Annual General Meeting of Takeley Parish Council

held on Wednesday, 4th May 2011, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.

Present: / Clr Richard Cheetham
Clr Carol Pratt
Clr. John Gregory
Clr Brian Baldwin / Clr Tricia Barber
Clr John Green (19.40)
Clr Geoff Bagnall
Clr John Orpin
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr. Alan Jones, Clr. Trevor Allen & District Cllr Jackie Cheetham
Residents: Mr. Nick Free & Mr. Sean McLaughlin
Visitors: / Mr. Terrance Martin & Dawn Hayes (residents North Road)
Marilyn Sayers & Mike Letchford (residents Smiths Green)
Mrs. Carol King (resident Takeley Street)
11/88 Welcome and apologies: Chairman Clr. Richard Cheetham opened the meeting, welcomed members and visitors to the Annual General Meeting, and received apologies as above.
11/89 Appointment of Chairman: Clrs John Gregory & Brian Baldwin proposed Clr Richard Cheetham. No other nominations were received. TPC re-elected Clr Richard Cheetham unanimously.
Clr Richard Cheetham thanked members, accepted office, and signed a Declaration of Acceptance.
11/90 Appointment of Vice Chairman: Clrs Richard Cheetham and Tricia Barber proposed Clr Carol Pratt. No other nominations were received. TPC re-elected Clr Carol Pratt unanimously.

11/91 Declarations of Interest: Clr Geoff Bagnall noted a personal interest (non prejudicial) re the maintenance of Jacks Lane as his home backs on to Jacks Lane.

Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a ‘Change Form’ if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.

11/92 Minutes:
The minutes of the 6th April 2011 meeting, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
11/93 Open Forum:
Mr. Terrence Martin & Dawn Hayes raised the issue of airport related parking in North Road. ‘There are no parking restrictions in North Road and therefore cars are left parked for weeks’. Request signage or parking restrictions.
TPC agreed the following action:
(i)  Establish ownership/responsibility for verges & road (UDC or ECC Highways)
(ii)  Establish options/proposals
(iii)  Survey North Road residents
Marilyn Sayers (resident of Smiths Green) came to support a proposal to introduce traffic calming measures in Takeley Street. She said ‘Measures to date are totally ineffective’ and she is ‘constantly witness to traffic speeding above the designated speed limit’. Marilyn Sayers implores TPC to support a traffic calming scheme in Takeley Street.
The speed of traffic along Warish Hall Road was also raised as a concern.
Mike Letchford raised the issue of Jacks Lane. The byway is deeply rutted and 4x4 traffic is using it regularly. Residents are totally opposed to Jacks Lane being used by motorised vehicles – it is not safe for pedestrians. What about the safety of children walking to the new school?
Chairman Richard Cheetham reiterated that TPC shares these concerns. This is an item on the meeting agenda.
Mrs Carol King (resident of Takeley Street) came to update the Council on the ongoing survey of Takeley Street residents. Residents overwhelmingly support a traffic calming scheme to reduce the speed of traffic; and will support any scheme that TPC deems appropriate (202 residents support scheme, 1 objection, 6 abstentions).
TPC agreed to advertise the survey in the May Newsletter to enable any other residents to comment.
TPC agreed to invite Carol King and Martin Peachey to any meetings regarding traffic calming in Takeley Street.
Mrs. King also raised:
-  ‘Takeley Street’ sign required -evidence of ambulance service unable to locate correct address. TPC will contact ECC Highways Dept.
-  Request for dog bin in Takeley Street (none at present).
All visitors left the meeting.
11/94 / Parish Council Vacancy
(previously circulated)
Chairman Richard Cheetham noted that TPC has received 2 applications for the current vacancy. The deadline for application had been extended but there had been no further applications received.
Mr. Nick Free & Sean McLauglin apologised for their absence.
TPC agreed to proceed with selection of a candidate.
TPC members agreed to suspend the meeting will the applications of both candidates were discussed.
Based on a show of hands (6:1, with 1 abstention) TPC resolved to co-opt Mr. Nick Free to the Council (co opted until elections May 2012).
TPC also agreed to invite Mr. Sean McLauglin to attend some meetings within the next 12 months with a view to standing for election in May 2012 when the Council will be increased to 13 members (as per UDC Community Governance Review) / All note/Clerk to contact candidates
11/95 / Appointment of Roles & Responsibilities and Committees
(previously circulated)
TPC agreed the schedule for 2011/12 attached to these minutes. / All note
11/96 / 27th April 2011 Planning Report & Recommendations
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the following report & recommendations:
UTT/0703/11/AG & UTT/0700/11/AG Land at Old House Farm, Parsonage Road
Brief Description: Erection of a grain storage building.
Recommendation: No Objection
We understand that 1 of 2 grain stores will be built. TPC has no objection to either location.
UTT/2103/10/AV Elsenham Golf & Leisure
Brief Description: Retro application for the retention of directional signage at Coopers End roundabout.
Recommendation: Objection
/ Clerk has responded under delegated powers to meet UDC deadlines
11/97 / Crumps Farm Update
Update from Claire Tomlinson (ECC Senior Planner) 15/4/11:
Baker Tilly acting as Administrative Receivers for Edwards Waste Management.
The site is not operational. There are a number of planning issues on the site which the Waste Planning Authority are seeking to resolve and enforcement action may be necessary if no progress is made.
ESS/46/08/UTT - ‘Continuation of mineral extraction & development of waste recycling & composting facility, including demolition of existing mineral processing plant, construction of waste reception & sorting building including sorting of domestic & commercial & industrial waste to recover recyclables, construction of in vessel composting units for composting of sorted waste, reprofiling of levels of restored landfill site utilising on site materials, with restoration to parkland, landfilling of mineral void with composted material with progressive restoration to agriculture, widening of access road to allow 2 way traffic, installation of landfill gas & leachate management systems.’
This application was granted subject to completion of legal agreement & conditions by 30/4/11. The landowner’s planning agent has requested an extension of time of 6 months.
The landowner is looking for a new operator. ECC is monitoring. Permissions are outstanding.
TPC noted this information and agreed to write to ECC to request notification of further/future developments. / All note
11/98 / Priors Green S106 monies (£95k)
(previously circulated)
Lt. Canfield PC has responded to TPC’s proposal and instead recommends a 1/3: 2/3 split of the monies. Roger Harborough (UDC) has written to LCPC clarifying the terms of payment for this money. LCPC has requested a further meeting.
TPC agreed the following response:
§  TPC is happy to work on the basis of 1/3: 2/3 split of the monies.
§  LCPC explanation of monies generated from island sites is inaccurate/ misinformed.
§  TPC will work on a list of funding requests and submit to UDC.
§  A request to secure a number of LCPC allotments on behalf of Takeley residents has not been answered. Please confirm decision.
§  A further meeting of reps from both PCs would be helpful. / All note/
Clerk to respond to LCPC
11/99 / UDC Planning Services - Enforcement Strategy
(circulated previously)
TPC welcomes this policy (as opposed to no policy at all). Members agree with the priorities and response timescales. TPC urges the Head of Planning & Building Control (Andrew Taylor) & Asst Chief Executive (Michael Perry) to implemented this policy immediately thus protecting our communities.
Our current concerns include:
1.  Priors Green development: Ancient hedgerow, Dunmow Road - removed without consent (specific condition to protect). There was no proactive action to protect this hedgerow.
2.  Priors Green marketing suite: persistent breach of conditioned opening hours.
3.  BAA owned listed buildings: lack of maintenance thus many are falling into disrepair.
4.  Pear Tree Cottage, School Lane, Molehill Green: Listed building owned by BAA. Fire 3-4 years ago. No action to address damage.
5.  Sheering Hall (Grade 2 listed) - development to coach house & ‘temporary’ structure within the grounds
6.  Waltham Hall/Pledgedon Hall: airport related parking operations
7.  Coopers End roundabout: illegal advertising hoardings / Clerk to submit prior to 20/5/11
11/100 / ECC Draft Street Materials Guide
Intended for use by developers & engineers designing new housing developments & improvement schemes. This guide has been reviewed by the Planning Committee. TPC approved the following recommendations:
The guide is generally a useful document and TPC agrees with the majority of policy statements however TPC would make the following points:
1.  Street Trees (page 15): The guide should set a standard for the type of young trees e.g. height, thickness of trunk, maturity)
2.  Public Art (page 17): The guide states that ‘approval of designs for compliance with relevant technical standards’. Criteria should also include approval by the local community to reflect Govt policy re community involvement.
3.  Maintenance (page 19): the guide states that ‘whilst utility companies are obliged to make every effort to reinstate any repairs with the identical surfacing material, this is not mandatory & alternative materials can be used if the required surface material is not readily available.’ TPC disagrees with this statement and believes that reinstating any repairs with the identical surfacing material should be mandatory with minimal exception.
4.  Tree pits (page 41): All trees (that are not planted in a grass verge or shrub bed) planted in tree pits should be surfaced with a porous aggregate rather than a decorative grill for ease of maintenance (weeding etc)
5.  Bus stop infrastructure (page 44): This guide should also include clarity/policy on when a bus stop will include a shelter.
6.  Litter/refuse bins (page 45): There is insufficient obligation for developers to provide litter/dog bins.
There should be clear policy to include provision of these facilities. There are too many examples of this being a problematic after thought on new developments. / Clerk to submit comment
11/101 / April 2011 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for April 2011 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted completed bank reconciliation. / All note
11/102 / Uttlesford Buffy Bus
Following receipt a request for a contribution towards the running costs of Uttlesford Play Bus, TPC agreed to donate £500. / All note/
11/103 / Insurance Renewal (1st June 2011)
AON quote £2475.54 (LY £2072 + £114 portacabin (Oct 2010) approx. 11% increase. Clerk is obtaining comparative quotes.
TPC authorised the Clerk to administer the AON renewal premium unless a comparable quote is received with a saving (of at least £50) before 1/6/11. / All note/
11/104 / EALC/NALC Affiliation Fees 2011/12
TPC authorised payment of £504.02 / All note/
11/105 / War Memorial Restoration
TPC approved the up to date quote for restoration works (including new inscription) £1502. A deposit of £751 has been paid. Work to be completed in May. / All note/
June agenda
11/106 / Station House
TPC received an update from a meeting with Mark Hansford Jones, ECC 18/4/11. Waiting for terms of reference for a lease from ECC.
As no further details have been received from ECC, TPC resolved that the terms of reference will be considered at the next meeting in June.
TPC agreed that the Clerk should write to ECC informing them of the date of the next Parish Council meeting and asking that they provide detail of the terms of a lease at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting so that members can give this matter due consideration in June (copied to County Cllr Susan Barker). / All note/
11/107 / Community Governance Review
No further information received. TPC agreed to postpone this item until the June meeting. / June agenda
11/108 / Report on Highways Matters
Cllr Brian Baldwin has completed an audit of outstanding highways issues which will be notified to ECC Highways Dept.
In addition there are various potholes in Warish Hall Road/Smiths Green between B1256 & A120 bridge.
ECC Highways has responded to last month’s reports:
§  Lining of junction boxes at Roseacres/Parsonage Road & Elm Close/Station Rd B183 will be completed during next planned visit.
§  Carriageway defects in Parsonage Rd (sunken manhole cover & road surface near Roseacres) have been inspected and deemed non-urgent. TPC agreed that this decision should be challenged as this defect is hazardous. / All note/
11/109 / Traffic Calming Scheme in Takeley Street
Following the April meeting a survey of residents is being conducted in Takeley Street. Mrs Carol King (resident of Takeley Street) reported on the ongoing survey of Takeley Street residents. Residents overwhelmingly support a traffic calming scheme to reduce the speed of traffic; and will support any scheme that TPC deems appropriate (202 residents support scheme, 1 objection, 6 abstentions).
Essex Police have agreed to carry out a 24hr 5 day speed data survey in May.
TPC agreed that this item will be discussed again in June when the results of the Police survey are also available. / All note/ June agenda
11/110 / Recreation Ground & Sports Field Report
Clr John Green has completed an inspection & reported:
Recreation Ground: Tidy and equipment in order.
Sports Field: Good order & tidy.
TPC reviewed proposals for the Recreation Ground refurbishment.
Members agreed to circulate the current plans for comment prior to the next meeting. In June TPC will agree any revisions to the proposal.
(Clr John Green left the meeting at 23.14) / All note
June agenda
11/111 / Youth Football facilities in Takeley (Sports field)
(previously circulated)
Following a meeting with Pat Curran (TFC) 20/4/11 TPC approved the proposed updated strategy:
FA funding has been cut by 50%; they will fund a maximum of 35-40% of any project. In the current climate there are too many barriers to achieve the scale of the original project. The project should be broken down into achievable targets and phased according to agreed priority.
PROJECT / Comment / Approx Cost
SPORTSFIELD/PITCHES / Drainage & quality / 40k / 1
CAR PARK / Plastic matting (Iain Brown) / 75k / 2
Including flood lights / Will attract sports related funders.
Will generate substantial income.
Will allow TPC to accumulate deposit for pavilion. / 250k / 3
PAVILLION / 321k / 4
Additional portacabins
An additional duplicate portacabin should be purchased immediately to provide (3 rooms): additional changing room, toilet & referee changing facilities. Cost £5-6k.
TPC agreed in principal to proceeding with phase 1 - cost £40K,
and to reserve £25k to fund 50% of this phase plus additional portacabin.
Applications for grants will be made to fund the remaining 50% of field upgrade.
Heath Rovers Football Team, Bishops Stortford have inquired re availability of football pitches for 2011/12 season. In light of the proposed works to the field, TPC agreed to refuse permission to play at the Sports field. / All note
11/112 / Maintenance of Jacks Lane
Due to time constraints TPC agreed to postpone this item until the June meeting. / June agenda
11/113 / Local Policing & Public Safety Issues
Police surgery in Station House Wed. 11th May @ 10am / All note
11/114 / Clerks Report
TPC noted the Clerk’s report. / All note
11/115 / Non Agenda Report
TPC noted the report / All note

The meeting finished at 11.33pm.

THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on