Lennox High School Athletic Boosters

Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2013

The Lennox High School Athletic Boosters met on November 18, 2013, in the Lennox High School Cafetorium following the Winter Sports Parent Meeting. President Heather Herlyn called the meeting to order at 8:02 pm and presented the agenda. Todd Anderson made a motion to approve the agenda, seconded by Cameron Herlyn. Motion carried.

Secretary’s Report:

Minutes of the August 12, 2013, meeting were presented by Heather Herlyn. Jen DeCou made a motion to approve the Secretary’s minutes as presented, seconded by Dawn Timmerman. Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report:

Laura Ford reported that the checking account balance as of November 1st was $14,736.13. Items that have recently been approved are $1,600.00 for on line film software package, $440.00 for shooting shirts for boys basketball and $210.68 for cross country popsicles. Year-to-date $25,775.47 was earned, $16,617.52 in expenses and $19,152.98 was given out. The Booster Club will take over concessions beginning January 11, 2014. A motion was made by Dan DeVries to approve the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Rick Leisinger. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business:

The golf tournament was a success, netting $5,460.00. Ideas were discussed on how to make it even more successful next year. Jen DeCou contacted Lenkota Country Club to see if this tournament can be held on August 23, 2014, in hopes that it can be earlier in the season so the weather is nicer and there will be more time to plan. The date has to be presented to their Board and they will let Jen know. It was also discussed that the tournament be held that same weekend each year. A suggestion was made to look at colleges for sponsorship as well as Storm, Stampede and Skyforce.

New Business:

A request was made by Rich Luther to purchase polo shirts for the coaches. 28 shirts would be needed at approximately $35.00 a piece equaling $980.00. Todd Anderson made a motion to purchase the polos. Pam Leisinger seconded. Motion carried.

Matt Luze made a request for $2,000 for helmets – this would be splitting 50/50 between the Booster Club and Football Moms from the total of $4,000. The company has a deal right now where you buy 2 and get 1 free, so this would be for purchasing 20 helmets and getting 10 free for a total of 30 helmets. It was suggested that the Booster Club give $1,000 for helmets since there are 11 athletic clubs that are supported and $14,736 in the account. Also, Football Moms have the funds to cover the remaining portion of the bill. A motion was made by Pam Leisinger to give $1,000 for football helmets. Tim Heisinger seconded. Motion carried.

A request was made by Randy Weischedel for $480.00 for wrestling coach camps. A motion was made by Jen DeCou, seconded by Cameron Herlyn. Motion carried.

Dan DeVries made a request to purchase an updated video camera which would be used for all athletic programs. The cost would be approximately $450.00. Cameron Herlyn made a motion to purchase a new video camera. Todd Anderson seconded. Motion carried.

Randy Weischedel made a request to purchase jump ropes for the wrestlers. The cost would be approximately $300.00. Dan DeVries made a motion, seconded by Char Oltmanns. Motion carried.

Other Business:

Heather Herlyn will give a concession schedule to all the coaches so they know when their athletic club is scheduled to be in charge of concessions. Either the coach or a specified parent will be responsible for finding people to work those dates/times. There are 3 games/events per group.

Fundraising ideas were presented and discussed:

  1. Hoop Shoot at half time
  2. 50/50 tickets
  3. BB league/BB tournament/3 on 3 tournament
  4. Bowling – open bowling and proceeds go to the school
  5. Alumni game
  6. Have some activity between homecoming parade and game to keep families here
  7. Sell Cold Stone ice cream at the concessions
  8. Continue to sell apparel – each sport has their own apparel they sell

After Prom Basketball Tournament

Todd Anderson brought up for discussion that concessions need to be covered during the after prom basketball tournament. This tournament with be held on January 25th. Workers will be needed in all 3 buildings from approximately 8am to 7pm. Todd will bring it back to his committee that the Booster Club is interested in helping out with the concessions.


The next meeting will be scheduled in February 2014. Dan DeVries made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jen DeCou seconded. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:07 pm.