For final project,you will be making a portfolio/keepsake book of what you have learned in Spanish 1. The 10 required entries are listed below.
1. Los Números & Los Colores: List números 1-30 and then multiples of 10 up to 100. (**extra: illustrate**). Also, draw or create a picture that includes all 11 colores and label them in the picture en español.
2. Piccionario Diccionario: Divide 2 pieces of white paper into 9 squares (tic*tac*toe style). So you have a total of 18 squares. Draw pictures, write Spanish vocabulary words. Choose from the following:
items of ropa
classroom objects or places in school
deportes o actividades o verbos
weather expressions
3. Verb frases: Write 25 original sentences with a different verb in each.Write 5 for each verb form. (1. yo, 2. tú, 3. él, ella, or Usted, 4. nosotros, 5. ellos, ellas, or ustedes) Sentences must be at least 5 words long.
4. “YO”: Write a page all about you! Include 5 physical descriptions, 2 personality descriptions, birth date, age, 5 likes and 5 dislikes, family, classes.
5. “El Cuerpo” For “El Cuerpo”: Draw a picture of a body and label all the parts we learned en español.
6. Verb Chart: Create a master verb chart. Include directions on “how to conjugate a verb.” Include the boxes for regular –ar, -er, and –ir verbs. Include the boxes for the irregular verbs estar, ser, tener, saber, jugar, ir, hacer, querer, and preferir.
7. Menú: Create a school lunch menu with the days of the week and at least 10 different food items and 5 different drinks. (**extra: include pictures)
8. CHOICE: “el mapa” or– label the map that includes all Spanish-speaking countries. Must be colored.
9. “Voy a ser……” Write a paragraph of at least 5 sentences stating what you will do in the future (jobs, family, school, etc.). Use “ir + a + infinitvo.”
10. “Vocabulario Nuevo” Make a list of at least 20 new words that you think you want or need to know in Spanish. Look them up and create a list.
¡¡MUY IMPORTANTE!!All pages must beperfectbefore they are included in your book. We will be working on the books in class for portions of the class. You will have some time on those dates to work on your entries. You will NOT have the entire block on those days as we will continue with other review work. You may also need to work at home in order to have everything completed on time. You must show me your ROUGH DRAFTS of your 10 entries (one at a time as you complete them, or all at once) on THOSE DAYS ONLY! These must be ROUGH DRAFT copies, NOT final copies, because I may need to write on them. All rough drafts must be turned in by the Thursday. I will look them over and either check you off on the chart as completed or give you suggestions on how to improve them. You must have them all checked off before Exam Day or you will lose points for your completion score. ( 5 points for each page not checked off). If you wait until the last minute to turn them all in, I may not have time in class. Therefore, you will lose points. Please be responsible and get them checked off as you complete them.
Completion/Accuracy: 10 entries 50 pts
Oral:Oral examination 30 pts
+++must be completed before final exam day+++
Creativity:Cover, illustrations, pages, 20 pts
table of contents
Total ------100 pts
Creativity Counts!
I will be expecting your VERY BEST EFFORTS on this libro project. Use the computer or write VERY neatly. Use color and decorations wherever possible. If you are not very artistic, use computer graphics or magazine clippings. Make a nice cover for your libro or use a binder or folder. All of these aspects will be taken into consideration when you show me your book on exam day.
DUE DATE: jueves el 15 de mayo- Turn in your finished product for a final grade. You must already have all 10 entries checked off on the chart. The Portfolios will be graded before you come to class on Exam Day. ***If this is turned in a day late you will automatically loose 50 of your 100 points.
Español I OPI questions 2014: Be prepared to answer 5 of these questions en FRASES COMPLETAS:
- ¿Cómo te llamas?
- ¿Cuántos años tienes?
- ¿Cómo estás?
- ¿Cómo eres?
- ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
- ¿Dónde vives?
- ¿Qué tiempo hace?
- ¿Qué hora es?
- ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
- ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
- ¿Prefieres jugar (A) o (B)?
- ¿Qué vas a hacer en el verano?
- ¿Qué comes por la mañana?
- ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes?
- ¿Qué hay en tu dormitorio?
Rubric used for Grading Oral:
Oral Seccion : Español 1 Total +______/30
For each answer
3 ..... correct, fluent, meaningful, complete sentence
2 ..... didn’t Understand question (U), answered Incorrectly ( I ), or answered with Fragment (F)
1 …. 2 of the above reasons
1. # _____
2. # _____
3. # _____
4. # _____
5. # _____
6. # _____
7. # _____
8. # _____
9. # _____
10. # _____
OPI _____ of 30
If you choose to be disruptive or fail to use your time wisely this note will be sent home to your parents along with a supplemental assignment.
Because your son/daughter ______did not effectively utilize class time to work on/study for their final project/exam, he/she has been given a supplemental assignment to include in their final portfolio project. If this is not included in their final project, he/she will receive a “0” as their FINAL Portfolio grade. Please sign to verify that you have been notified of this situation.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Senora Sandra Weston
Signature of parent/guardian:
Please print name:______