Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Syllabus -–Fall, 2016
Instructor: / Dr. J. R. HillCourse Description:
This course explores the practical application of the principals and practices and ethical considerations of human resource management.
The entire class, including tests, will be conducted through classroom lectures and discussions.
Course Objectives:
To enable the student to gain a basic understanding of the complex issues of the numerous laws and regulations facing employers and employees in the workplace.
Please note: The instructor for this class is not an attorney. Material covered and opinions expressed are based on extensive experience but should not be construed as legal advice.
Class Attendance:
This course is conducted throughclassroom lectures, discussions and participation.
Managing Human Resources, 16th Edition, Bohlander, Snell
South-Western College Publishing, ISBN-13: 978-1-111-53282-6
Course Content:
All sixteen (16) chapters will be covered.
Assignments, tests, answer sheets and instructions will be conducted through classroom lectures, discussions and participation. Each student should review this Syllabus.
All work is to be submitted in the classroom setting using complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling.
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Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Student Information Plan (SIP) - Distance Learning - Summer, 2012 - TENTATIVE
Read the Syllabus and Semester Calendar
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Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Student Information Plan (SIP) - Distance Learning - Summer, 2012 - TENTATIVE
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Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Student Information Plan (SIP) - Distance Learning - Summer, 2012 - TENTATIVE
Exams = 70%.
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Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Student Information Plan (SIP) - Distance Learning - Summer, 2012 - TENTATIVE
The lowest grade of the first four (4) exams will be dropped if the Final Exam is administered. The Final (Exam 5) may be waived at the instructor’s discretion for students displaying exemplary work in the first four tests and assignments.
Open Topics
Choose a topic/subject from the current chapters (as indicated in the Course Schedule) you found particularly interesting, and write an explanation and/or example on that particular subject. Remember the “Open Topic” points count as class participation, and can only be awarded during the allotted time. Be prepared to present your topic to the class starting with the page number, and the reasons to support your opinion. The four (4) Classroom “Open Topics” are worth 25 points each for a total of 100 points towards your final grade. Your presentation paper shall be a minimum of ½ page with a maximum length of 1½ pages, and shown to the instructor after you have answered any questions from the class.
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Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Student Information Plan (SIP) - Distance Learning – Summer, 2013
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Alvin Community College
Human Resource Management, HRPO 2301
Syllabus -– Fall, 2014
Grading Scale:
90 / 100 / = / A80 / 89 / = / B
70 / 79 / = / C
60 / 69 / = / D
Below / 60 / = / F
Assignment and Exam Schedule:
Assignment and Exam Schedule –
Assignment / Exam / Chapters CoveredREAD / Syllabus
Open Topics / Due and Done throughout the semester
Exam 1 / 1, 2, & 3
Exam 2 / 4, 5, 6 & 7
Exam 3 / 8, 9 & 10
Exam 4 / 11, 12, 13, & 14
Exam 5 (Final) / All Previous Chapters, plus 15, & 16
At the withdraw deadline, students who are extremely behind in their assignments and who have not communicated with me concerning their class work should consider dropping the course. This is the student’s responsibility; the instructor will not drop a student from class.
Code of Academic Integrity and Honesty
Students at Alvin Community College are members of an institution dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge through a formalized program of instruction and learning. At the heart of this endeavor, lie the core values of academic integrity which include honesty, truth, and freedom from lies and fraud. Because personal integrity is important in all aspects of life, students at Alvin Community College are expected to conduct themselves with honesty and integrity both in and out of the classroom. Incidents of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and students guilty of such conduct are subject to severe disciplinary measures.
The instructor reserves the right to modify this syllabus as needed and will notify the students of any changes by email to the email address they have provided.
Revised: August 18, 2016
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