Workshop on the Development of Key Indicators for Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Land; & Award/s to Promote Environmental Sustainability in ASEAN Cities
The Workshop on the Development of Key Indicators for Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Land; and Award/s to Promote Environmental Sustainability in ASEAN Cities was held from 6 - 8 Dec 05 in Jakarta, Indonesia.The Workshop was co-organised by the Ministry of Environment, Indonesia, the National Environment Agency, Singapore and the ASEAN Secretariat.
The Workshop was jointly sponsored by the Japan-ASEAN General Exchange Fund, Hanns-Seidel Foundation, World Bank and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and supported by the following organisations: Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), GTZ, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), US Agency for International Development (USAID), United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD), UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP-IETC) and the Swedish Institute of Environment Research.
Mr Loh, Chairman of AWGESC giving the opening address / Ms Maureen Hart presenting her paper
Ms Skinnarland discussing with her Working Group / The objectives of the Conference were as follows:
a) To develop a set of key performance environmental indicators for Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Land; and
b) To develop a set of award criteria to promote environmental sustainability in ASEAN cities.
The Workshop was attended by 81 participants from 23 ASEAN participating cities, ASEAN Secretariat and resource persons from various international organisations.The list of participants is at Annex 1.
Workshop Programme
The programme for the Workshop is at Annex 2. Mr Kosasih Wirahadikusumah, Head of Environmental Agency for Jakarta welcomed the participants to the Workshop. The Workshop was jointly opened by Mr Loh Ah Tuan, Chairman of the ASEAN Working Group on Environmentally Sustainable Cities (AWGESC) and Mr Arief Yuwono, Executive Secretary of Ministry of Environment, Indonesia.
The Workshop was held in plenary and breakout discussions. At the plenary session on the first day, representatives from international organisations such as the JICA, AIT,UNCRD, UNEP, UNEP-IETC, GTZ, USAID, US-AEP and Swedish Institute of Environment Research shared their experiences on the use of environmental indicators and existing related programmes with the Workshop participants.
To facilitate the working group discussions at the Workshop, Singapore and ASEAN Secretariat also presented the proposed environmental indicators and awards criteria for environmentally sustainable cities in ASEAN respectively.
On the second day, ASEAN city officials broke up into 4 Working Groups to develop and recommend key indicators for Clean Air, Clean Water, Clean Land, and criteria for award/s to promote environmental sustainability in ASEAN cities respectively. The 4 Working Groups, viz (i) Clean Air, (ii) Clean Water, (iii) Clean Land, and (iv) Award/s Criteria and Proposed Modality for Award/s were led by the following resource persons from the USAID.
The Workshop reconvened in plenary in the afternoon of the second day. The 4 Working Groups presented their respective recommendations and inputs to the Workshop for discussion.
Before the conclusion of the Workshop on the third day, participants visited the Monas (National Monument) and Rawajati to witness a community-based clean city programme /
Participants discussing with local officials during the site visit
Workshop Outcomes
Based on the guiding principles that the indicators should be i) specific and quantifiable, ii) easily measurable and iii) easily adaptable to most participating cities, and with the help of the resource persons and experts from the international organisations, the Working Groups on Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Land successfully developed a list of key environmental indicators for Clean Air, Clean Water and Clean Land respectively. The proposed list of key indicators is at Annex 3.
In addition, the Working Group on Award/s Criteria and Proposed Modality for Award/s also put forth their recommendations for ASEAN ESC Awards and proposed respective criteria for the awards. The Working Group also suggested a nomination and review process for the awards. The Group's recommendations are at Annex 4.
Follow Up Activities
The proposed key indicators and recommendations for ASEAN ESC awards will be tabled for consideration at the next AWGESC meeting. Subsequently, the AWGESC will seek endorsement from the Senior Officials and Ministers at the ASEAN Senior Officials Meeting on the Environment (ASOEN) and the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment (AMME) respectively.
Group Photo