Instructions, p. 1

How to Cut, Score, Fold, and Glue

Katz and Sons Architectural Models

The Katz and Sons Architectural Models use basic cutting, scoring, folding, and gluing techniques for all of the models, regardless of the building being constructed. Mastering these basic techniques will enable you to have success building any of our architecturally detailed buildings. Just follow these steps.

Instructions, p. 1

Instructions, p. 1

Equipment Needed

·  Exacto knife with scalpel-type blade

·  Mounting board

·  Cutting board

·  Small scissors

·  Paper glue (white glue)

·  Wax paper

·  Toothpicks

·  Metal ruler

·  Book or brick (for weight)


·  Mounting board—cardboard or thin board to serve as a base for the model

·  Cardstock—stiff, heavy weight paper

·  Scoring—lightly cutting the surface of the stiff cardstock

Instructions, p. 1


Preparing the model base

1.  Set out cards containing the parts to be cut out to see that all cards are there.

2.  Take the base card(s) and use scissors to cut along the indicated borders.

3.  Glue the base to the mounting board.

4.  Place wax paper over the top of the new base and place a heavy object (book or brick) on top so that the base will dry flat.

Cutting out parts

1.  Use scissors to roughly cut out the parts in the sequence you will glue them together.

Note: Most kits number the parts sequentially with a matching number on the base where you will glue the completed part.

2.  Use your Exacto knife to do the fine cutting of the part outline as indicated.

Scoring parts prior to folding

1.  Determine the scoring points for all the parts on the remaining cards.

Note: There are two types of scored folds, front and back.

·  If the part is marked as in diagram A, the scoring is done on the front (printed) side of the cardstock.

Diagram A

·  If the part is marked as in diagram B, scoring is done on the back side (unmarked side) of the cardstock. To see where the scoring goes, use a pin or needle to prick a hole through the circles on the printed side. The scoring goes between the pin prick holes.

Diagram B

2.  To score front folds, line up the metal ruler on the folding line and lightly draw the blade down the printed side of the part in a straight line connecting both end points.

Caution: Be careful not to cut through the paper when scoring.

3.  To score back folds, turn the card over and draw the blade lightly in a straight line, using the metal ruler as a guide to connect the pin holes.

Folding and gluing pieces

1.  Fold the part (in or out, as you have scored it).

2.  Lightly glue where the edges meet.

Note: Use a toothpick to transfer the glue more accurately onto smaller edges.

3.  Let the glue slightly dry for a few moments to get “tackier.”

4.  Hold the edges together until fully dry.

5.  Glue the completed model parts to the base according to specific instructions for the particular model.