York University

Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies

Department of Administrative Studies


Business-to-Business Marketing

ADMS 4215

FALL 2016

Monday 7 - 10pm ACE 005


You must be registered to attend this class. If you are not officially registered in this courseyou must do so BEFORE the “Add Without Permission” date, as you will not be allowed to register after that date - due to the group work required.

Exam dates are to be finalized but the expected dates are as per the course outline. Note that the dates may change. Changes will be announced in class. The content will include Lectures, Cases, Classroom topics and ALL chapters of the text (whether covered in the class or not). The focus will be on classroom-led topics and the exams will be both TEXT AND LECTURE MATERIAL!!! Bring pens, pencils and a calculator to each exam.


Business Marketing: Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning

F. Robert Dwyer and John F. Tanner


GRADE BREAKDOWN (Subject to Change):

Note: timing of lectures and exams ARE subject to change. Announcements will be made IN CLASS!

1 x Exam I30%

1 x Oral / Group Presentation Re: “Current B2B Case/News Story”10%

1 x Written “Marketing Plan” (i.e. Group Work on a B2B Marketing Initiative)30%

1 x Oral / Group Presentation (i.e. Group Presentation Marketing Plan)10%

1 x Exam II20%


Chuck Hendriks

– Please Address Emails - Subject: “ADMS 4215 –______”


This course focuses on problems and concepts particular to business-to-business marketing. The basic marketing concepts introduced in AK/ADMS 2200 3.00 along with a conceptual framework of organization buyer behaviour are utilized to illustrate the unique nature and challenges of this market.



Lecture / Teaching Objective / Content / Other / In-Class Details
1 / Introduction
Bus-to-Bus Marketing (Overview), / Ch. 1 / Form groups (10/group); submit proposal for marketing plan
2 / Derived Demand in Business Markets; The Character of Business Marketing / Ch. 2, 3 / Final opportunity to submit proposal for groups / marketing plan
3 / Business Buyer Behaviour
Business Customers and Segmentation / Ch. 4, 5
4 / Business Pricing and Delivering Customer Value
Price Segmentation
Business Services / Ch. 14
Ch 16
Exam I = Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 16 / Case: Current News Item / Case
Possible Exam I Date
5 / Product Decisions and B2B Branding Strategies; / Ch. 8 / Case: Current News Item / Case
Case: Fraser – Pricing Segmentation
6 / Product Decisions and B2B Branding Strategies; / Ch. 8 / Case: Current News Item / Case
Possible Exam I Date
7 / Distribution and B2B Channel Relations
Sales Force Management / Ch. 9
Ch. 12, 13 / Case: Current News Item / Case
Possible Exam I Date
8 / Business Marketing Communication / Ch. 10, 11 / Case: Current News Item / Case
Case: Warner Lambert – Sales Force Selection
9 / Strategy, Planning & Implementation, / Ch. 11, 6, 7 / Case: Current News Item / Case
Marketing Plan DUE
Peer Evaluations - DUE
Possible Exam II Date
10 / Marketing Strategy
Integrated B2B Concepts / Ch. 6, 7
Exam II = All Chapt.’s / PROBABLE Exam IIDate
(Possible move to exam period)
11 / Integrated Strategy
Teamwork, Presentation skills, / Ch. 6, 7
Cases - Review / Groups present Marketing Plan
Groups 1, 2, 3, etc.
Possible Exam II Date
12 / Teamwork, Presentation skills, Communication skills / Cases - Review / Groups present Marketing Plan
Groups 4, 5, 6, etc.
Possible Exam II Date

Please note that there will be no shared exams of this class with other sections of this course. That is, the exams for this class will be unique in their questions and held separately from the exams of other sections of this course.

Note: The actual exam dates will be confirmed in class; thus class attendance is imperative to understand the exact dates and locations of exams.


1. Further broadening of marketing knowledge to include the unique characteristics and challenges of B2B Marketing

2. Business-to-Business concepts incl. organizational buyer behaviour, business markets segmentation, unique challenges surrounding business-to-business distribution channels, the nature of demand in business markets, pricing within the business-to-business arena, business communication options, sales force management, etc.

3. Exposure to “real-world” business-to-business marketing situations utilizing cases studies, etc.

4. Exposure to developing a B2B marketing plan – and understanding the specific B2B concepts within the context of the marketing plan.

5. Personal development including group work, teamwork, analytical and presentation skills


Case Analysis and Presentation:

Working in a group, you will analyze 1 case from the text or from a list of approved cases or from a current businesses B2B marketing related news story. You will present the case to the class.

Group Marketing Plan Project:

Working in a group, you will write and submit a B2B Marketing Plan. You will analyze current practices and recommend specific action. This marketing plan is intended to resemble a "real-world" marketing plan of a real situation B2B marketing opportunity.


Working in a group, you will present your B2B Marketing Plan. This is the second of two presentations (the first being the case presentation, above).

Note that all group work requires your involvement and participation in a group. You may not complete these assignments working alone.

NOTE: A Detailed Syllabus with additional focus on the group work, the marketing plan details and all assignments will be available to all enrolled students and will be discussedin detail at the start of the first class. Please ensure your understanding in detail!!