Fayetteville,USBCBowling Association, Inc.

Serving All Area Bowlers Since 1958

P.O. Box 35401

Fayetteville, NC28303

Hall of Fame Program/Policy


To honor those who; by their achievements, services, contributions, and devotion to the game of bowling, have been instrumental through the years in the betterment and advancement of the sport of bowling in the Fayetteville area.


A candidate for induction into the Hall of Fame may be nominated by any member of the bowling community and may be selected in the categories of Performance, Veteran (Performance), or Meritorious Service. The nomination should be submitted to the Hall of Fame committee and must include a résumé of why the nominee should be considered for induction into the Fayetteville Bowling Association’s Hall of Fame.

Suggested Qualifications Include (but are not limited to):

Fifteen (15) years as a certified ABC/USBC bowler or has served at least four (4) years as a member of the FBA Board of Directors, has participated in five (5) or more Fayetteville Bowling Association Annual City Handicap Championship Tournaments, their individual achievements, sportsmanship, dedication to and promotion of the sport of bowling.

Procedure For Election:

1. After consideration and research, the selection board/committee will then submit its

recommendations to the FBA Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will then vote and

elect those considered worthy of Hall of Fame membership.

2. In order to be elected, a nominee must receive a minimum of 2/3 (67%) of the votes cast by

the Board of Directors.


1. The maximum number of nominees elected as a Hall of Fame Member shall be two (2) per


2. There shall be no minimum number of nominees required to be elected as a Hall of Fame


Revised May 2007

Deadline For Submission Of Nominations:

All nominations, complete with résumés (filled out completely), must be submitted no later than July the 15th annually. Address a sealed envelope to the “FBA Hall of Fame Committee” and place in any FBA drop box located in all city bowling centers or hand deliver to any FBA Director.

This program/policy was adopted/implemented by majority vote of the Council of Delegates at its special meeting held on Sunday, 19 November, 1995.

Disposition of Nomination and Notification of Receipt:

If the individual making the nomination desires acknowledgement of receipt and the disposition/status of said nomination please provide the following information:




Telephone Number______

E-Mail Address (Optional)______

Fayetteville USBC Bowling Association, Inc.

Serving All Area Bowlers Since 1958

P.O. Box 35401

Fayetteville, NC28303

Hall of Fame Nomination Form

1. Name of Candidate: ______

2. Address: ______Phone: ______

3. Marital Status:  Married  Single Spouse’s Name: ______

4. Date of Birth: ______Place of Birth: ______

5. Is this a posthumous nomination?  Yes  No

6. Number of years in the Fayetteville area: ______

7. Number of years as an ABC/USBCcertified member: ______

8. Dates served on the FBA Board of Directors: ______

(if applicable)

Please use the back of this form to answer items 9 through 11

9. Characteristics of Candidate: (What is/was he/she like) i.e., achievements, sportsmanship,

dedication, promotion and involvement in the sport of bowling.

10. Offices Held (association board and leagues).

11. General comments/summary.

12. Name of Proposer: ______

Address: ______

______Phone #: ______

Signature of Proposer: ______Date: ______

Note: Attach additional sheets of paper if necessary


9. ______










10. ______







11. ______





