Take home test- categories C, D, E, F, G, H, J, L

  1. What is the part of the back just in front of the base of the tail & in back of the loin?
  1. How many teeth will a ten month old foal of either sex have?
  1. Muscles that control leg movement end at what part of the horse's leg?
  1. What part of the tooth first appears as a narrow yellow mark in the front of the central enamel ring & changes to dark circles near the center of the tooth as the horse ages?
  1. What causes the sharp enamel points on the horse's teeth?
  1. When do the teeth stop growing?
  1. Which side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs?
  1. Name the accessory organs that aid in digestion.

9. What part of the respiratory system is the functional units of the lungs where gas exchange

actually occurs?

  1. What are the 3 basic types of muscle fibers?
  1. What does the Anglo-Saxon word, hors mean?
  1. Why did plantation owners in the south develop the Saddlebred?
  1. How did the horse get brought back to North America after disappearing during the Ice Age?
  1. How did horses get to Asia before dying out in North America about one million years after eohippus roamed the Great Plains?
  1. Name 3 ways that the horse has served man.
  1. What color skin does a white horse have?
  1. The word, Pinto is a Spanish word meaning what?
  1. Where did the Clydesdale draft horse originate?
  1. What basic color would have a body that is basically red but varies from bright yellowish red to rich mahogany red with a mane & tail that is never black?
  1. Which unique breed of horse has been called 'America's 500-year old new breed"?
  1. What is the registerable height limit for the American Miniature Horse?
  1. To a horse, your fingers might feel like what vegetable & may get bitten?
  1. Because the horse has learned to avoid or escape situations in which he might get hurt, he has developed a great power of associaiton. How do we use this when working with a horse?
  1. What type of shoe is used on running horses to aid in gripping the track?
  1. In training horses, what is a conditioned response?
  1. In what style of riding would a rider wear: jodhpurs, coat, jodhpur boots, necktie & vest?
  1. What term describes the art of riding a horse & understanding its needs?
  1. What area of the horse's legs should be wrapped before traveling?
  1. What term describes one who rides horseback?
  1. What is the term for a horse that is owned by several people?
  1. Many veterinarians recommend deworming foals & weanling how often?
  1. Lone Star, RockyMountain, American dog, Tropical & Spinose are all different types of what?
  1. What is the scientific name for the common horse bot fly?
  1. Name the parasite that affects foals through its dams milk by penetrating the foal's skin.
  1. Approximately how much money is spent per year on pest control?
  1. Name a type of bridle that uses more than one set of reins.
  1. Name the type of stall bedding that is the most absorbent of all materials used for bedding horses.
  1. What is the main use of a lariat?
  1. What is the covering over a stirrup called?
  1. What is an emergency bridle made of rope called?