Talking Points for the Bully Power Point

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  1. 1 incident of bullying every 7 minutes
  2. Adults intervention in only 4% of the incidents
  3. Peers intervention in 11% of the incidents

Children learn more powerfully from what they see adults do than what they hear us say.

No intervention by adults = Bully thinks it must be ok

No intervention =Target may feel they deserve it

Adults can and must intervene

FIRST STEP---identify unacceptable behavior and all adults on campus know and agree that the behaviors are unacceptable

  • Physical Aggression/ kicking hitting pushing choking
  • Verbal Aggression/ starting rumors threatening hate speech
  • Exclusion/ systematical exclude others i.e.: NO ONE PLAY WITH MARY

This does not mean the expectation is that every student will be friends with every other student


Bullying is

Done by someone with more power or social support toward someone with less power or social support

It often includes the abuser blaming the target for the abuse

Often leads the target to blame self for the abuse

In most bullying situations the target can not stop the bullying by their own actions

Bullies can be happy and self confident/ many are popular

Page 3

How has our school reacted to abuse?

Do we deny? Do we ask the target to solve the problem without help?

Handout 1 & 2

Reminder: Adult intervention occurs in only 4% of bullying situations

Reminder: We all have made these mistakes in dealing with Bullying

Page 4 & 5

Handout on video game…. Have staff read and make a few comments


When we see bullying as a choice made by bullies and realizes that bullies are quite comfortable with their behavior then we can begin to look at the effects of bullying and can really develop techniques for making our schools safer.

Page 7, 8, 9

Consciously Choosing Language


He/She is being bullied because He/She is being bullied about (takes blame away from victim

I feel I notice

Stop tattling Thank you for telling me

Nice Job I noticed that you

What happened What did you do

Just ignore it or work it out What have you already tried

Why did you do that We do not allow that here.

You are a bully or You are bullying We do not allow that behavior here.

Forced apologies from aggressive students are ineffective

  1. Unlikely to be genuine
  2. Make aggressive youth feel better without changing their behavior
  3. Pressure targets to forgive before they are ready to do so
  4. When we force a student to apologize we teach them to lie

HANDOUT 3 Rubric

Page 14

Bullies benefit when peer bystanders consciously withdraw

Every time bystanders act effectively to stop bullying they see their own potential to make a positive impact on the world

Teach bystanders that they are like the Neighborhood Watch program

You teach them to pay attention to what is happening around them and report the truth

Teach them to challenge the CODE OF SILENCE by creating a Supportive environment