Table 1. Raw data for samples in 1 cm increments for each core. Core1 is sample # 1-10 with 1 being the top cm of the core and 10 being the 10th cm down from the top of core at the start of the clay layer. Individual cup weight for each sample is measured and subtracted from the sediment weight, water content and organic content for an accurate measure of each variable. Cup plus wet is the weight of the 1cm sediment sample in the corresponding cup prior to drying in the oven. Cup plus dry is the weight of the corresponding cup to the sample plus the weight of the sediment after drying in the oven. Cup plus ash is the weight of the corresponding cup plus the weight of the sample after drying and burning at 600degree centigrade in a muffle furnace. Water content and organic content are weights in grams of exact amounts without weight of cup.
Limnology 415Sediment Core samples from shoreline
sample # / cup Wt (g) / cup + wet / cup +Dry / Cup + Ash / Sediment wt / Water Content / Organic Content
1 / 2.232 / 24.682 / 6.752 / 6.089 / 22.450 / 17.930 / 0.663
2 / 2.181 / 24.232 / 8.113 / 7.377 / 22.051 / 16.119 / 0.736
3 / 2.132 / 23.336 / 7.807 / 7.053 / 21.204 / 15.529 / 0.754
4 / 2.126 / 24.536 / 7.499 / 6.543 / 22.410 / 17.037 / 0.956
5 / 2.167 / 24.534 / 8.642 / 7.668 / 22.367 / 15.892 / 0.974
6 / 2.113 / 23.489 / 10.570 / 9.555 / 21.376 / 12.919 / 1.015
7 / 2.125 / 35.174 / 20.232 / 18.910 / 33.049 / 14.942 / 1.322
8 / 2.147 / 32.829 / 20.879 / 19.722 / 30.682 / 11.950 / 1.157
9 / 2.181 / 37.304 / 25.098 / 23.949 / 35.123 / 12.206 / 1.149
10 / 2.138 / 38.471 / 27.181 / 26.023 / 36.333 / 11.290 / 1.158
11 / 2.187 / 20.845 / 5.874 / 5.319 / 18.658 / 14.971 / 0.555
12 / 2.148 / 26.914 / 7.943 / 7.152 / 24.766 / 18.971 / 0.791
13 / 2.18 / 30.260 / 8.667 / 7.666 / 28.080 / 21.593 / 1.001
14 / 2.144 / 24.788 / 8.791 / 7.769 / 22.644 / 15.997 / 1.022
15 / 2.153 / 28.509 / 14.603 / 13.410 / 26.356 / 13.906 / 1.193
16 / 2.178 / 33.918 / 16.672 / 15.021 / 31.740 / 17.246 / 1.651
17 / 2.133 / 32.964 / 21.523 / 20.525 / 30.831 / 11.441 / 0.998
18 / 2.137 / 40.725 / 30.060 / 28.885 / 38.588 / 10.665 / 1.175
19 / 2.161 / 37.480 / 27.552 / 26.555 / 35.319 / 9.928 / 0.997
20 / 2.142 / 40.633 / 30.629 / 29.595 / 38.491 / 10.004 / 1.034
21 / 2.135 / 23.542 / 6.665 / 6.188 / 21.407 / 16.877 / 0.477
22 / 2.137 / 28.416 / 8.617 / 7.830 / 26.279 / 19.799 / 0.787
23 / 2.129 / 28.704 / 12.828 / 12.015 / 26.575 / 15.876 / 0.813
24 / 2.114 / 35.990 / 21.729 / 20.659 / 33.876 / 14.261 / 1.070
25 / 2.147 / 35.021 / 24.723 / 23.906 / 32.874 / 10.298 / 0.817
26 / 2.153 / 42.199 / 30.140 / 29.078 / 40.046 / 12.059 / 1.062
27 / 2.174 / 40.894 / 30.494 / 29.650 / 38.720 / 10.400 / 0.844
28 / 2.092 / 40.837 / 30.259 / 29.381 / 38.745 / 10.578 / 0.878
29 / 2.086 / 47.904 / 35.935 / 34.792 / 45.818 / 11.969 / 1.143
30 / 2.185 / 38.030 / 29.237 / 28.457 / 35.845 / 8.793 / 0.780
Table 2. Measures of water depth for each replicate core sampled across entire pond. Shore (0 m depth) corresponds to core samples taken 45.27cm from water line on the dam side of the pond. .75m depth is the triplicates of cores sampled on the far side of the pond 1m from the shoreline. 1.4m depth is the triplicates of cores sampled from the deepest portion of the pond approximately centered. Cm depths for each core 1,2,3 are the depths of sediment in each core from the top of core to start of clay layer.
Organic Acuumulation by Core DepthCore # / Shore (0 m depth) / .75 m depth / 1.4 m depth
1 / 7 cm / 1 cm / 4 cm
2 / 6 cm / 3 cm / 2 cm
3 / 7 cm / 1 cm / 2 cm
*shore samples were taken from the middle dam side
Figure 1. Measured water content of core sediment layers in 1 cm increments from the top sediment layer to the start of the clay layer for each core sampled on the dam side 45.72cm from the water line on the date of sampling. Water content measured as a difference in wet weight and dried weight.
Figure 2. Measured Organic content measured by muffle furnace of dry core sediment samples of layers in 1 cm increments from the top of the sediment layer to the start of the clay layer. Samples are for each core sampled as triplicates on the dam side 45.72cm from the water line on the date of sampling.