Postal Address:PO Box 41326 Casuarina NT 0811
Tel: +61 8 8922 6929
MIMMS Commander Course:18-20 November2014
Expression of Interest
8th Floor NCCTRC Training Rooms - RoyalDarwinHospital, Rocklands DriveTiwiNT 0810
Semester Two - NTG DoH Staff: *$655 p.p. incl. GST / Non NTG DoH Staff: *$975p.p. incl. GST
Registrations close: 06 October 2014
- Lodge completed expression of interest form with NCCTRC Administration Office via email by registration closing date.
- The applicant is responsible for notifying their supervisor and ensuring correct rostering procedures are followed.
- Take no further action until advised if your application has been successful.
- All applicants will be notified at close of registration if their application has been approved / unapproved.
- Approved applicants will be sent an acceptance letter with further courses details via email.
- Proof of payment must be provided to the NCCTRC Education and Training Team within five (5) working days of receiving acceptance letter.
SECTION 2: APPLICANT DETAILS *Mandatory Fields– incomplete enrolment will delay application process.
*Last Name:
/ *First Name:
*Mailing Address:
*AGS Number or PMKey(NTG DoH / ADF Members):
/ *Mobile Number:
*E-mail address:
*Position title: (eg: RN / MO) / *Classification: (eg: N5 / RMO)
*Employer: (eg: DoH / ADF) / *Division / Branch / Service:
*Work location: / Supervisor name: / Supervisor notified
Dietary requirements: / Vegetarian / Gluten Free / Halal / Other
Please note availability of the above selection is dependent on the caterer. You will be advised if any special dietary requests are unavailable.
Do you have a disability? This is to ensure suitability of venue only. Yes / No If yes please state:
Is English your first language? Yes / No If no, please state:
Were you born in Australia? Yes / No
Are you of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin? / Aboriginal
Yes / Torres Strait Islander
Yes / Both
Yes / Not Aboriginal / Torres Strait Islander
Please refer to page 2 for payment options
SECTION 3: Payment – Please Choose ONE of Options 1 / 2 / 3
Option 1:Personal Payment to Receiver of Territory Monies (RTM)
Direct payment to RTM Ground Floor, RoyalDarwinHospital
Credit Card Payment via phone. Ph: 08 8922 8189
Please provide the RTM with the following information:
- Participant’s name
- Approval Received from NCCTRC
- Course title: MIMMS Commander Course
- Cost of course Semester Two: *$655 p.p. incl. GST (NTG DoH) / *$975 p.p. incl. GST (non NTG DoH)
- Cost code: 709641
- Standard classification: 371919 - Northern Territory Government RDH Staff | 131999 All External Staff
- Tax code: S10
Option 2: NTG Department of Health (DoH) work unit to cover costs (Journal Transfer / Ledger Transfer)
Delegated Officer to complete as perHRFinancial Delegations
Name: / Position:
Work location: / Phone number:
Cost Centre Code: __ __ - ______- ______/ Tax code:
Approved / Not approved Signature: / Date: / /
Option 3: Non NTG Department of Health Participants - External Work Unit to cover costs – Tax Invoice
Please complete the following details so that a tax invoice can be generated and sent to your organisation for payment:
(Do not complete if you have selected Option 1 or Option 2)
Organisation Name (in full):
Work Unit Name (in full):
Contact Name: / Contact phone number:
Contact email: / Purchase order #
Postal Address:
Town / Suburb: / State: / Post Code:
Proof of payment includes:
- Receipt from Receiver of Territory Monies (RTM)
- Enrolment form signed by supervisor and delegated officer with cost code details
- Purchase order from your organisation (External Work Unit)
CANCELLATION POLICY (APPLICANT): All notifications to withdraw from courses should be done in writing, however a cancellation fee may occur if a participant withdraws within 2 weeks prior to a course. If a participant fails to attend a course without prior notice, the course fee will be forfeited, unless under extreme circumstances.
I have read and understood this application, and have completed all mandatory fields.
Applicant Signature: Date: / /
Date Received: / Data base entry:
Approved: / Waitlist:
2014 Training Calendar and Course Handbook available on our Website:
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