Table 1. Details of PCR primers and fragment lengths
PrimerSequenceFragment Reference
size [bp]
CCR5-upper5' CCA GGA ATC ATC TTT ACC AGA TCT C (6Fam)130/98
TH01-upper5' GTG GGC TGA AAA GCT CCC GAT TAT (6-Fam)154-178Kimpton et al.
TH01-lower5' GTG ATT CCC ATT GGC CTG TTC CTC154-178Kimpton et al.
Amel-upper5' CCC TGG GCT CTG TAA AGA ATA GT (Hex)106/112
Amel-lower5' ATC AGA GCT TAC ACT GGG AAG CTG106/112
VWA-upper:5' CCC TAG TGG ATG ATA AGA ATA ATC AGT ATG (Hex)126-170Kimpton et al.
VWA-lower5' GGA CAG ATG ATA AAT ACA TAG GAT GGA TGG126-170Kimpton et al.
TPOX –upper5' GAA CCG TCG ACT GGC ACA G (Ned)110-142
TPOX –lower5' CGC TAG GCC CTT CTG TCC T110-142
D5S818-upper5' CAA GGG TGA TTT TCC TCT TTG GTA T (Ned)145-177
D5S818-lower5' GTG ATT CCA ATC ATA GCC ACA GTT145-177
Kimpton CP, Gill P, Walton A, Urquhart A, Millican ES,Adams M. Automated DNA profiling employing multiplex amplification of short tandem repeat loci. PCR Methods Appl.1993; 3: 13-22
Table 2a. CCR5/CCR5-32 and STR genotypes of 19 Central European Early Modern Agehuman skeletons from the Goslar burial sitea
Individual / CCR5genotype / TPOX / VWA / D5S818 / TH01 / Amelo
GS 30 / wt / 12 / - / 11 / - / -
GS 31 / wt / 10/11 / 16/18 / 10/13 / 6/9.3 / X
GS 39 / wt / 8/11 / 17 / 11 / 7/9.3 / X/Y
GS 45.1 / wt / 11 / - / 10/11 / 7 / X/Y
GS 49 / wt/32 / 8 / 15/17 / 11/13 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
GS 52 / wt/32 / 9/11 / - / 12/13 / 9.3 / X
GS 53 / wt / 8 / 18/19 / 11/13 / 8/9 / X/Y
GS 54 / wt / 8 / 17 / 11/13 / 8 / X/Y
GS 61 / wt/32 / 8/11 / 15 / 11/12 / 6/9.3 / X
GS 67 / wt / 8/11 / 15/16 / 11 / 9 / X/Y
GS 68 / wt/32 / 8/11 / 15/17 / 11/12 / 7/9 / X/Y
GS 76 / wt/32 / 9/11 / 18/19 / 10/12 / 7/9.3 / X
GS 79 / wt / 8/11 / 16 / 10/11 / 9/9.3 / X
GS 82 / wt / 8/11 / 15/18 / 12 / 9/9.3 / X/Y
GS 95 / wt / 8 / 17 / 11 / 9.3 / X/Y
GS 96 / wt/32 / 8/11 / 14/19 / 10/12 / 7/9 / X/Y
GS 97 / wt / 8 / 18/19 / 12 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
GS 102 / wt/32 / 8 / 16/17 / 9/12 / 9 / X/Y
GS 105 / wt / 8/10 / 16/17 / 11 / 9 / X
a‘wt’ indicates the non-deleted CCR5 allele (= wildtype); Allele designations of autosomal STRs are based on the number of repeat units; ‘Amelo’ indicates the sex marker amelogenine; () indicates that no result was obtained due to amplification failure of the corresponding STR system; if only one STR allele is given in the table, the respective genotype is homozygous (or is due to repeated allelic dropout).
Table 2b. CCR5/CCR5-32 and STR genotypes of 19 Southern European Early Modern Agehuman skeletons from the Alia burial sitea
Individual / CCR5genotype / TPOX / VWA / D5S818 / TH01 / Amelo
AL 3 / wt / 8/11 / 16/18 / 12/13 / 9 / XY
AL 5 / wt / 8/9 / 16/18 / 10/12 / 9/93 / XY
AL 7 / wt / 8 / 15/17 / 11 / 6/8 / XY
AL 11 / wt / 8/11 / 18 / 13 / 6/9 / XY
AL 12 / wt / 8/11 / 16/18 / 12 / 6/8 / X
AL 13 / wt / 8/11 / 14/16 / 12/13 / 6 / XY
AL 23 / wt / 8/10 / 17 / 10/11 / 6/9 / XY
AL 24 / wt/32 / 12 / - / 11 / 8 / XY
AL 25 / wt / 8/11 / - / 11 / 6 / X
AL 26 / wt / 8 / 17 / 11/12 / 8 / XY
AL 55 / wt / 8/9 / 15/18 / 10/12 / 7/8 / XY
AL 59 / wt / 8 / 18 / 11 / 6/93 / XY
AL 60 / wt / 9/11 / 16/18 / 11/13 / 93 / XY
AL 63 / wt / 10 / - / 12 / - / X
AL 72 / wt / 8 / 20 / 12 / - / XY
AL 75 / wt / - / 20 / 12 / 8 / XY
AL 80 / wt / 8 / 17 / 11/13 / 6/8 / XY
AL 87 / wt / 8/10 / 16/18 / 11 / 93 / X
AL 90 / wt / 8 / - / 12 / 8/93 / X
a‘wt’ indicates the non-deleted CCR5 allele (= wildtype); Allele designations of autosomal STRs are based on the number of repeat units; ‘Amelo’ indicates the sex marker amelogenine; () indicates that no result was obtained due to amplification failure of the corresponding STR system; if only one STR allele is given in the table, the respective genotype is homozygous (or is due to repeated allelic dropout).
Table 2c. CCR5/CCR5-32 and STR genotypes of 17 Central European Bronze Age
human skeletons from the Lichtenstein cavea
genotype / TPOX / VWA / D5S818 / TH01 / Amelo
DO 26 / wt / 8 / 16 / 9/11 / 7/9.3 / X
DO 58:3 / wt / 8 / 18 / 11 / 6/8 / X/Y
DO 183 / wt/32 / 8/11 / 14/19 / 10 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
DO 199 / wt / 11 / 14 / 12 / 7/9 / X
DO 300 / wt / 8/11 / 16 / - / 6 / X
DO 902 / wt/32 / 8 / 13/15 / 12 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
DO 1044 / wt / 8/11 / 17 / 9 / 9.3 / X
DO 1076 / wt / 8/11 / 15/16 / 10/12 / 7/9.3 / X/Y
DO 1102 / wt / 8 / - / 9/10 / 7 / X/Y
DO 1103 / wt/32 / 9/11 / 14/15 / 11/12 / 6/9.3 / X
DO 1500 / wt / 9/12 / - / - / 9.3 / X
DO 1911 / wt / 8/9 / 17/19 / 11/12 / 9.3 / X/Y
DO 1916 / wt / 8/10 / 14/16 / 12 / 6/7 / X/Y
DO 2030 / wt / 8 / 18 / 13 / 7/9 / X/Y
DO 3742 / wt/32 / 8 / 14 / 13 / 9.3 / X
DO 3750 / wt / 9/12 / 17/19 / 11/12 / 9/9.3 / X
DO 3756 / wt / 8/9 / 17/19 / 12 / 9/9.3 / X
a‘wt’ indicates the non-deleted CCR5 allele (= wildtype); Allele designations of autosomal STRs are based on the number of repeat units; ‘Amelo’ indicates the sex marker amelogenine; () indicates that no result was obtained due to amplification failure of the corresponding STR system; if only one STR allele is given in the table, the respective genotype is homozygous (or is due to repeated allelic dropout).
Table 2d. CCR5/CCR5-32 and STR genotypes of the skeletons from the plague mass grave (1350 AD) of Lübeck (Northern Germany)a
Individual / CCR5genotype / TPOX / VWA / D5S818 / TH01 / Amelo
HL 934 / wt / 8/11 / 17/18 / 12 / 9.3 / X
HL 958 / wt/32 / 8/10 / - / 11/13 / - / X
HL 1133 / wt / 8 / 17 / 13 / 7 / X/Y
HL 1154 / wt / 8 / 15 / 13 / 6 / X/Y
HL 1217 / wt / 8/12 / 17 / 11/12 / 7 / X/Y
HL 1225 / wt / 8 / - / 13 / 7 / X
HL 1227 / wt / 8/11 / 16/18 / 11/12 / 9.3 / X/Y
HL 1331 / wt/32 / 11 / - / 12/13 / - / X/Y
HL 1341 / wt/32 / 8/11 / - / 12 / 7 / X
HL 1355 / wt/32 / 8/9 / 15 / 12/13 / 8 / X
HL 1422 / wt / 8/11 / 18/19 / 12 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
HL 1505 / wt / 8 / 17 / 12 / - / X/Y
HL 1532 / wt / 8/11 / 15/18 / 11 / 7/9 / X
HL 1536 / wt / 8/11 / 17 / 12 / 7 / X/Y
a‘wt’ indicates the non-deleted CCR5 allele (= wildtype); Allele designations of autosomal STRs are based on the number of repeat units; ‘Amelo’ indicates the sex marker amelogenine; () indicates that no result was obtained due to amplification failure of the corresponding STR system; if only one STR allele is given in the table, the respective genotype is homozygous (or is due to repeated allelic dropout).
Table 2e. CCR5/CCR5-32 and STR genotypes of the skeletons of 20 medieval famine victims (1316 AD) from Lübeck (Northern Germany)a
Individual / CCR5genotype / TPOX / VWA / D5S818 / TH01 / Amelo
HL 1105 / wt / 7 / - / 12 / 7/9.3 / X
HL 1222 / wt/32 / 8/11 / 17 / 12/13 / - / X/Y
HL 1224 / wt / 8/11 / 18 / 11 / 9/9.3 / X/Y
HL 1814 / wt / 8 / 17 / 12 / 6 / X/Y
HL 1816 / wt / 8/10 / 14/18 / 12 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
HL 1817 / wt / 10/11 / 19/20 / 11 / 9.3 / X
HL 1824 / wt / 8/11 / - / - / 8 / X
HL 1825 / wt / 8/11 / 17 / 12 / 9.3 / X/Y
HL 1838 / wt/32 / 8 / - / - / 6 / X
HL 1841 / wt / 8/10 / 18 / 13 / 6 / X/Y
HL 1871 / wt/32 / 8/11 / - / 9/11 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
HL 1873 / wt/32 / 8 / - / 12/13 / 7/9.3 / X/Y
HL 1902 / wt / 8 / 15/16 / 11 / 9.3 / X/Y
HL 1909 / wt / 9/11 / - / 11 / - / X/Y
HL 1974 / wt / 8/11 / 17 / - / 9.3 / X
HL 1978 / wt / 9/12 / 17 / 11/13 / 8/9.3 / X
HL 1991 / wt / 8 / - / 11 / 9.3 / X
HL 1996 / wt/32 / 8 / 17 / 10/12 / 6 / X/Y
HL 2001 / wt / 8 / 15 / 11/12 / 6/9.3 / X/Y
HL 2045 / wt / 8/11 / 14 / 9 / - / X/Y
a‘wt’ indicates the non-deleted CCR5 allele (= wildtype); Allele designations of autosomal STRs are based on the number of repeat units; ‘Amelo’ indicates the sex marker amelogenine; () indicates that no result was obtained due to amplification failure of the corresponding STR system; if only one STR allele is given in the table, the respective genotype is homozygous (or is due to repeated allelic dropout).