Back Country Horsemen of Washington

Tailgate Safety Briefing- Trail Work Leader Cover Sheet


In order for Back Country Horsemen of Washington (BCHW) to be in compliance with the United States Forest Service (USFS) Health and Safety Code Handbook (FSH 6709.11) section 16.3 a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) must be undertaken to identify aspects of a specific trail project that are potentially hazardous.

In accordance with USFS policy within the Volunteers in the National Forests Act of 1972, individual volunteers will be considered federal employees for the purpose of worker’s compensation and tort. BCHW does not provide worker’s compensation and liability coverage; therefore it is necessary to complete aBCHWTailgate Safety Briefing – Trail Work Membersform for chapter(s) work parties at a tailgate safety briefing for the purpose of insurance coverage.


If the land manager does not review a JHA(s) or conduct a safety meeting, a BCHW trail work leader must conduct a tailgate safety briefing before a BCHW work party.

For the purpose of this document and other related BCHW Safety Committee documents, Trail Work Leader identifies the leader of chapter(s) work parties. Trail Work Leader is recognized by various other designations; i.e. – Trail Boss, Trail Maintenance Coordinator, Trail Crew Boss, etc.

The intent of the BCHWTailgate Safety Briefing–Trail Work Members form is to streamline administrative processes associated with signing up volunteers by eliminating the need to enter into USFS Individual Volunteer agreements with each person participating in a work party.

BCHW work party volunteers in service on behalf of other land management agencies (e.g. NPS and DNR) should also complete that land management’s volunteer agreement forms and adhere to USFS Health and Safety Code Handbook provisions.


1) TheBCHWTailgate Briefing – Trail Work Membersform will accompany all BCHW

chapter(s)workparties for all land management agencies if the land management

agency does not supply their volunteer agreement forms.

2) Trail Work Leader(s) is responsible for filling out theBCHWTailgate Briefing – Trail

Work Membersform before each work party.

3) The Trail Work Leader(s) will acquaint themselves with the JHA that applies to the

tasks of the work party project.

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4) The Trail Work Leader(s) will insure that all work parties not only have a JHA(s) but

also have an Emergency Evacuation Plan (EEP), meet Personal Protection

Equipment (PPE) requirements, and have a First Aid kit.

5) The Trail Work Leader(s) will review the JHA(s) that applies to the tasks of the work

party with all work party members and have all work party members

sign the BCHW Tailgate Safety Briefing - Work Party Members form.

6) The Trail Work Leader(s) will be responsible for insuring the BCHW Tailgate Safety

Briefing - Work Party Membersform is accurate and complete.

7) The Trail Work Leader(s) must record any work party member’s health/injury

incidence that occurred during the work party.

8) The BCHW chapter must immediately report to the land management agency a

health/injury incidence that occurred during a work party that subsequently

required professional medical assistance and report in writing on an BCHW Incident

Report form tothe BCHWPresident.

9) The BCHW chapter should archive the BCHW Tailgate Safety Briefing –

Work Party Membersform for every work party for a period of seven years.

10) The BCHW Chapter should archive a BCHW Incident Report form for a period

of seven years.

11) Some land management agencies may require a copy of the BCHW

Tailgate SafetyBriefing - Work Party Membersform after the work party.

Various land management agencies and even Forest Districts within the USFS are not consistent with standard volunteer agreement forms and volunteer service requirements. Before commencement of a work party, BCHW chapter(s) must conduct a review of the land management agency’s policies and comply with their documentations and requirements. If the land management agency does not provide volunteer agreement forms the BCHW chapter(s) must complete a BCHW Tailgate Safety Briefing - Work Party Membersform.

BCHW Safety Committee

January 2015