Appendix Table 2: References of Studies eliminated at Full Text Screen
1.Aprato A, Jayasekera N, Villar R (2012) Timing in hip arthroscopy: does surgical timing change clinical results?IntOrthop36(11):2231-22342.Ayeni O, Foote C, Debiparshad K, Crouch S, Maizlin Z, Farrokhyar F, Bhandari M (2013) Response from Intra-Articular Hip Injection to Predict Outcome after Arthroscopic Management for FAI (SS-30). Arthroscopy 29(6):e15
3.Ayeni O, Foote C, Debiparshad K, Crouch S, Maizlin Z, Farrokhyar F, Bhandari M (2012) The use of response from an intra-articular hip injection as a predictor of outcome following arthroscopic management for femoroacetabular impingement. A prospective cohort trial. Clin J Sport Med 22(3):297
4.Bizzini M, Notzli H, Maffiuletti N (2007)Femoroacetabular impingement in professional ice hockey players: A case series of 5 athletes after open surgical decompression of the hip. Am JSports Med35(11):1955-1959
5.Bogunovic L, Gottlieb M, Pashos G, Baca G, Clohisy J (2013) Why do hip arthroscopy procedures fail? ClinOrthopRelat Res471(8):2523-2529
6.Brisson N, Lamontagne M, Kennedy M, Beaule P (2013)The effects of cam femoroacetabular impingement corrective surgery on lower-extremity gait biomechanics. Gait Posture 37(2):258-263
7.Brooks P, Bershadsky B (2012)Femoroacetabular impingement: a resurfacing solution. J Bone Joint SurgBr94(11-A):32-35
8.Bulbul M, Uzun M, Ayanoglu S, Imren Y, Ozturk K, Gurbuz H (2012) Analysis of surgical treatment outcomes in femoroacetabular impingement syndrome. TurkiyeKlinikleri JMed Sci32(5):1201-1206
9.Byrd,JWT, Jones,K (2013) Arthroscopic management of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in adolescents. Arthroscopy 29(12):e209
10.Cheatham S, Kolber M (2012) Rehabilitation after hip arthroscopy and labral repair in a high school football athlete. N Am J Sports PhysTher7(2):173-184
11.Clohisy J, Zebala L, Nepple J, Pashos G (2010)Combined hip arthroscopy and limited open osteochondroplasty for anterior femoroacetabular impingement.J Bone Joint Surg Am92(8):1697
12.Cooper A, Basheer S, Maheshwari R, Regan L, Madan S (2013) Outcomes of hip arthroscopy. A prospective analysis and comparison between patients under 25 and over 25 years of age. Br JSports Med 47(4):234-238
13.Cvetanovich G, Heyworth B, Murray K, Yen Y, Kocher M, Millis M (2014) Hip arthroscopy in patients with recurrent pain following berneseperiacetabular osteotomy for acetabular dysplasia: Operative findings and clinical outcomes. Arthroscopy30(6):e24
14.Diaz-Ledezma C, Lichstein P, Maltenfort M, Restrepo C, Parvizi J (2013) Pattern of impact of femoroacetabular impingement upon health-related quality of life: the determinant role of extra-articular factors. QualLife Res 22(9):2323-2330
15.Diaz-Ledezma C, Parvizi J (2013) Surgical approaches for cam femoroacetabular impingement: the use of multicriteria decision analysis. ClinOrthopRelat Res471(8):2509-2516
16.Eddy Field R, Rajakulendran K, Strambi F (2012) One-year results of a novel technique for grafting solitary acetabular defects. Arthroscopy28(6):e63-e64
17.Egerton T, Hinman R, Takla A, Bennell K, O'Donnell J (2013) Intraoperative cartilage degeneration predicts outcome 12 months after hip arthroscopy hip. ClinOrthopRelat Res 471(2):593-599
18.Ejnisman L, Briggs K,Lertwanich P, Philippon M (2010) Outcomes following hip arthroscopy in the youth athlete. Arthroscopy 27(10):e110
19.Espinosa N, Beck M, Rothenfluh D, Ganz R, Leunig M (2007) Treatment of femoro-acetabular impingement: preliminary results of labral refixation. Surgical technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am89(2):36-53
20.Flecher X, Dumas J, Argenson J (2011)Is a hip distractor useful in the arthroscopic treatment of femoroacetabular impingement? OrthopTraumatolSurg Res97(4):381-388
21.Freccero D, Providence B, Berkowitz M, Lee G (2009) Postoperative Assessment of Vascularity of the Femoral Head After Surgical Hip Dislocation. J Arthroplasty24(5):689-692
22.Gwathemy F, Byrd J, Jones K (2014) Revision hip arthroscopy: Findings and outcomes. Arthroscopy30(6):e23
23.Gwathemy F, Byrd J, Jones K (2014) Arthroscopic management of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in adolescents. Arthroscopy 30(6):e20-e21
24.Hunt D, Prather H, Harris Hayes M, Clohisy J (2012) Clinical Outcomes Analysis of Conservative and Surgical Treatment of Patients With Clinical Indications of Prearthritic, Intra-articular Hip Disorders. PMR4(7):479-487
25.Impellizzeri F, Mannion A, Naal F, Hersche O, Leunig M (2012) The early outcome of surgical treatment for femoroacetabular impingement: success depends on how you measure it. Osteoarthritis Cartilage20(7):638-645
26.Impellizzeri F, Mannion A, Naal F, Leunig M (2013) Acceptable symptom state after surgery for femoroacetabular impingement compared with total hip arthroplasty. Hip Int23(9):S54-S60
27.Karthikeyan S, Roberts S, Griffin D (2012) Microfracture for acetabular chondral defects in patients with femoroacetabular impingement: results at second-look arthroscopic surgery. Am J Sports Med 40(12):2725-2730
28.Kemp J, Makdissi M, Schache A, Pritchard M, Pollard T, Crossley K (2014) Hip chondropathy at arthroscopy: prevalence and relationship to labral pathology, femoroacetabular impingement and patient-reported outcomes. Br JSports Med. 48(1):1102-1107
29.Larson C,Giveans M (2008) Arthroscopic Management of Femoroacetabular Impingement: Early Outcomes Measures. Arthroscopy24(5):540-546
30.Laude F, Sariali E (2009) Treatment of FAI via a minimally invasive ventral approach with arthroscopic assistance: Technique and midterm results. Orthopade38(5):419-428
31.Lovett Carter D, Kennedy N (2013) What Are Athletes' Perceptions of Rehabilitation Outcome One Year Post Hip Arthroscopy? JSport Rehabil 2013:Epub
32.Malviya A, Stafford G, Villar R (2012) Impact of arthroscopy of the hip for femoroacetabular impingement on quality of life at a mean follow-up of 3.2 years.J Bone Joint Surg Br 94(4):466-470
33.Mannion A, Impellizzeri F, Naal F, Leunig M (2013) Fulfilment of patient-rated expectations predicts the outcome of surgery for femoroacetabular impingement. OsteoarthritisCartilage 21(1):44-50
34.Matsuda D, Gupta N, Burchette R, Sehgal B (2013) Global versus focal pincer femoracetabular impingement: Comparative outcomes from arthroscopic treatment. Arthroscopy29(12):e198-e199
35.Mei-Dan O, Mcconkey M, Knudsen J, Brick M (2013) Simultaneous bilateral hip arthroscopy for subjects with symptomatic bilateral femoroacetabular impingement.Arthroscopy 29(6):e17-e18
36.Murata Y, Uchida S, Utsunomiya H, Sakoda S, Furuko T, Ariumi A, Mochizuki Y, Honda E, Nakamura T (2013) Comparison of clinical outcomes between athlete and non-athlete following arthroscopic treatment for femoroacetabular impingement. Arthroscopy 29(10):e63
37.Naal F. Miozzari H. Schar M, Hesper T, Notzli H (2012) Midterm results of surgical hip dislocation for the treatment of femoroacetabular impingement. Am JSports Med 40(7):1501-1510
38.Philippon M, Yen Y, Briggs K, Kuppersmith,D, Maxwell,R (2008) Early outcomes after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement in the athletic adolescent patient: A preliminary report.J PediatrOrthop28(7):705-710
39.Potter M, Wylie J, Sun G, Beckmann J, Aoki S (2014) Psychologic distress reduces preoperative self-assessment scores in femoroacetabular impingement patients. ClinOrthopRelRes472(6):1886-1892
40.Ribas M, Ledesma R, Cardenas C, Marin-Pena O, Toro J, Caceres E (2010)Clinical results after anterior mini-open approach for femoroacetabular impingement in early degenerative stage.Hip Int 20(7):S36
41.Ross J, Schoenecker P, Clohisy J (2013)Surgical dislocation of the hip: evolving indications. HSS J 9(1):60-69
42.Rudd J, Suri M, Choate W, Heinrich S, Christoforetti J (2013) Outcomes of arthroscopically treated femoroacetabular impingement in children and adolescents with slipped capital femoral epiphysis and Legg-calve-perthes disease. Arthroscopy29(12):e209-e210
43.Santori N, Bertino A, Theodorakis E, Arceri V, Potestio D (2011)Femoro-acetabular impingement. Arthroscopic osteoplasty: Clinical and functional evaluation of 167 cases with a minimum 14-month follow-up. JOrthopTraumatol12:s132
44.Shearer D, KramerJ, Bozic,K, Feeley B (2012) Is hip arthroscopy cost-effective for femoroacetabular impingement? ClinOrthopRel Res470(4):1079-1089
45.Shin S, Choi I, Cho T, Yoo W, Chung C, Park M. (2009) Unusual osteocartilaginous prominence or bump causing femoroacetabular impingement after septic arthritis of the hip: a report of 2 cases in preadolescence. JPediatrOrthop29(5):459-462
46.Spencer-Gardner L, Eischen J, Levy B, Sierra R, Engasser W, Krych A (2014) A comprehensive five-phase rehabilitation programme after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement. Knee SurgSports TraumatolArthrosc 22(4):848-859
47.Srinivasan S, Hosny H, Williams M (2013)Combined hip arthroscopy and limited open osteochondroplasty for anterior femoroacetabular impingement: early patient reported outcomes.Hip Int23(2):218
48.Suri M, Choate W, Pawlak S, Jones D (2012) Arthroscopic repair versus debridement of labral tears in patients with femoroacetabular impingement: A prospective study. Arthroscopy28(6):e20
49.Tokish J, Ernat J, Song D, Brugman S, Lee G (2013) Return to duty after mini-open arthropscopic-assisted treatment of femoral acetabular impingement in an active duty military population. Arthroscopy29(6):e18