Table 1: ANOVA table for FDA (Rice).

Source / DF / Sum of Squares / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Treatment / 7 / 0.17366586 / 0.02480941 / 1553.74 / <.0001
WaterLevel / 2 / 0.60180417 / 0.30090208 / 18844.6 / <.0001
Treatment×WaterLevel / 14 / 0.02931206 / 0.00209372 / 131.12 / <.0001
Practice / 1 / 0.08682844 / 0.08682844 / 5437.81 / <.0001
Treatment×Practice / 7 / 0.00471344 / 0.00067335 / 42.17 / <.0001
WaterLevel×Practice / 2 / 0.05233272 / 0.02616636 / 1638.72 / <.0001
Treatment×WaterLevel×Practice / 14 / 0.01747239 / 0.00124803 / 78.16 / <.0001
Replication / 2 / 0.00485304 / 0.00242652 / 151.97 / <.0001
Treatment×Replication / 14 / 0.00013418 / 0.00000958 / 0.60 / 0.8565
WaterLevel×Replication / 4 / 0.00002692 / 0.00000673 / 0.42 / 0.7927
Practice×Replication / 2 / 0.00053093 / 0.00026547 / 16.63 / <.0001

*Here DF=degree of freedom; Treatment=Nutrient treatment; Practice=Tillage practices.

Table 1(a): Comparison of means of various treatmentsFDA (Rice).

Treatment / MEAN
T0 / 0.19450000
T1 / 0.25483333
T2 / 0.27083333
T3 / 0.22472222
T4 / 0.24716667
T5 / 0.20733333
T6 / 0.29461111
T7 / 0.19300000

Table 2: ANOVA table for FDA (Wheat).

Source / DF / Sum of Squares / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Treatment / 7 / 1.44016100 / 0.20573729 / 1610.07 / <.0001
WaterLevel / 2 / 2.55287110 / 1.27643555 / 9989.17 / <.0001
Treatment×WaterLevel / 14 / 0.50443646 / 0.03603118 / 281.97 / <.0001
Practice / 1 / 0.05601111 / 0.05601111 / 438.33 / <.0001
Treatment×Practice / 7 / 0.01527144 / 0.00218163 / 17.07 / <.0001
WaterLevel×Practice / 2 / 0.00289460 / 0.00144730 / 11.33 / <.0001
Treatment×WaterLevel×Practice / 14 / 0.01840718 / 0.00131480 / 10.29 / <.0001
Replication / 2 / 0.00763818 / 0.00381909 / 29.89 / <.0001
Treatment×Replication / 14 / 0.00134271 / 0.00009591 / 0.75 / 0.7171
WaterLevel×Replication / 4 / 0.00017440 / 0.00004360 / 0.34 / 0.8493
Practice×Replication / 2 / 0.00170751 / 0.00085376 / 6.68 / 0.0022

*Here DF=degree of freedom; Treatment=Nutrient treatment; Practice=Tillage practices.

Table 2(a): Comparison of means of various treatmentsfor FDA (Wheat).

Treatment / MEAN
T0 / 0.47361111
T1 / 0.58722222
T2 / 0.64394444
T3 / 0.50316667
T4 / 0.59394444
T5 / 0.49016667
T6 / 0.73688889
T7 / 0.40350000

Table 3: ANOVA table for Azotobacter (Rice).

Source / DF / Sum of Squares / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Treatment / 7 / 4.93896222 / 0.70556603 / 310.05 / <.0001
Water level / 2 / 1.88232068 / 0.94116034 / 413.58 / <.0001
Treatment×WaterLevel / 14 / 0.26890565 / 0.01920755 / 8.44 / <.0001
Practice / 1 / 0.39963469 / 0.39963469 / 175.61 / <.0001
Treatment×Practice / 7 / 0.02612575 / 0.00373225 / 1.64 / 0.1375
WaterLevel×Practice / 2 / 0.00611485 / 0.00305742 / 1.34 / 0.2672
Treatment×WaterLevel×Practice / 14 / 0.03183037 / 0.00227360 / 1.00 / 0.4634
Replication / 2 / 0.00153039 / 0.00076519 / 0.34 / 0.7155
Treatment×Replication / 14 / 0.03013061 / 0.00215219 / 0.95 / 0.5157
WaterLevel×Replication / 4 / 0.00117611 / 0.00029403 / 0.13 / 0.9713
Practice×Replication / 2 / 0.00219239 / 0.00109619 / 0.48 / 0.6197

*Here DF=degree of freedom; Treatment=Nutrient treatment; Practice=Tillage practices.

Table 3(a): Comparison of means of various treatmentsfor Azotobacter (Rice).

Treatment / MEAN
T0 / 4.46961111
T1 / 4.76872222
T2 / 4.84855556
T3 / 4.60350000
T4 / 4.90161111
T5 / 4.62900000
T6 / 4.95155556
T7 / 4.42388889

Table 4: ANOVA table for Azotobacter (Wheat).

Source / DF / Sum of Squares / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Treatment / 7 / 2.47023000 / 0.35289000 / 5.51 / <.0001
WaterLevel / 2 / 0.68151543 / 0.34075772 / 5.32 / 0.0069
Treatment×WaterLevel / 14 / 1.09086279 / 0.07791877 / 1.22 / 0.2822
Practice / 1 / 0.51051025 / 0.51051025 / 7.97 / 0.0061
Treatment×Practice / 7 / 0.41730131 / 0.05961447 / 0.93 / 0.4882
WaterLevel×Practice / 2 / 0.09489579 / 0.04744790 / 0.74 / 0.4803
Treatment×WaterLevel×Practice / 14 / 1.08244732 / 0.07731767 / 1.21 / 0.2888
Replication / 2 / 0.11772460 / 0.05886230 / 0.92 / 0.4034
Treatment×Replication / 14 / 0.87522629 / 0.06251616 / 0.98 / 0.4857
WaterLevel×Replication / 4 / 0.23770236 / 0.05942559 / 0.93 / 0.4526
Practice×Replication / 2 / 0.14149329 / 0.07074665 / 1.10 / 0.3368

*Here DF=degree of freedom; Treatment=Nutrient treatment; Practice=Tillage practices.

Table 4(a): Comparison of means of various treatmentsfor Azotobacter (Wheat).

Treatment / MEAN
T0 / 4.86983333
T1 / 5.18061111
T2 / 5.20244444
T3 / 5.09161111
T4 / 5.05438889
T5 / 5.09966667
T6 / 5.19900000
T7 / 4.84822222

Table 5: ANOVA table for Bacillus (Rice).

Source / DF / Sum of Squares / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Treatment / 7 / 3.51705542 / 0.50243649 / 1.44 / 0.2034
WaterLevel / 2 / 0.00895554 / 0.00447777 / 0.01 / 0.9873
Treatment×WaterLevel / 14 / 4.87049579 / 0.34789256 / 1.00 / 0.4669
Practice / 1 / 2.87189511 / 2.87189511 / 8.22 / 0.0054
Treatment×Practice / 7 / 2.56935922 / 0.36705132 / 1.05 / 0.4042
WaterLevel×Practice / 2 / 1.15040751 / 0.57520376 / 1.65 / 0.1998
Treatment×WaterLevel×Practice / 14 / 4.46343515 / 0.31881680 / 0.91 / 0.5497
Replication / 2 / 0.83555704 / 0.41777852 / 1.20 / 0.3084
Treatment×Replication / 14 / 4.72374496 / 0.33741035 / 0.97 / 0.4961
WaterLevel×Replication / 4 / 1.21901667 / 0.30475417 / 0.87 / 0.4850
Practice×Replication / 2 / 0.53256010 / 0.26628005 / 0.76 / 0.4704

*Here DF=degree of freedom; Treatment=Nutrient treatment; Practice=Tillage practices.

Table 5(a): Comparison of means of various treatmentsfor Bacillus (Rice).

Treatment / MEAN
T0 / 8.87472222
T1 / 8.72088889
T2 / 9.15527778
T3 / 8.98561111
T4 / 9.17983333
T5 / 8.99761111
T6 / 9.15100000
T7 / 8.84738889

Table 7: ANOVA table for Pseudomonas (Rice).

Source / DF / Sum of Squares / Mean Square / F Value / PrF
Treatment / 7 / 13.67359022 / 1.95337003 / 7.39 / <.0001
WaterLevel / 2 / 0.94107413 / 0.47053706 / 1.78 / 0.1757
Treatment×WaterLevel / 14 / 13.79850565 / 0.98560755 / 3.73 / 0.0001
Practice / 1 / 2.06544803 / 2.06544803 / 7.82 / 0.0066
Treatment×Practice / 7 / 7.30887453 / 1.04412493 / 3.95 / 0.0010
WaterLevel×Practice / 2 / 2.07388135 / 1.03694067 / 3.92 / 0.0240
Treatment×WaterLevel×Practice / 14 / 13.93984710 / 0.99570336 / 3.77 / <.0001
Replication / 2 / 0.71910150 / 0.35955075 / 1.36 / 0.2629
Treatment×Replication / 14 / 3.45763494 / 0.24697392 / 0.93 / 0.5270
WaterLevel×Replication / 4 / 0.86106963 / 0.21526741 / 0.81 / 0.5199
Practice×Replication / 2 / 0.37295106 / 0.18647553 / 0.71 / 0.4971

*Here DF=degree of freedom; Treatment=Nutrient treatment; Practice=Tillage practices.

Table 7(a): Comparison of means of various treatmentsfor Pseudomonas (Rice).

Treatment / MEAN
T0 / 7.32038889
T1 / 7.78938889
T2 / 7.77733333
T3 / 6.90544444
T4 / 7.79394444
T5 / 7.66861111
T6 / 7.75727778
T7 / 7.29094444