taking football into the community
The Children’s SoccerAcademy
incorporating CSA 07 fc
North Lodge, Woolton Hill, Hampshire RG20 9TZ.
01635 255215 /07736 404942 Email:
The Children’s Soccer academy is a registered Charity No: 1137710 & Company Limited by Guarantee No: 6866043, CSA 07 fc is
the football Cub division. Websites:
1. Introduction.
This is an information document for everyone joining CSA 07 fc teams which aims to tell you what to expect from us and what support we would like from you as parents.
CSA 07 fc is a division of the Children’s Soccer Academy (CSA), a registered charity, officially promoting football as a means of engaging young people aged between two and eighteen in healthy recreation around West Berkshire, North Hampshire and Reading.
Probably unique to us is our work with children excluded from mainstream schools in Pupil Referral Units, Youth Offenders and children with Special Needs, Autism, Asbergers, Hearing and sight impairments, ADHD etc. gives detailed information.
2. Background
- CSA 07 fc football teams are based in Newbury, plus three in Basingstoke.
- All our teams have the ethos that football is fun, friendly and where ability is not a barrier to playing; where coaching is carried out in a supportive setting to build skills, team spirit and self-esteem.
- OurClub website contains all the Club rules, codes of conduct etc. and can be used each to check each team’s fixtures and Leagues etc.
- CSA 07 fc is a FA Charter Standard CommunityClub (the highest level obtainable) and is affiliated to Hampshire FA.
3. Club Organisation.
The Club is organised as follows:
- CSA undertakes all the administration and organisation of matches.
- Everything is coordinated through email and as a back up the football club web site.
- FA qualified coaches run weekly training sessions for all our squads.
- Roger & Penny will be at most if not all home matches each week.
- Match Day Managers are either willing parents and/or the Coaches who will be trained to run the teams with the other parents at matches, especially away games
- CSAprovides a basic Referee and Assistant Referee training to parents with each squad where required.
- CSA organises first aid training to at least one adult with each squad.
- CSA is privileged to use the superb facilities at TrinitySchool for training using the Asto Turf in the winter months and the Playing fields through the summer. Home matches are also played at the Trinity playing fields.
4. Subscriptions:
- The monthly subscription covers the costs of kit, coaches, the Astro Turf, pitches, referees, balls, first aid bags and other football equipment.
- Subscription is £15 per month from 1st August to 30 September each year. This totals £180 or you can pay £150 for the whole year on the 1st August.
5. Communication:
- We email fixtures out each week.
- Urgent information will be emailed except in the case of last minute match cancellations when “texting” will be used.
- We aim to produce a quarterly newsletter to try to keep everyone up to date.
- Other information is available on the club website.
6. Football Development by Age Groups at CSA 07 fc:
- The Club provides football for children from the age of 2 up to Under 18.
- We aim to keep players enjoying football, developing their skills and maintaining their passion for the game in an environment that is safe, challenging, exciting and enjoyable throughout their time with us.
- We will avoid pressuring players to perform.
- We will ensure everyone gets equal time on the field until games become competitive at U12.
- We will develop players in appropriate teams from U9 up.
- We will enable all players take part in tournaments and festivals.
Ages 2 to 6.
- We run weekly sessions which give the players the opportunity to participate in a range of games aimed at fun and fitness.
- Everything we do we do with a ball and we make as much fun as possible.
- Everyone is allowed to move along at a pace that suits them.
- When they are 6 and as soon as they are ready we introduce them to team training one evening in the week in readiness for next seasons League games at U7.
U7 & U8
- We enter teams in a League with home and away matches played on a Sunday morning. Games are 10mins ew and there are two games played.
- Games are Mini Soccer 5 a side and mixed gender (mixed gender is allowed up to and including U13)
- There are quite often two U7 teams each year but they will normally be playing two teams from other Clubs in the League and so will stay together through the season.
- Players are interchangeable between squads.
- We will teach skills and promote skill development as being more important than results.
- Results ofgames at this level are not recorded – it is the children’s development that is the soleconsideration.
- Each Child WILL be given equal playing time on match day.
U9 & U10
- Mini Soccer 7 a side, mixed gender games which are 15/20 mins ew. and two games are played.
- At U9 and afterwards the full Laws of the game including the back pass rule and offside come into play.
- At these age groups we begin tointroduce streaming i.e. teams with players of similar playing together but as ever every player in the match day squad must get plenty ofgame time especially as we will still be playing two games each team each week.
- The ability to move players between teams is restricted as formal transfersbetween teams are required.
U11 & U12
- Mini Soccer 9 a side, mixed gender,30 mins ew games are played.
- Players should, by now, be in the team appropriate to their level of ability.
- These age group are the most vulnerable to injury as muscles & bones are growing.
- At U12 games become competitive for the first time with League tables etc.
U13 to U18
- The teams now tend to be independent of each other.
- It is still mixed gender football up to U13.
- U13is the first season of 11-a-side football and it is big learning curve for all involved, we will train players from small sided games to the 11 a-side format.
- There is a real need for much more pre-season training and for managers to know at an early stage which players will be returning to the club, the squad will now be 15/16 players.
- In training we will give youth players with a wide variety of playing and training concepts and challenges. .
- Team selection at this age is more difficult as teams will noe start with the “percveived best layers” and then substitute others on as need be.
7. Role of Parents:
We would ask you to; remember that children play for FUN, to applaud effort and good play as well as success, to always respect the match officials’ decisions, to let the coach do their job and not confuse the players by telling themwhat to do and never argue with the Coach in front of the children, to avoid criticising a player for making a mistake and to reinforce what we teach them
For our part we will:
- Treat your child fairly
- Give clear leadership and direction
- Encourage your children at all times
- Make sure they are getting the training and skills development they need.
Contact for further information:
Roger Moon or Penny Hewitt
07736 404942
01635 255215.