Table S1. Primers used for the identification of the triple mutant plants.

Gene / Allele / Sequence
APS1 / WT / APS1-F: 5’-tggttggactccgttcctgcat-3’
APS1-R: 5’-ttcagatgacagtgccggttgg-3’
Mutant / APS1-F: 5’-tggttggactccgttcctgcat-3’
Lbb1: 5’-gcgtggaccgcttgctgcaact-3’
PGM1 / WT / PGM1-F: 5’-aggcttccgagcaactcaatatc-3’
PGM1-R: 5’-ctgaccactgctgtaattgaac-3’
WT amplicon is not cut by BspCN I
Mutant / PGM1-F: 5’-aggcttccgagcaactcaatatc-3’
PGM1-R: 5’-ctgaccactgctgtaattgaac-3’
Mutant amplicon is cut by BspCN I
SS3 / WT / SS3-F: 5’-aaagggcacaagctcaagttc-3’
SS3-R: 5’-tcttgctccatcaccgtctt-3’
Mutant / SS3-F: 5’-aaagggcacaagctcaagttc-3’
Lba1: 5’-tggttcacgtagtgggccatcg-3’
SS4 / WT / SS4-F: 5’-cattgtaacaaccgtgtcccc-3’
SS4-R: 5’-gttgttcaataccttcaaattccc-3’
Mutant / SS4-F: 5’-cattgtaacaaccgtgtcccc-3’
GABI-1: 5’-cccatttggacgtgaatgtagacac-3’

Figure S1

Figure S1

Figure S1

Figure S1. Determination of levels of phosphorylated intermediates and organic acids of WT, ss3, ss4, ss3/ss4, aps1, pgm1, aps1/ss3/ss4 and pgm1/ss3/ss4 Arabidopsis plants grown in 16h light/8 h dark conditions (20°C/18°C, irradiance 150 µE m-2 s-1) and harvested at 8 h into the light period. Values are mean±SD (n=6, except for ss3/ss4 n=3). Letters indicate samples that were not significantly different (P ³0.05) according to one-way ANOVA (Holm-Sidak test). Where no letters are shown for a metabolite there were no significant differences between the genotypes.

Figure S2

Figure S2. Growth rates of Col-0, aps1/ss3/ss4, pgm1/ss3/ss4 and their parental lines. Plants were grown in growth cabinets under 16 h light/8 h dark (Panel A) or 12 h light/12 h dark (Panel B). Aerial parts of the plants (five plants per sample) were weighed (Panel A) or the whole rosette area (Panel B) was determined on the days indicated. Each point represents the mean ± SD of three independent experiments.

Figure S3

Figure S3. The total adenine nucleotide pool size (ATP+ADP+AMP+ADP-glucose) was measured in WT, ss3, ss4, ss3/ss4, aps1, aps1/ss3/ss4, pgm and pgm/ss3/ss4 Arabidopsis plants grown in 16h light/8 h dark conditions (20°C/18°C, irradiance 150 µE m-2 s-1) and harvested at 8 h into the light period. Values are mean±SD (n=6, except for ss3/ss4 n=3). Letters indicate samples that were not significantly different (P ³0.05) according to one-way ANOVA (Holm-Sidak test).