Table 2a: Remission criteria according to Andreasen et al. 2005, different thresholds – LOCF results (% (number achieving criteria/total number of patients))
threshold “very mild or better” / Andreasen et al. 2005,
threshold “not present”
Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51
All studies combined* / 36.5
(623/1708) / 48.0
(359/748) / 13.3
(228/1708) / 20.9
(156/748) / 2.3
(40/1708) / 4.0
Colonna et al. 2000 / 28.8
(136/473) / 44.4
(210/473) / 9.7
(46/473) / 19.2
(91/473) / 0.6
(3/473) / 4.4
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 49.5
(136/275) / 54.2
(149/275) / 13.1
(36/275) / 23.6
(65/275) / 3.3
(9/275) / 3.3
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 49.5
(52/105) / 27.6
(29/105) / 8.6
Puech et al. 1998 / 41.4
(106/256) / 19.9
(51/256) / 4.3
Möller et al. 1997 / 32.1
(61/190) / 14.7
(28/190) / 0.5
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 33.9
(77/227) / 8.8
(20/227) / 2.2
Carrière et al. 2000 / 30.2
(55/182) / 9.9
(18/182) / 1.1
Table 2b: Remission criteria according to Andreasen et al. 2005, different thresholds – CO results (% (number of patients achieving criteria/total number of patients))
Study / Andreasen et al. 2005 / Andreasen et al. 2005,threshold “very mild or better” / Andreasen et al. 2005,
threshold “not present”
Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51
All studies combined* / 41.4
(605/1460) / 67.7
(264/390) / 15.1
(221/1461) / 32.5
(127/391) / 2.6
(38/1461) / 7.2
Colonna et al. 2000 / 31.0
(135/436) / 62.4
(171/274) / 10.6
(46/436) / 29.2
(80/274) / 0.7
(3/436) / 7.3
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 52.4
(133/254) / 80.2
(93/116) / 13.8
(35/254) / 40.2
(47/117) / 3.5
(9/254) / 6.8
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 59.0
(49/83) / 32.5
(27/83) / 9.6
Puech et al. 1998 / 53.9
(103/191) / 25.5
(49/192) / 5.2
Möller et al. 1997 / 42.6
(60/141) / 19.1
(27/141) / 0.7
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 38.5
(72/187) / 10.2
(19/187) / 2.7
Carrière et al. 2000 / 31.5
(53/168) / 10.7
(18/168) / 1.2
No participant met the criteria at baseline by definition. LOCF=last-observation-carried forward, CO=completer only. *The denominator at week 4 is the total sample, at week 51 it is the number of patients in the 2 one year studies. Only the severity criteria are shown, not the time criteria.
Table 3a: Remission criteria according to Lieberman et al. 2003 and Liberman et al. 2002 – LOCF results (% (number of patients achieving criteria/total number of patients))
Study / Lieberman et al. 2003 / Liberman et al. 2002Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 0 / Week 4 / Week51
All studies combined* / 27.0
(462/1708) / 38.1
(285/748) / 8.7
(149/1708) / 68.1
(1164/1708) / 69.0
Colonna et al. 2000 / 20.3
(96/473) / 36.2
(171/473) / 10.1
(48/473) / 62.6
(296/473) / 65.8
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 27.3
(75/275) / 41.5
(114/275) / 21.5
(59/275) / 80.0
(220/275) / 74.5
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 41.9
(44/105) / 7.6
(8/105) / 73.3
Puech et al. 1998 / 40.6
(104/256) / 4.3
(11/256) / 68.8
Möller et al. 1997 / 25.3
(48/190) / 3.2
(6/190) / 61.6
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 26.4
(60/227) / 5.3
(12/227) / 68.7
Carrière et al. 2000 / 19.2
(35/182) / 2.7
(5/182) / 67.0
Table 3b: Remission criteria according to Lieberman et al. 2003 and Liberman et al. 2002 – LOCF results (% (number of patients achieving criteria/total number of patients))
Study / Lieberman et al. 2003 / Liberman et al. 2002Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 0 / Week 4 / Week51
All studies combined* / 31.0
(453/1462) / 55.6
(217/390) / 8.7
(149/1708) / 75.5
(1102/1460) / 84.9
Colonna et al. 2000 / 21.7
(95/438) / 51.8
(142/274) / 10.1
(48/473) / 66.7
(291/436) / 80.7
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 29.5
(75/254) / 64.7
(75/116) / 21.5
(59/275) / 84.6
(215/254) / 94.9
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 50.6
(42/83) / 7.6
(8/105) / 84.3
Puech et al. 1998 / 52.9
(101/191) / 4.3
(11/256) / 82.2
Möller et al. 1997 / 33.3
(47/141) / 3.2
(6/190) / 74.5
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 31.0
(58/187) / 5.3
(12/227) / 77.0
Carrière et al. 2000 / 20.8
(35/168) / 2.7
(5/182) / 71.4
Week 0 results are only indicated for the Liberman criteria, because no patient could reach Lieberman’s criteria at week 0 by definition. LOCF=last-observation-carried forward, CO=completer only. *The denominator at week 4 is the total sample, at week 51 it is the number of patients in the 2 one year studies. Only the severity criteria are shown, not the time criteria.
Table 4a: Components “psychoticism/reality distortion”, “disorganization” and “negative symptoms” in Andreasen et al. 2005 - LOCF (% (number achieving criteria/total number))
according to Andreasen et al. 2005 / Component “disorganization”
according to Andreasen et al. 2005 / Component “negative symptoms”
according to Andreasen et al. 2005
Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 0 / Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 0 / Week 4 / Week 51
All studies combined / 50.2
(858/1708) / 59.4
(444/748) / 21.9
(374/1708) / 63.6
(1086/1708) / 66.6
(498/748) / 27.1
(463/1708) / 57.4
(980/1708) / 65.2
Colonna et al. 2000 / 44.2
(209/473) / 56.0
(265/473) / 23.3
(110/473) / 56.0
(265/473) / 63.6
(301/473) / 24.7
(117/473) / 48.0
(227/473) / 60.5
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 61.5
(169/275) / 65.1
(179/275) / 17.8
(49/275) / 72.7
(200/275) / 71.6
(197/275) / 44.7
(123/275) / 72.4
(199/275) / 73.5
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 60.0
(63/105) / 50.5
(53/105) / 77.1
(81/105) / 42.9
(45/105) / 65.7
Puech et al. 1998 / 52.3
(134/256) / 16.0
(41/256) / 66.4
(170/256) / 15.2
(39/256) / 57.4
Möller et al. 1997 / 44.7
(85/190) / 17.4
(33/190) / 56.3
(107/190) / 26.3
(50/190) / 56.8
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 46.3
(105/227) / 29.5
(67/227) / 66.5
(151/227) / 28.2
(64/227) / 63.9
Carrière et al. 2000 / 51.1
(93/182) / 11.5
(21/182) / 61.5
(112/182) / 13.7
(25/182) / 46.7
Table 4b: Components “psychoticism/reality distortion”, “disorganization” and “negative symptoms” according to Andreasen et al. 2005 - CO results (% (number of patients achieving criteria/total number of patients))
Study / Component “psychoticism/reality distortion”according to Andreasen et al. 2005 / Component “disorganization”
according to Andreasen et al. 2005 / Component “negative symptoms”
according to Andreasen et al. 2005
Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 0 / Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 0 / Week 4 / Week 51
All studies combined / 56.4
(824/1460) / 79.0
(309/391) / 21.9
(374/1708) / 68.1
(995/1461) / 82.1
(321/391) / 27.1
(463/1707) / 62.1
(907/1461) / 76.7
Colonna et al. 2000 / 47.5
(207/436) / 74.8
(205/274) / 23.3
(110/473) / 57.8
(252/436) / 77.7
(213/274) / 24.7
(117/473) / 49.5
(216/436) / 71.5
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 64.6
(164/254) / 88.9
(104/117) / 17.8
(49/275) / 76.4
(194/254) / 92.3
(108/117) / 44.7
(123/275) / 74.8
(190/254) / 88.8
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 71.1
(59/83) / 50.5
(53/105) / 85.5
(71/83) / 42.9
(45/105) / 74.7
Puech et al. 1998 / 66.5
(127/191) / 16.0
(41/256) / 76.6
(147/192) / 15.3
(39/255) / 68.8
Möller et al. 1997 / 56.7
(80/141) / 17.4
(33/190) / 65.2
(92/141) / 26.3
(50/190) / 67.4
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 51.3
(96/187) / 29.5
(67/227) / 70.1
(131/187) / 28.2
(64/227) / 70.1
Carrière et al. 2000 / 54.2
(91/168) / 11.5
(21/182) / 64.3
(108/168) / 13.7
(25/182) / 48.2
Week 0 results are only indicated for “disorganisation” and “negative symptoms” , because no patient could reach Lieberman’s criteria at week 0 by definition. LOCF=last-observation-carried forward, CO=completer only. *The denominator at week 4 is the total sample, at week 51 it is the number of patients in the 2 one year studies. Only the severity criteria are shown, not the time criteria.
Table 5a: “CGI-severity not more than mild”, “CGI-improvement at least much better” and “50 % BPRS reduction” – LOCF results (% (number of patients achieving criteria/total number))
Study / “CGI-severity score not more than mild” / “CGI-improvement at least much better” / “50 % BPRS reduction”Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51
All studies combined / 35.3
(603/1708) / 44.3
(331/748) / 54.0
(922/1708) / 53.9
(403/748) / 46.0
(785/1708) / 50.1
Colonna et al. 2000 / 28.3
(134/473) / 41.9
(198/473) / 43.8
(207/473) / 51.8
(245/473) / 36.8
(174/473) / 48.2
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 36.4
(100/275) / 48.4
(133/275) / 57.5
(158/275) / 57.5
(158/275) / 42.5
(117/275) / 53.5
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 49.5
(52/105) / 53.3
(56/105) / 61.0
Puech et al. 1998 / 48.0
(123/256) / 64.5
(165/256) / 61.3
Möller et al. 1997 / 28.9
(55/190) / 48.9
(93/190) / 44.2
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 40.5
(92/227) / 54.2
(123/227) / 42.7
Carrière et al. 2000 / 25.8
(47/182) / 65.9
(120/182) / 50.5
Table 5b: “CGI-severity score not more than mild”, “CGI-improvement at least much better” and “50 % BPRS reduction” – CO results (% (number of patients achieving criteria/total number of patients))
Study / “CGI-severity score not more than mild” / “CGI-improvement at least much better” / “50 % BPRS reduction”Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51 / Week 4 / Week 51
All studies combined / 39.8
(583/1463) / 62.1
(242/390) / 60.7
(887/1462) / 74.6
(291/390) / 52.5
(766/1460) / 70.3
Colonna et al. 2000 / 30.4
(133/438) / 57.3
(157/274) / 46.8
(205/438) / 68.6
(188/274) / 39.7
(173/436) / 67.2
Sèchter et al. 2002 / 39.4
(100/254) / 73.3
(85/116) / 61.8
(157/254) / 88.8
(103/116) / 45.3
(115/254) / 77.8
Wetzel et al. 1998 / 59.0
(49/83) / 61.0
(50/82) / 73.5
Puech et al. 1998 / 61.5
(118/192) / 81.8
(157/192) / 79.6
Möller et al. 1997 / 36.2
(51/141) / 61.0
(86/141) / 58.2
Peuskens et al. 1999 / 46.0
(86/187) / 61.5
(115/187) / 49.2
Carrière et al. 2000 / 27.4
(46/168) / 69.6
(117/168) / 54.2
LOCF=last-observation-carried forward, CO=completer only. *The denominator at week 4 is the total sample, at week 51 it is the number of patients in the 2 one year studies. Only the severity criteria are shown, not the time criteria.