TAGteach- a Powerful Tool for Professionals and Parents!

Using the TAGteach technology, behavior analysts, teachers and therapists in a variety of fields have been able to rapidly establish repertoires, clarify criteria for reinforcement, and effectively measure outcomes.

Now TAGteach enables parents, relatives and support staff to do the same! Let us show you how to become an effective, positive teacher in any student’s life. TAGteach is fun, easy to learn and most importantly is a teaching strategy derived from the science of behavior analysis. Information acquired in this seminar is invaluable for teaching skills in many areas including academics, motor skills, speech, self-help skills, independent play, peer play, and impulse control.

This interactive seminar uses fun activities, video, lecture and discussion to introduce the TAGteach methodology and tag techniques. There is ample ‘hands on’ practice to insure attendees gain the foundation skills needed to bring TAGteach back to individual fields and families. Space is limited so early registration is suggested.

For more information contact Theresa McKeon at 704-995-9237 or go to

Facility: California State University – Fresno Location: 2576 E. San Ramon, Science Two; Room 318, Fresno, CA Registration fee: $375 Early Bird $425 Std Website: or

“What most impressed me about the TAG seminar was the absolute consistent and unremitting use of positive reinforcement with the attendees. You always managed to acknowledge and honor each person and their comment or question. I thought the organization of the seminar was excellent.” Dani Weinberg, Ph.D.

“This training was great! It can be used with any population and isn't expensive to implement. I could hardly wait to "TAG" today. Outstanding opportunity we all had this weekend! Thanks for bringing the training in. It will definitely benefit our students!” Lisa

“After observing the variety of situations for which TAGteach has been effective, we are looking forward to enhancing our parent training with this new technology!” Jan Montgomery, BCBA, University of Florida BASP Director of Curriculum and Training DCF Family Safety

“One of the most important developments in the teaching of physical education. When I’m TAGteaching, I know exactly when my students have learned the skill and, just as importantly, so do they! …Don’t miss TAGteach” Suzann Schiemer - Author of “Assessment Strategies for Elementary Physical Education”

“Based on the data collected, TAG is an effective teaching tool for children diagnosed with Autism. For our staff, TAG increases behavioral skills in observation, analysis, and teaching strategies.” Victoria Fogel, B.S., B.C.A.B.A

"TAGteach is an ingenious application of behavioral principles that has the potential to revolutionize coaching." Jesus Rosales-Ruiz - Associate Professor of Behavior Analysis, University of North Texas