1. Prior to APL development, ensure the following components are installed on the computer:

Table 1 – APL Required Software

Program/Software / Purpose / Located at:
/ Format for modifying Excel spreadsheet for upload into ICAPS / \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\APL Excel Macro
/ Search and export APL into Excel
/ Program for developing APL / \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\ICAPS
  1. Prepare NFELC APLs in accordance with controlling documents listed in Table 2:

Table 2 - APL Controlling Documents

Controlling Document / Purpose / Located at:
  • APL Development Process
/ Detailed instructions for APL development / APL Development Process
/ Format for delivery submittal / \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\APL Excel Macro\ICAPS_Excel_Macro_Guide.doc
  • Guide for the Assignment, Application and Use of Source, Maintenance and Recoverability Codes
/ SM&R Code Reference / \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\ICAPS\ICAPs References & Guides Documents
  • Component Lead 2000 Rev
/ Identify PCCNs to Systems / \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\LAPL Files\Component Lead 2000 Rev.pdf
  • Companion 1992 Rev
/ Identify PLISNs to PCCNs / \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\LAPL Files\Companion 1992 Rev.pdf
  • Webflis
/ Part number reference for codes in Excel worksheet /
  1. For a typical 1-Month Period of Performance, conduct reviews, verifications, validationsand deliveries in accordance with Table 3. For other Periods of Performance, check with the Program Manager for schedule details.

Table 3 - Schedule for Development and Delivery

Short Description of Milestone / Schedule / Purpose/Process / Outcome
Kick off meeting / Project Start /
  • Review requirements including controlling docs and schedule.
  • Identify/gather available source material.
  • Identify SMEs.
  • Identify review and approval authority.
  • Obtain Government approved COTS TMs.
  • Schedule meeting with cognizant technical customer.
  • Review SOW requirements.
  • Finalize Project Plan.

Review GFI / 4 Work days after receipt of GFI /
  • Sign for GFI.
  • Review GFI.
  • Research GDAPL for similar equipment.
  • Export GDAPL APL into Excel.
  • Reference steps 1-5 of APL Development Process.
  • Identify all subsystems and possible components for APL.

APL Data Development / 10 Work days after receipt of GFI /
  • Identify maintenance related component parts associated with each PCCN from GDAPL/Companion Lead APL.
  • Review Nomenclature from GDAPL/ Component List vs. Part Numbers from Parts Manual(s). (NOTE: Record TM Page Numbers for PTD reference).
  • Update APL Spreadsheet for ICAPS (Stand Alone) using the ICAPS – EXCEL FILE MACRO (refer to Webflis, TM, and Component LAPL for correct codes).
  • Create header/CCF data for each PCCN.
  • Upload completed spreadsheet into ICAPS and run validation reports.
  • Export PCCNs from ICAPS using Data Exchange Out.
  • Reference steps 6-19 of APL Development Process.
  • Applicable componentsidentified from GDAPL/LAPL.
  • Spreadsheet that includes maintenance related components cross-referenced between GDAPL/Component LAPL and Technical Manuals.
  • Validation reports ensure all required fields have been completed and the field values are valid.
  • Text file for draft delivery.

PTD Development / 10 Work days after receipt of GFI /
  • PDF of all pages containing figures and part numbers of components in APL.
  • Header sheet separating each subsystem listing subsystem name and PCCN.
  • Reference step20 of APL Development Process.
  • PTD for draft delivery.

Draft Delivery / 10 Work days after receipt of GFI /
  • First technical deliverable.
  • Reference step 21 of APL Development Process.
  • Submission of APL text file for Government Review (Email).
  • Submission of PTD/EDFP in NCS .
  • Inform APL POC of NCS posting.

Incorporate Draft Comments / 5 Days after receipt of Govt Draft Comments /
  • Incorporate draft comments in Excel worksheet and upload in ICAPS.
  • Export PCCNs from ICAPS using Data Exchange Out.
  • Reference steps 22-23of APL Development Process.
  • Government comments incorporated.
  • QA Review of ICAPS files vs. Government Draft Comments.
  • Text file for validation delivery.

Validation Delivery / 5 Days after receipt of Govt Draft Comments /
  • Second technical deliverable.
  • Log into ICAPS mainframe ( select Data Exchange In.
  • Reference steps 24-26of APL Development Process.
  • Upload APL data to ICAPS mainframe.
  • Submit (email) notification - ICAPS mainframeupload.
  • Government Review for Validation/ Acceptance

Incorporate Validation Comments / 5 Days after receipt of Govt Validation Comments /
  • Incorporate draft comments in Excel worksheet and upload in ICAPS.
  • Export PCCNs from ICAPS using Data Exchange Out.
  • Reference step 26-27ofAPL Development Process.
  • Government Validation Comments incorporated
  • QA Review of ICAPS files vs. Government Validation Comments
  • Text file for final delivery.

Final Delivery / 5 Days after receipt of Govt Validation Comments /
  • Final technical deliverable
  • Log into ICAPS mainframe ( select Data Exchange In.
  • Reference step 28 of APL Development Process.
  • Upload APL data to ICAPS mainframe.
  • Submit (email) notification - ICAPS mainframeupload.
  • Government Review for Validation/Acceptance
  • Government Acceptance Receipt

Actual Cost Data Report / 5 Days after acceptance by Govt /
  • Report all costs associated with APL development
  • Developed in PMIS, delivered via Email


APL Development Process

  1. Receive GFI.
  2. Sign for GFI.
  3. Review GFI for familiarity and completeness.
  4. Research GDAPL for similar equipment. Print out APL for that equipment.
  5. Using GDAPL, export APL for similar equipment into Excel.
  6. Once highest assembly of APL is selected, select Extract Data.
  7. Select Input Setup.
  8. Select Create a New APL/AEL List.
  9. Enter in the APL for that equipment.
  10. Select APL.APL and select OK.
  11. The output file will always be C:\WINGDAPL\APL00001.TXT
  12. The computation method should automatically set to FLSIP .25.
  13. Section A should automatically select.
  14. Select OK to extract the data.
  15. Select View Offload to view the extracted data.
  16. In Excel, under the PCCN Menu, select GDAPL Import.
  17. Select the file C:\WINGDAPL\APL00001.TXT
  18. Save the Excel file name with a specific name for that assembly (i.e. Engine Group, Fuel Group, etc.)
  19. Repeat for all lower assemblies for APL.
  20. Perform parts research using the GDAPL printout.
  21. Compare the part numbers to those listed in the TMs. Record page numbers for parts as you go.
  22. Verify part numbers/NSNs from TM in Webflis. Save the Webflis page for each listing as you go.
  23. Update Excel spreadsheet.
  24. Highlight rows with accurate part numbers (no changes needed) in yellow. These rows will not need any updating.
  25. Delete any parts not applicable to your configuration.
  26. Update all applicable part numbers and highlight the part number in green.
  27. Highlight any rows that need additional research in red.
  28. Add any new parts if necessary. In most cases no new parts should need to be added except for the TMs on the main assembly.
  29. Sort data by PN is ascending order (do not worry about renumbering PLISNs yet).
  30. Use the following table as a guide for what fields need to be updated/completed and where the information for those fields can be referenced. All rows with green or red highlights will need updating. Once a row has been updated, highlight the row yellow to indicate no changes are needed. For more information on how to complete various fields reference the Help section in ICAPS.

Table 4. APL Excel Guide

Excel Column Name / Reference Source
PCCN / Provided by government on GFI Loan Document, add letter at end for each sub assembly (i.e. NC0154A for engine group, NC0154B for fuel group).
ICAPS uploads will not accept PCCNs over 6 characters. When entering PCCNs for lower assemblies, remove the second character (in the above example, remove “C” from NC0154A). Once it is uploaded into ICAPS the character will need to be added back in.
PLISN / Numbering system for each part number. Start at A001, A002, A003, etc. for each part listed in spreadsheet.
INDC / Transfers from GDAPL
CAGE / Cage Code for part – Webflis or TM
PN / Part Number – Webflis or TM
RNCC / WebFlis
RNVC / WebFlis
DAC / WebFlis
EC / Transfers from GDAPL, should usually equal “1” or “7”. 1 = Failure of this part will render the end item inoperable.
Name / Nomenclature of part (WebFlis)
SL / Default is “0”
SLAC / Default is “00”
COG / Transfers from GDAPL
FSC / First 4 digits of NSN – Webflis or TM
NIIN / Last 9 digits of NSN – Webflis or TM
UI / WebFlis
UI PRICE / WebFlis
QUP / WebFlis
SMR / Transfers from GDAPL
DMIL / WebFlis
PSPC / Transfers from GDAPL
PMIC / WebFlis
QPA / Quantity per assembly. Transfers from GDAPL or found in TM.
MRRI / Equals QPA
MRU / Default is “001”
AMC / Default is “3”
AMSC / Default is “L”
TM CODE / Enter a 3 character code for the TM the PN is located. Best method is to take the characters 7-9 from the TM NSN (i.e. XXXX-XX-L9A-XXXX) since all the other digits will be the same across the TM set.
FIG NUM / Enter 4 digit figure number where PN is located (i.e. 0045). This can be the page number or figure number, as long as it is easily identifiable if someone were to reference that document.
ITEM NUM / Enter 4 digit line item number where PN is located (i.e. 0002).
CC / CRIT CD on WebFlis (Usually blank or “X”)
INC / WebFlis
ALTCAGE1 / Enter alternate Cage Code from WebFlis
ALTPN1 / Enter alternate Part Number for corresponding Cage Code from Webflis
ALTRNCC1, ALTRNVC1, ALTDAC1 / Webflis. Repeat ALTCAGE, ALTPN, ALTRNCC, ALTRNVC, and ALTDAC for up to 3 alternate Cage Codes/Part Numbers
AFC2 / Component LAPL under column “PMR AF”. Do not complete if PMS part.
AFC QTY2 / Enter “0” is AFC2 = A-H, J-N, or P-W. Do not complete if PMS part.
AOC2 / Enter “P” if PMS part
AOC QTY2 / Enter quantity for PMS part
  1. Once updated, combine all Excel spreadsheets into main equipment spreadsheet, with a blank row separating each PCCN.
  2. Remove all highlighting for final version.
  3. Renumber all PLISNs starting with A001 for the TM set and continue numbering through all lower assemblies.
  4. Update the CCF tab.
  5. Select the CCF sheet.
  6. Select Header/CCF Maintenance from the PCCN Menu.
  7. Enter the PCCN (with the second character removed for lower assemblies).
  8. Enter the APL as 95000 for the main assembly, 95001 for the engine group, 95006 for the fuel group, 95007 for the exhaust group, etc. APL should consist of 5 digits starting with 950 and ending with a two digit suffix. Refer to Companion LAPL.
  9. Select N as the DCN Flag.
  10. Select LMI as Format.
  11. Select HME as Project Type.
  12. Enter the full PCCN in 1st Key PCCN field (Do not need to remove second character).
  13. Enter Contract Number.
  14. Enter Nomenclature as written in the GFI Loan Document. This field can be a maximum of 20 characters so you may need to abbreviate.
  15. Enter Basic for Control Data.
  16. Enter the Prime Cage Code as listed in the Technical Transmittal.
  17. Enter the name of the group (i.e. Engine, Clutch, Fuel, etc.) in the 2nd Key PCCN field.
  18. Enter NFELC-C in the Contractor Name field.
  19. Enter Sergio Castaneda in the TSA field, with NFELC as the TSA Activity and 805-982-6574 as the TSA Phone.
  20. Enter NAVICP-M as the ICP Activity.
  21. Enter the Tech Manual Number (NSN).
  22. Enter “S” in the QPEI field.
  23. In the Remarks field, enter the full nomenclature without abbreviations.
  24. In the CCF field, enter data in the same format as the following example. You may add additional CCF data as necessary. Ensure the “Note” is written exactly as follows or the line breaks will not upload properly in ICAPS. The top line of 5 digits is the Prime Cage Code.

Figure 1. CCF Field Example

  1. Select Save to Spreadsheet.
  2. Select the PCCN dropdown on the Header/CCF screen and select *NEW*.
  3. Enter the next PCCN (with the second character removed for lower assemblies).
  4. Select Yes on the popup “Do you want to retain existing Data?”
  5. Update the Header/CCF for the next PCCN.
  6. Repeat for all PCCNs.
  1. Save a copy of the completed Excel spreadsheet to Synecticstorage.
  2. Create a folder in the \\Synecticstorage\docs\NFELC\APL Master Files folder. Use standard naming convention (4-digit contract # + Task Order # + PWS serial # + ASSET NOMENCLATURE + “APL”).
  3. Create a subfolder within the new folder call “SSI Drafts”
  4. Save the spreadsheet to this new folder.
  5. Select Output PCCN to create a PCS file for uploading into ICAPS.
  6. Save a copy of the PCS file in the SSI Drafts folder.
  7. Open ICAPS and select Input PCS Format under the Transfer menu to upload the PCS file.
  8. Once uploaded, rename the lower assembly PCCNs by selecting Rename on the main ICAPS screen.
  9. Verify each header by selecting Header on the main ICAPS screen for each PCCN.
  10. While in the header section, select ILS Data.
  11. Enter PENDING in the Maintenance Index Page field.
  12. With validations on, scroll through each PLISN to verify and validate the information.
  13. Run the TSA Provisioning Validation Report for each PCCN and verify each PCCN passes validation.
  14. Select Data Exchange Out on the Transfer menu to output the text file for draft delivery.
  15. Create PTD:
  16. Copy/print all pages from the TM used to determine part numbers (include both figures and parts listing if on multiple pages).
  17. Create a header sheet that states the PCCN and the group nomenclature (Engine, Fuel, Exhaust, etc.)
  18. Parse out PTD into groups (by PCCN) with the header sheet at the front of each section.
  19. Create a single PDF document of the PTD.
  20. Draft Delivery (PTD and text file) to government.
  21. Within the APL folder for that Task Order on Synecticstorage, create a new folder called “Draft Deliverables” (now there should be two folders, SSI Drafts and Draft Deliverables).
  22. Save a copy of the PTD and the text file (IDE) to the Draft Deliverables folder.
  23. Complete a CDRL and CDRL Like Delivery Tracking Number Request Form.
  24. Enter employee portal on company website (
  25. Select the Forms link on the left of the employee portal screen.
  26. Select and complete the and CDRL Like Delivery Tracking Number Request Form.
  27. Send the completed request in an email to Marie Kinnear.
  28. Once a CDRL has been assigned, send an email to the PM.
  29. Use the proper naming convention for the subject.
  30. Include the CDRL tracking number in the email body.
  31. Insert a hyperlink to the folder containing the draft deliverables.
  32. PM will notify government of delivery.
  33. Receive government review and comments.
  34. Within the APL folder for that Task Order on Synecticstorage, create a new folder called “Government Comments”.
  35. Save a copy of the government comments to this folder.
  36. Incorporate government comments.
  37. Select Data Exchange Out on the Transfer menu to output the text file for validation delivery.
  38. Within the APL folder for that Task Order on Synecticstorage, create a new folder called “Validation Deliverable”. Save a copy of the final text file (IDE) to this folder.
  39. Upload validation delivery into ICAPS mainframe.
  40. Go to
  41. Select Login. Enter username and password.
  42. Select Data Exchange In from the Transfer menu.
  43. Locate and select the text file (IDE) for upload.
  44. Select GO! If the file contains any errors an error message will appear and you will not be able to upload the file. Go back into the local ICAPS and run the validation reports. Correct any errors and try the upload again.
  45. Notify government of validation delivery.
  46. Send email to PM notifying of validation delivery. Include original CDRL number in email.
  47. PM will notify government of delivery.
  48. Government review for validation/acceptance.
  49. If accepted, return GFI to PM. No further steps required.
  50. If not accepted, government comments will be received.
  51. Incorporate government comments and upload final delivery into ICAPS mainframe. Save the final delivery text file into a new folder named “Final Deliverable”.
  52. Select Data Exchange Out on the Transfer menu to output the text file for final delivery.
  53. Within the APL folder for that Task Order on Synecticstorage, create a new folder called “Final Deliverable”. Save a copy of the final text file (IDE) to this folder.
  54. Notify government of validation delivery.
  55. Send email to PM notifying of validation delivery. Include original CDRL number in email.
  56. PM will notify government of delivery.
  57. Return GFI to PM.