ABN 65542596200
This document is a TAX INVOICE for GST purposes upon completion and payment1. CONFERENCE
Event / Location / Date / Fees / Total Cost
Inclusive of GST
An Exploration of Digital Environments
Professional Development for Teachers, offered by DECS and the
9th International Conference on Greek Research: Ageing in the Migrant Diaspora / Flinders University
Sturt Rd, Bedford Park, Education Building
(Car Park 2) / 2 July 2011 / See page 2 / $......
2. PARTICIPANT DETAILS (print clearly) (one person per registration form)
Title / First Name / Last Name / Affiliation / School
Are you attending the: Conference dinner Yes / No
Day tour Yes / No
Telephone / Mobile Number
(include country and area code) / Facsimile Number / Special Requirements DIETARY or DISABILITY
Address (print clearly) / Email
Cheque/Money Order / (Payable to “Flinders University, Greek Conference”)
Visa / Mastercard / Bankcard
Name on Credit Card
Credit Card Number / / / / / Exp Date / / Amount $AUD
Signature of Card Holder
(leave blank if sending by email)
Address of Card Holder (if different from address in #3.)
* Flinders University Staff paying from a Flinders University account, use the internal transaction section below
5. REGISTER by 13 JUNE 2011
For credit card payments, please complete, print and fax both pages of form to: (08) 8201 2556 (within Australia); or (0061 8) 8201 2556 or (+61 8) 8201 2556 (internationally) or EMAIL
For payments by cheque, post form and cheque to Mary Skaltsas, Conference Coordinator, School of Humanities – Modern Greek section, Flinders University, GPO Box 2100, ADELAIDE SA 5001, AUSTRALIA
A receipt will be posted to you from the Flinders University finance officer when payment has been processed.
Office Use / Registration fee: 01 – 262 – 32423 – 0714
Conference Dinner: 01 – 262 – 32423 – 0812 / Tax Code / GST / Amount
*Internal transaction
Flinders Staff only / Transfer from Flinders University account:
- - - / Tax Code / No Tax / Amount
To Conference Coordinator, Mrs Mary Skaltsas Phone: (+61 8) 8201 3854, Email:
Form No: MIS1 Last updated M Skaltsas: 20May2011
Remember to register by 13 June 2011 as places are limited.
Please keep a copy of your completed registration form for your records. You will receive an email confirming registration once payment has been processed and a receipt will be posted to you.
The cost for the conference dinner and day tour are not included in the registration fee.
Conference cost per person including GST (Please indicate) þ Cost
Registration fee (normally $60.00) $AUD 20.00 þ $20.00
(DECS and Conference Sponsors kindly subsidized the cost
of registration)
Conference Dinner Thurs. 30 June - Adelaide Pavilion $AUD 80.00 ¨ ……….
(please note new date)
Total Cost $……...
Day Tour Mon. 4 July – ‘Meet the locals’ tour at Barossa Valley ($120)
Meet the Locals is a day tour that takes you from the centre of the city of Adelaide to this country’s wine heartland, the Barossa – Australia’s most famous wine region. This journey takes us through lovely countryside, past rolling vineyards and through the small Barossa town of Tanunda.We visit two wineries, noted for having one of their wines listed as one of the top ten in the world. Whilst tasting their excellent wines, we also have the opportunity to meet the real locals – a family of kangaroos – and feed them if we wish.
Day tour program: http://www.flinders.edu.au/ehl/conferences/greek/research2011/events/day-tour.cfm
Bookings and payments directly to tour director Brian Storey by 20 June 2011
Signature: ………………….……………………...……. Date: ………..………………..
Name: (please print) …….………………………………………………………………..
We endeavour to ensure that all information on the conference website and printed material is accurate. However changes may occur without notice and the conference organizers and sponsors accept no responsibility for losses incurred by delegates or attendees.
You may also be interested in attending the 9th International Conference on Greek Research and Ageing in the Migrant Diaspora conference, being held on 1-3 July in the same venue as the Professional Development workshops for ‘An Exploration of Digital Environments’.
For a copy of the conference Programs and registration form, please visit the website http://www.flinders.edu.au/ehl/conferences/greek/research2011/home/