Principles of Bio-Statistics Math350-010/510

MWF 10:-10:50am, TR 10:50-12:05pm, Room 208

Fall 2010

Instructor:Soad Emmert / Office: Math Building 327
Phone:254-968-9172 / e-mail:
Office hours:MW 9:00-10:00am, TR 9:30-10:30am.
MW 2:00-2:30 (by appointment only)

Textbook:Fundamentals of Biostatistics, by Bernard Rosner, 6th edition.

Requirement:Graphing Calculator TI-83(+) or TI-84.

Software: SPSS. This is statistical software that is easy to use. An occasional use of excel may occur. We will be visiting the computer lab regularly to learn SPSS. Students will be expected to learn, use, and read outputs of SPSS.

Type of course work / weight
Homework / 10%
Quizzes/ pop quizzes / 15%
2 Tests / 25%
Labs / 10%
Midterm / 20%
Final (Tues. Dec 14th, 11:30-2:00) / 20%

Course Work:

Grading Scale:

90%-100% A / 80%-89% B / 70%-79% C / 60%-69% D / Below 60% F

Make up Policy: If you miss a scheduled quiz/test for a documented university excused absence (death in the family, illness, or university sponsored activity), then you have 2 days (weekends and holidays count) from the scheduled quiz/test date to schedule a make up of the missing work, preferably via e-mail. After 2 days, no make up arrangement will be offered.

If you miss the due date on an assignment because of a documented university excused absence, then you have two days to turn in your late homework.( DO NOT slip your homework under my office door, it will be not accepted).

NO makeup for Midterm, labs, and pop quizzes. Final exam will NOT be given at any other time.

Attendance: You are expected to be in class daily.You are responsible for obtaining assignments and other materials for the days you miss.

Group Responsibility: Students will be randomly split into groups. Members of the group will collaborate on notes’ activities. Every student is expected to actively serve his/her group.

Services for students with disabilities:. If you are a student with a disability seeking accommodations for this course, please contact Trina Geye, Director of Student Disability Services, at 254.968.9400 or . Student Disability Services is located in Math 201. More information can be found at or in the University Catalog.

Note: This syllabus is tentative and is subject to changes. It is the student responsibility to be present in the classroom at all times and make note of the changes.

Tentative Class Plan

Quiz 1 over 2.2 and 2.3

Quiz 2 over 2.4, 2.5

Quiz 3

Quiz 4

Quiz 5

Midterm over Chapters 2, 4, 5, and 11

Quiz 6 Over 7.2-7.4

Quiz 7 over 10.7

Quiz 8

Quiz 9

Final over Chapters: 11(from midterm material), 6, 7, 12 and 8.

Final Exam Date: Tues. Dec 14th, 11:30-2:00, same classroom.