Talent Acquisition Manager(TAM) Instruction Guide
I / IntroductiontoTAM / 2II / ViewingApplicantData / 3
III / Approving/Denying/PushingBackaJobOpening / 7
IV / ManagingApplicants
UpdatingCandidateApplication / 9
UpdatingCandidateDispositionStatus / 12
DispositionStatusOrganizationalChart / 14
SendingCorrespondencetoanApplicant / 15
SendingCorrespondencetoaGroupofApplicants / 18
V / AddinganApplicantManuallyintoTAM / 20
IX / TAMFAQs / 23
Officeof HumanResources
(262) 595-2204 • •
Introductionto TAM
Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM) has improvedthe waythe Universityof Wisconsin posts position openingsand accepts applicant materials. It streamlines thehiringprocessforFacultyand Academic Staff, Adjunct Faculty, andLTE positions.
TheHRSTAM is the first stepin recruitmentand hiring. Applicants enter information and upload attachments into thesystem in order to applyforposted vacancies. External candidates can managetheir application information and materials throughthe CandidateGateway, accessible from theUW-ParksideHuman Resourceswebsite. Current UWEmployeescan accessTAM through the EmploymentPageof the “MyUWSystem”portal, which willpopulate the applicant’s
contact information from existingHRSrecords. Both theCandidateGatewayand self-serviceallow applicants tocreate a jobagent function, which promptsHRSto notifythem when thereis a newjob announcement that meetstheirdesignated occupational areaof interest.
Onceajob is posted, applicant files willbe collected and organized within TAM. The centralized location of applicant files within TAM improves efficiencyduringthe search and screen process.
TAMbenefits thesearchcommitteebyincluding featureswhich allow staffto approvejob postings, manage applicant materials, monitor applicant statuses through the searchprocess, schedule interviews and reviewinterviewcalendars, andforward applicants to othermembers of thesearch teamforreview.
Additional information about TAM can befoundon the Searchand Screenpageof the Human Resources web site: Ifyou havequestions regardingthe search and screen process or TAM,please contact Human Resources at (262) 595-2204 or via e-mail at:
Viewing ApplicantData
Youcan viewapplicant data usingthe“ManageApplicant”page.
The“Applications andResumes”section provideslinks to each application(withor without a resume)that theapplicant submitted.
The“Contactand Verification”sections enableyou to view and modifytheapplicant's name, address, emailaddress, phonenumberinformation, and references. (SearchChair orADA)
Usethe“FindJobOpenings”pageto search forspecificjob openings thatyou areassociated with. You willbe able to viewapplicants and theiractivityforthose jobopenings.
Click “Search”.
Click on the “Job Opening”that resulted fromyour search.
Click on the applicant'sname thatyou wish to view.
1. Click on an applicant's name in the“Applicant”column.
Usethe “ManageApplicant”pageto view and modifyapplicant information and to perform various applicant-relatedactions.Initially, this pagedisplays the“Applicant Activity”view.
2. Click on the ApplicantDatalink.
3.Click the “ViewApplication”link to view application details, includinganyresume.
1. Click on the “Contact”link. Thesecond section in the “Applicant Data”viewshows“Contact”information forthe applicant, startingwith full details of the applicant's name. To viewadditional contact information for this applicant, scrolldown. Subsequent sections show the applicant's physical address andanyemail addresses and phonenumbers that the applicant provided.
2. You caneditcontactinformation if requested bythecandidate. To update,you willutilizethe
"Click iconto edit Applicant Status"section.
3. Makenecessarychanges to Applicant Status.
4. Click on the “Verification”link. The“Verification”sectionshows information about an applicant's references.The“References”grid displays summaryinformation about theapplicant's references. To view, add, or modifyreferencedetails, click the“Edit Reference”link.
ApproveJob Opening(s)
Thisprocess will reviewthe steps required toapproveor denyajob opening. Job openings created by
Human Resources willbeforwarded to theHiring Manager to the Hiring Authority.
1. The approver receives anemailrequestingajob opening approval. Clickingthe link inside thebodyof the email willdirectyouto theTAM login page.
2. Loginto TAMusingyour campus username and password. You will be brought to theJobOpening
pageforthepositionyouneed to approve.
3. Select “Job Postings”
4.Select the link forthe open position.
5. Scroll to the bottomof the “Posting Information”page, and select“Preview”. This will allowyou to see an overallpreview ofthe job posting.
6. Afteryou havereviewedthe job posting, click on“Return to Previous Page”. You will return to the “Posting Information”page. At this point the approver can modifyanyinformation and then click the “OK”button.
7. Ifyou havemodifiedanyinformation in the job posting, besureto click “Save”.
8. Click on the “Approvals”link.
9. Enter Comments into the Comment field, if needed.
10.At this point,you can either approveor denythe job opening.
a. Approve-Click this button to approvethe job opening and theHR recruiterwillbenotified. (Note:you are able to edit thejob openingandapprove. You do not haveto denyor push it back if therearechanges.)
b. Deny – Click this buttonto denythe job opening.This will create anemailnoticeto theHR Recruiter indicatingthatthe Job Openinghas been denied.
c. PushBack-Click this button to notifythe previous approver that thejob openinghas been pushed back and needsattention.
Note:If this was the firstlevel of approvals and theApprovebutton is selected; the job openingis routed to thenext or final approver in thechain. That approver must completethe same process beforethejob openingcan finallybeapproved. HR willalways bethefinal approver.
11.Sign out of TAM usingthe SignOut link at thetop right handcorner.
UpdatingaCandidate's Application
(i.e.Resume,CoverLetter, etc.)
Onceacandidatehas applied,he/she willnot be able to make changes afteran application foraspecific jobhas been submitted.If an applicantwants to changea resume oradd additional attachmentsafterthey have been submitted, the candidate willneed to contact theperson indicated in thejob postingand the searchchair willneed to upload anynew informationforthe applicant. Anapplicant's data can beedited usingthe ManageApplicantpage. This document will describethe steps to updatingacandidate's applicationattachments,such as Resume, CoverLetter, etc.
UsetheFindJobOpeningspageto search forspecificjob openings thatyou areassociatedwith. You willbe able to viewapplicants and theiractivityforthose job openings.
Click Search.
Click on the Job Openingthat resulted fromyour search.
Click on the applicant's name thatyou wish to view.
1. Click on the applicant's name in the ApplicantName column.
Usethe ManageApplicant pageto view and modifyapplicant information and to perform various applicant-related actions.Initially, this pagedisplaystheApplicant Activityview.
2.Click on the Applicant Data link.
Thefirst sectionin theApplicant Dataviewshows Applications andResumes. The Applicationsgrid listsapplications that wereentered into the system.
3.Under theApplicationsection, click theViewApplicationforthe JobOpeningtheyhaveapplied for.
4.Onceon theApplications Detailspage, scrolldown thepageto the JobOpeningsection to ensurethat you areeditingthe Applicant's information forthecorrect job opening.
5.Scroll back up to theResume section.Ifyou need to delete an attachment, such as Resume orCover
Letter, find thedocument to deletein theAttachments section.
Select thedocument to deletebyclickingin thecheckbox.
Click the DeleteAttachmentlink.
Proceed with addingAttachments forthis applicant byclickingthe(+) AddAttachmentlink, if necessary.
6.Onceyou arecompleted with updatingtheapplicant'sapplication for thejob opening, scroll down the page andclick the SaveSubmitbutton.
Updatingan Applicant'sDisposition
Whenyou review applicant activity,youcan alsoupdate the applicant’s disposition status.
Select FindJobOpenings.
UsetheFindJobOpeningspageto search forspecificjob openings thatyou areassociated with. You willbe able to viewapplicants and theiractivityforthose job openings.
Click Search.
Click on the Job Openingthat resulted fromyour search.
Click on the applicant's name thatyou wish to view.
1. Click on the disposition status associated with thejob openingthatyou are searchingfor.
2. Click on the arrow icon next to the text "Click icon to editdisposition details."
3. Click the pull down menu for Status Code
4. Select theupdated disposition status.
5. Update the Status Datefieldif desired.
6. Click Save.
University of Wisconsin–
TAM DispositionStatus
Organizational Chart
020 Applied
Automaticallygenerated statuswhena candidate applies
100 Hold
HasComplete Materialsand can bereviewedbysearch chair
020 Applied
MissingMaterials- can move toHoldwhen materialsarereceived
030 Screen
Applicantmeetsall minimumqualifications
03CDoesnot Meet Minimum Qualifications
Applicantdoes not meet minimumqualifications
03A Consideredfor
ApplicantmovestoForm E
Applicantdoesnot move toForm E
060 Interview
03A Consideredfor
Useif a candidatewithdraws fromconsideration. Please make sureyou havethisin writing. This dispositionis permanent.
Pleasedo not useany otherdispositions.
SendCorrespondenceis an action that enablesyou to send amessageand/or attachments to an applicant’s preferredemailaddress(i.e. interview itinerary, non-selection letter, etc.). Whenyou send correspondencetoan applicant, TAM saves the message asa contact notethatyoucan viewin the Contact Historygroupboxon theManageApplicant -Contact Notespage.
UsetheFindJobOpeningspageto search forspecificjob openings thatyou areassociated with. You willbe able to viewapplicants andtheiractivityforthose job openings.
Click Search.
Click on the Job Openingthat resulted fromyour search.
1. Locate therowof theapplicant to whomyou are sendingemail. Click theTakeActionlist in the applicant's row.
NOTE:To send an email to multipleapplicants, you would select thoseapplicants and usethe Group
Action field to initiate theemail correspondence.
2. Click the SendCorrespondencelist item.
3. Usethe SendCorrespondencepageto create theemail thatyouwillbesending. Bydefault, the To field alreadyshows the applicant orapplicantswhomyou selected. Youcannot modify this field.
Note:TAMwill send the email to the applicant's preferred email address. Ifthe applicant record does not includea preferred email address, youwill receivean error whenyou send the email.
4. Click anyadditional recipients usingtheCcor Bcc fields. To look up recipients, click theFind link.Ifyou usetheFindlink usethe FindEmployeespageto look up emailaddress for employees thatyou wantto include in the Ccor Bccfield on theemail.
5. You can look up employees byfirst or last namebyclickingtheFindbutton.
6. Click the Add Selectedbutton. Theselected individual(s) now appears in thedesignated field
7. Click in the Subject field. Enter the email's subject information.
8. Click in the Message field and enter(orpaste) themessagetextyou want tosend.
9. You can also spell-checkthe messagetext byclicking SpellCheckbutton.
10.Click the OKbutton.
11.Additionally, on thispageyoucanadd an attachment byclickingtheAddAttachment link (i.e. interview itinerary,etc.).
12.Usethe UploadFile pageto locate thefileto beattached and to initiatetheupload.
13.Click the Browse buttonto navigateyour local drives and select the attachment.
14.Click the Uploadbutton.Theuploaded document now appears in the Attachment grid.
15.Click the Previewbutton to previewyouremail message. Youcannot makechanges on this page.
16.Click the Returnbutton. Click Sendto sendyourmessage.
SendCorrespondenceis an action that enablesyou to send amessageand/or attachments to an applicant’s preferredemailaddress(i.e. interview itinerary, non-selection letter, etc.). Sending correspondencetoagroup of applicants can savetimeduringtherecruitment process. Just like whenyou send individual correspondence,TAM saves themessage as acontact notethatyoucan view in the Contact Historygroupboxon theManageApplicant -Contact Notes page.
UsetheFindJobOpeningspageto search forspecificjob openings thatyou areassociated with. You willbe able to viewapplicantsand theiractivityforthose job openings.
Click Search.
Click on the Job Openingthat resulted fromyour search.
1. In theApplicant List, check the boxes next to thenames ofthe applicantsto whichyouwould liketo send correspondence.
2. At the bottomof the applicant list, click on theGroupActiondropdown menu.
3. Click the SendCorrespondencelist item.
4. Usethe SendCorrespondencepageto create theemail thatyouwillbesending. Bydefault, the
To field alreadyshows the applicants whomyou selected. Youcannot modifythis field.
Note:All Applicant names will showupin the“To”field. However, theywill notbeable to see the names of the other applicants who aresent thee-mail. TAMwillgenerate an e-mail which appears to beindividualto each applicant.
5. Click in the Subject field. Enter the email's subject information.
6. Click in the Messagefield and enter (orpaste)the messagetextyou want to send.
Note:When sending a group correspondence, youmust use a greeting suchas “DearApplicant”
ratherthan individual names.
7. You can also spell-check the messagetext byclicking SpellCheckbutton.
8. Click the Previewbutton to previewyouremail message. Youcannot makechanges on this page.
9. Click the Returnbutton. ClickSendto sendyourmessage.
Addingan ApplicantManuallyintoTAM
TheTAM Search Chairor ADA can manuallyenter applicant dataif duetoextenuatingcircumstances the candidatedid notapplyonline. Applicant datacaninclude:
Contact Details: the applicant'sname and contactinformation.
Verification: the applicant's references.
Applications: job qualifications, usuallyincludingaresume.
1.Go to SelectAdd New Applicant.Usethe AddNewApplicant
pageto record information about job applicants.
2.Usethe Contact Detailsfields to record applicant type and status information alongwith the applicant's name, address, email address and phonenumbers.Ifyouenter any emailaddresses,youmust identifyonepreferred emailaddress. Thepreferredemail is used whenyousend the applicant email.
3.Usethe Verificationfields to add the applicant's references.
5.Click the Savelink toSavethe Applicant's information.
6.Oncetheapplicant's information has been saved, the Applications link will appear in the applicant menu section. Click theApplicationslink.
7.TheEdit Application link on the Applicationspage allowsyou toupload the applicants resume,add additional attachments, such as a cover letteror referenceletter,and link the applicant to the job opening that theyare applying for. Click theEdit Applicationlink.
8.Upload the resumefilebyclickingon theAddResumeAttachment.Additional attachments (i.e. cover letter) can be added below byclickingtheAddAttachment link.
9.Scroll down thepageto link the applicant to the job opening. Click on the magnifying glass to access the job openinglook uppage. Typein theJob Opening IDor conduct an Advanced Search.
*Note: Ifyou type inthejob opening ID,youmustthenhitTABinordertopopulatethefield.
10.Onceyou havelinked the job openingto the applicant, it will show upon theApplication Details
12.Onceyou have enteredallof theinformation available for thecandidateto applyfor this job opening, click the Saveand Submitbutton.
Howwill anapplicant seejob opportunities forour campus? What willthe job posting looklikeon our campus website?
Therewillbealink to TAM’s CandidateGatewayfrom each campus website. However, the applicant
stillhasto search forthatopeningin CandidateGateway.
Istherea spacelimit onapplicant uploadeddocuments?
No,not at this time.
Areapplicants requiredto uploadthe requested documents?
Applicants willonlyberequired bythe system toupload aCV/Resume forunclassified openings.
Applicants willbe able to upload allotherrequired materials. However, thesearch chairwillneed to verifythat the proper materials havebeen received.
Atwhat point cananapplicant no longerupdatehis/hermaterials?
Oncetheyclick submit.
What types offile formats can beuploaded?
Attachments can beuploaded in anyfileformat(i.e. Word, PDFor Excel).
Arethe uploaded fileschangedto PDFs afteruploaded?
No,theyarenot automaticallychanged to PDFin thesystem. Thedocumentwould need to be put into the
PDFformat before itisuploaded intoHRS.
Will applicants be requiredto apply onlineorcanweaccept paperapplicants?
Paper applications can accepted in rareor uniquecircumstances, but theywillhavetobe entered
manually.In this method, applicant ethnicity,gender, veteran, and disabilitystatus will notbe captured and willneed to be obtained through aseparateprocess.
What documents cananapplicant upload?
Anapplicant can uploadanydocument that is required as part of the application(i.e. transcripts, cover
letter, resume/vitae,referenceletters, etc.).
Cananapplicant uploadwhateveritems they want andnamethemwhatevertheywant?
Yes. Search Committeeswillneed to verifyfiles uploaded meet therequirements forthe application.
Canthesystembeusedforpart-timepool position postingsforuseinemergency hires?
Yes, the system canaccommodate poolpostings for emergencyhires.
Does the systemidentify who thefirstapproveris?
Yes, primaryHiringManger(i.e. Search Chair)is thefirst person in the approval chainand theRecruiter
What will theapprovers seewhentheyarelooking at theJobOpening?
Theywillbe able to seealljob openingdetails, attachments, job postingdetailswhat thejob postingwill
looklike to the applicant byclickingon the“preview”button.
Will approvers get an emailwhenthereis anapproval needed?
Whentheapproverlogs in, what will theysee?
Iftheylogin specificallyto approvebyclickingon a link in the approval notification email, then all
openings willallbein one areato select and approve. However, theywillalso have access to other recruitingmenu options basedupon securityrole.
Ifanapproval goes intodenied status, wheredoes it go?
Pushback goes back oneperson in the approval chain and Denygoes allthewayback to theoriginator of
theJob Opening, which is the Human Resources recruiter.
Howwill the records retention guidelines behandled inTAM?
Therecruitment recordscontained in TAM will follow UWrecords retention policy. Purgingof datawill
becontrolled bythe UWServiceCenter.
Thereareareas inthe systemwherenotescanbeadded. Currently, wedo not keep personal notes
(suchas personal interview notes). Is it requiredto enternotes?
It is not required to enternotes in thesystemand searchcommittees should refrain from enteringnotes as
theyaresubject to open record laws. However, committees can usethe contact notes section in TAM as mentioned in this guide.
Doyou haveto use theinterviewsection ofTAM?
No,itis not a required section, but searchcommittees might find this featureto be useful.
What do youmean by provisioning a person?
Thisgives theperson access to the system with aspecificsecurityrole.Individuals must be given a role in
advanceto be able to accessTAM.