Responsibilities of the Lead Teacher
· Develops the lesson plan
· Is first at the next activity
· Keeps track of each child
· Conducts evaluation (SLCC form)
· Is first to each new activity
· Communicates with children
· Coordinates with support teachers to make certain they know what is expected of them
Responsibilities of the Support Teacher
· Keeps track of each child
· Answers children’s questions and helps with their requests
· Assists children with clean up
· Supervises children during activities
· Participates with children
· Resolves behavior problems that might occur during activities
Lead Teacher 100-point Lesson Plan - Due Wed./Thurs. 2 weeks before you teach.
1 day late minus 20 points
2 days late minus 40 points
This applies even if you are absent.
The lesson plan is for a specific topic, day, age group .
100-point teaching day. To receive maximum points you must evaluate with Mrs. Moyle before leaving class. Grade includes materials, set up, clean up, guidance, etc.
No make up if absent; can help during another class for 70 points. In order to make up points you must call Mrs. Moyle and report your absence before class begins.
Discovery 50 points - Due Wed./Thurs 2 weeks before you teach.
Lesson Plans 1 day late minus 10 points
2 days late minus 20 points
These plans are for a specific week, and a specific learning center for all age groups. Never repeat activities within an 8-week time period.
Bulletin Board 50 points - Due Wed./Thurs. of the week before you teach
1 day late minus 10 points
2 days late minus 20 points
Your bulletin board is for the same topics as your lead teacher and for a specific bulletin board. Fill out grading sheet first!!!
Name Tag 50 points - Due Wed./Thurs. of the week before you teach
1 day late minus 10 points
2 days late minus 20 points
Name tags are for a specific week, a specific topic (the same as your lead teachers), and for a specific age group.
Photographer With a camera around your neck, observe children and take 10 photos of amazing things the children do.
Load disk onto lap top, fix photos, save on disk.
10 points per day. Set up, clean up, food preparation; with children when not doing the above.
You must be in the preschool room, not the class room, the entire period.
If you have any questions, ask the lead teacher.
RESEARCH 10 points per day. Research ideas from text books GROUP and files. Write Lesson Plans, Write Discovery Plans,
Sketch bulletin board idea, Research name tag idea.
Lesson plans and discovery plans due Wed./Thurs. of this rotation.
GATHERING 10 points per day. Make and color visuals, make play GROUP dough, prepare food, cut out pictures, fill trays with
visuals and supplies.
Bulletin board- Put up bulletin board the day before you teach
Lead teacher- gather ALL supplies
Name tag- turn in tags
Discovery- gather all supplies, put directions in tray on cardstock with a clothes pin.
Photographer- Give Moyle a disk with your name, period in permanent black marker.
Gathering Assisting
Group Group