Table Tennis England, England Youth Squad

2015-16 Application Form

Page 1 of 7 Table Tennis England, England Youth Squad 2014-15 Application Form

1. Personal Details
D.O.B: / Height (cm):
Sex: / Weight (kg):
Term Time Address:
(if different from above)
Name of School/University or UCAS number (if applicable):
Your Phone:
Your Email:
If under 19: Parent(s) Name:
Parent(s) Phone:
Parents(s) Email:
Where did you get this form from? (e.g. website, coach): website
2. Coaching
Please add details of coaches and clubs that support your training and competition on a regular basis. Where you do not have a coach or club supporting you, please leave the form blank.
Main Table Tennis Coach & coach’s qualifications: / Phone:
Main Table Tennis Club:
Other Coach: / Phone:
Other Club:
3. Performance
Please give details of your best 3 wins, highest ranking and best 3 results in the last year. These performances should have been achieved in Table Tennis England or ITTF recognised competitions or events organised by a Table Tennis England Coach or Staff member
England / ETTU or ITTF
Please state date of highest ranking achieve
Date / List:
Competition name, level, type, date & venue / Age group
Final result / Notes
Competition name, level, type, date & venue / Age group
Final result / Notes
Competition name, level, type, date & venue / Age group
Final result / Notes
Opponent & Ranking / Competition name & type
Venue / Round
Score / Notes
Opponent & Ranking / Competition name & type
Venue / Round
Score / Notes
Opponent & Ranking / Competition name & type
Venue / Round
Score / Notes
4. Training History
Please provide an outline of a typical training week indicating where and when training takes place including physical training
5. Demonstration of Commitment and assessment of ‘Potential ‘ to achieve Senior International success (to be completed by a coach or other referee)
Name of Coach/Referee:
Please give indication of the athletes commitment to table tennis (e.g. attendance at camps, attitude to training, performance at competitions, commitment to a coached training programme)
Please highlight attributes which suggest an ability to achieve senior international medal success in table tennis
6. Involvement in Talent Development Centre
Are you involved in Talent Development Centre?
If yes:
Name of centre?
Length of attendance?
Is your application endorsed by your talent development centre coach?
If yes. TO BE COMPLETED BY talent development centre coach (if different from coach in 5 above): Please outline why you support the athlete’s application.
If not involved in talent development centre
Please outline how you would benefit from a talent development centre programme
7. Sporting History
Do you train and compete in other sports?
If yes which sports?
Please also give details of your most significant competition results in other sports and where & when these were achieved, please focus on the last 12 months:
Please give details below of your current physical training whether undertaken as part of a club, school or individually. Please list the other sports for which you train and the number of hours a week spent training:
Sport / Hours per week

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Each athlete shall acknowledge that they have read, understood and accepted these Selection Criteria and Guidelines by signing the enclosed copy and returning it to Melanie Allen () writing or by email by 31st July 2015 to Norfolk House, 88 Saxon Gate West, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK9 2DL.

For any Under 18 athletes, a parent or guardian will also be required to sign the returned copy. Athletes should retain the second copy for their own records.

Acknowledged by:



Please refer to the performance section of the Table Tennis England website for full details of each programme including eligibility, the application deadline, performance standards and the assessment and review process.

Completed applications should be sent by email to Melanie Allen,

Page 1 of 7 Table Tennis England, England Youth Squad 2014-15 Application Form