be disqualified or any grant awarded will be repayable on request.
  • The purpose for funding described in this application is a valid and genuine request.
  • If the information changes in any way I will inform Tameside4 Goodas soon as possible.
  • I agree to being contacted by Tameside 4 Good to find out how I have benefited from the grant.
  • I agree to provide photographs and information to be used in Tameside 4 Good marketing

Signature of applicant:
Print name:
Please tick this box if you are willing to be involved in any publicity should the application be approved.


(to be completed if someone has completed this form on behalf of the applicant. Please note your representative cannot be someone who will benefit directly from your grant, should you be successful).

  • I certify that the information contained in this application is correct. I understand that if in any way the information is not correct the application may be disqualified or any grant awarded will be repayable on request.
  • The purpose for funding described in this application is a valid and genuine request.
  • If the information changes in any way I will inform Tameside 4 Good as soon as possible.
  • I agree to being contacted by Tameside 4 Good to find out how the grant has made a difference.

Signature of representative:
Print name:
Relationship to the applicant:
Telephone/Mobile No.:

Section 7: Check list

Application Checklist / YES / NO
Have the applicant and / or representative signed and dated the application form?
Have both Referees signed and dated the application form?
Are your Referees people who you have a professional relationship with i.e. not a friend or relative?
Have you provided a contact telephone number and email address in case Tameside 4 Good needs to get in touch with you?
Have youdescribed clearly what it is that you require funding for?
Have you answered all the questions on the form?
Have you given a full explanation as to why you cannot fund this opportunity yourself?
Have you given an accurate breakdown of costs for the opportunity you are applying for i.e. number of hours and total cost of the opportunity?
If you are applying for equipment, have you included the full details of the item(s) including model number(s) type and size?

Please note, if you have answered NO to any of the questions in the table above, your application will NOT be valid and will be returned for completion.

How did you hear about Tameside 4 Good?

Please tick below to tell us how you heard about the Tameside 4 Good Fund
Tameside 4 Good website
CVAT website
Internet Search
CVAT Ebulletin or staff member
Another organisation – please name:
Word of mouth – if you can, please tell us who:
Local Press
Funding Database / search engine; please state:
Other – please state:
Please send your completed application to:
Tameside 4 Good Grants for Individuals Programme,
131 Katherine Street,
Please see the guidance notes for details of the deadlines.